My Dad's Secrets
From the book Spider’s Night on the Boom
Gary Anderson
I've only begun to understand my dad since I became a father myself, and it's amazing to me how I'm constantly being reminded of lessons he taught me 40 years...
Online Resources for Working Women who Juggle Family, Career and Home
Working mothers work longer hours Approximately 47% of the UK workforce is now made up of women, with 12 million employed, according to the Labour Force Survey from the Office of National Statistics. And the employment figure is rising by...
The ADD Child: Challenging Parents, Teachers and Friends
The ADD child exhibits a series of behaviors that are common in most children. Most children misbehave, act silly and day dream. So what, then, is the difference? The child with Attention Deficit Disorder exhibits these behaviors in a constant...
The First Thing On Your To Do List
Make out your Advance Directives. It is better to plan in advance then to rely on fantasies of how we think others would react to making decisions for us. Others may make decisions that may be in their own best interest not yours. Unplanned...
Treasure Your Family Memories: Inspiration in Unexpected Places
A Saturday morning expedition with the kids brought me an unexpected surprise. Certainly I had some expectations of our outing to the "Healthy Kids Day" at the local YMCA. Mildly entertained children, yes. Gentle reminders to make healthier...
5 Things You Must Do If You Want To Create a First Aid Kit For Your Family
1. Accidents and medical emergencies in the home happen frequently. Maybe more frequently than we realize.
Statistics show a fatal injury occurs every 18 minutes in homes across America and every 4 seconds a disabling injury could occur. Accidents occur from falls, fire, burns, choking and poisoning.
2. Every home should have at least one first Aid Kit that is well stocked and readily available.
First Aid Kits are used most often for minor injuries such as cuts, sunburns or bites. Having a well stocked First Aid Kit available can save someone's life in a serious accident.
3. A First Aid Kit won't be any good to you if you don't know how to use it.
Make sure you have a guide in your kit from a reliable source. It should have the latest medical advice and be easy to understand, particularly under stress.
4. There are 5 categories that are imperative in your First Aid Kit
5. Instruments
Pointed tweezers for removing splinters Disposable latex or non latex gloves Small rounded-tipped scissors for cutting tape, clothes or bandages Breathing Barrier for performing CPR Thermometer-either digital or mercury Ice Bag Eye Patches Oral medicine syringe Bandages that are good quality. A variety of all sizes to dress a variety of wounds One dozen individually wrapped sterile gauze pads 2" X 2" Six non-stick gauze bandages Six individually wrapped sterile gauze pads 4" X 4"
One roll 2" gauze bandage One roll 5" gauze bandage Elastic bandages Triangular Bandages Adhesive Tape
6. Antiseptics
Antiseptics such as Hydrogen Peroxide to kill germs. Antibacterial cream or ointment . This is good for cuts ,scrapes and insect bites.
7. Medicines
Over the counter medicines such as antihistamine cough suppressant aspirin syrup of ipecac in case someone ingests poison. This should only be used after calling the Poison Control Center first.
8. Keeping your First Aid Kit Updated
Your First Aid Kit should be checked once a year, possibly the same day you check your smoke detectors, to be sure it is fully stocked and nothing has expired. Make sure you always make a note of anything you use out of your Kit so it can easily be replaced.
9. Storing your First Aid Kit
Make sure you store your First Aid Kit in a tote bag or plastic container that will keep your kit clean and dry and easily accessible in your home. It is recommended to have one on each floor in your home and workshop. Make sure everyone in your home knows where they are and how to use it. It could save your families life.
Val and Robin Shortt are experienced campers and own three outdoor websites For more tips like these and to register for their Free newsletter visit:
Good Night Camping Equipment
Family.org |
Offers practical help for marriage and child-rearing. Recent magazine articles, letters from Dr. James Dobson, news, and RealAudio broadcasts. |
www.family.org |
FamilyFun: Fun stuff for Kids, Parents - and More Family Fun |
Family Fun is your online source for arts and crafts, recipes, and parties for every holiday, plus hundreds of ideas for kid crafts, birthday cakes, ... |
familyfun.go.com |
Family.ca |
Take polls, rant and rave on Canada's family broadcaster site. Full of shockwave games, animation and information about the shows they carry. |
www.family.ca |
Family.com - closed beta |
Features a to do list, calendar, and recommended sites for health, shopping, and recipes. |
family.go.com |
FamilySearch.org - Family History and Genealogy Records |
Search for family ancestors. Billions of free family tree, family history, ancestry, genealogy and census records. |
www.familysearch.org |
Family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
A family consists of a domestic group of people (or a number of domestic groups), ... Members of the nuclear family use descriptive kinship terms: ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Family (biology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The concept of rank at that time was still in statu nascendi, and in the preface to the Prodromus Magnol spoke of uniting his families into larger genera, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Family Guy |
The official Family Guy website with everything you ever wanted to know about the show and more. |
www.familyguy.com |
Parenting advice, child development and family reference at ... |
FamilyEducation.com provides parents with educational printables, games, activities, parenting ideas, tips, family advice, and information on learning ... |
www.familyeducation.com |
Family Life Today |
FamilyLife, a division of Campus Crusade for Christ, provides practical, biblical tools to strengthen marriage and family relationships, including the ... |
www.familylife.com |
WorldVillage - A Family Friendly Portal for Families, Kids, Adults ... |
WorldVillage is for families, kids, adults, parents and teachers. Features include coupon codes, online games, downloads, internet monitoring and internet ... |
www.worldvillage.com |
Open Directory - Home: Family |
Family Check-up - Provides assessment activities and access to educational materials related to family health with respect to family life, finances, ... |
dmoz.org |
Free Family Ecards, Family Greeting Cards, Family Greetings, Cards ... |
Express your appreciation to your family/ loved ones for all that they have ... Reach out to your friend/ family/ loved one and let them know how much you ... |
cards.123greetings.com |
kids and family news articles - arizona education - arizona family ... |
Family News Articles - azcentral.com provides articles and reports on Arizona education and Arizona family events. |
www.azcentral.com |
Google Directory - Home > Family |
Many articles dealing with a wide range of topics from single parenting, family life, child development and stress management. ... |
www.google.com |
Family Research Council: Wednesday, December 6, 2006 |
Christian organization promoting the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which it is built. Provides links, commentary, news, ... |
www.frc.org |
Sesame Workshop - Home Page |
The non-profit educational organization behind the show and related educational outreach. |
www.sesameworkshop.org |
National Sex Offender Registry |
Free national US search for registered sex offenders. Map registered sex offenders to see who lives in your area. |
www.familywatchdog.us |
FHI Family Health International |
Provides the highest quality research, education and services in family planning, STDs/HIV and family health to improve the health and well-being of ... |
www.fhi.org |
National Family Caregivers Association |
Caregiving advocacy organization with tips and statistics on caregiving in America. |
www.nfcacares.org |