Camping Journals – Preserve Your Family Camping Experiences
Camping is a great way to escape the rat race with your family. Alas, your family camping experiences can fade with time. The best way to prevent this is to keep a camping journal for your family adventures.
Camping Journals
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Clutter Is Natural
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Family Monopoly Champ!
I’m the Monopoly champion of my house for the fifth straight year! I know, I know, I’m sure this means about as much to y’all as a glass of warm spit, but to me it’s a big deal. All families develop certain traditions over the years, so this week...
How to Understand your Cat
Did you know that everyday your cat talks to you? Not with spoken words, but through body language, motions and gestures. Just like humans, cats feel happiness, unhappiness, boredom, affection and nervousness. Each of these is expressed by a...
As Penn State professor William Rothwell ominously points out in the forward to Exit Right: A Guided Tour of Succession Planning for Families in Business Together, more than 40% of the people who run the closely held operations that comprise 80% of...
A Lesson in Family History
A lesson in family history is as near as your family's cemetery. Teach your children and grandchildren about those who have come before them.
Several years ago I attended my grandfather's funeral. Living into his late eighties, my grandfather had lived a long, eventful life, first with my father's mother who died after more than 40 years of marriage, and then with his second wife, whom he shared his life with for more than 20 years until he died. When my grandfather died, his wife, who is now in a nursing home, forever said goodbye to her third husband and my grandfather was buried next to his first wife, the mother of his four children, in the small farming community where their children had been born and raised.
When we arrived at the burial site, I didn't at first realize all of the family history recorded before my very eyes. My aunt, my father's sister, had lived all of her almost 60 years in this small community, and she knew the history of each relative buried there, dating back to the early 1800's. As we walked in between the grave stones, my aunt told me story after story of the people who were laid to rest in this quiet peaceful place--grandparents, great-grandparents, great aunts and uncles. She told me the story of how my grandmother's mother had died when my grandmother was a small girl, and how she and her brother had been sent to live with relatives until their father remarried and they were brought back to live with his new family. My aunt showed me where my great grandparents were buried, as well as my great uncle. My grandmother was buried on the other side of the cemetery, however, with my grandfather's family--his family had also been buried there for generations. I got goosebumps as I looked in awe at all the history before me. My grandfather was buried right next to my grandmother, where she had been patiently waiting for him for more than 20 years.
After the burial services we went
and visited at the home of my grandmother's half sister, a great aunt I had never met. My father's family is a quiet bunch who normally keep to themselves and their own lives, and I'd never been with so many members of his family at once. I made a point to take lots of pictures and later made copies of them to send to his brothers and sister. I knew in my heart that if I didn't that moment would be lost and gone forever. They would probably never be together in one place again.
I left with a small sense of sadness and a great awareness of my mortality and my duty to preserve my family's memories. I wished my daughter had been there with me to see what I had seen. She still does not have a sense of connection to the family members who have come before her.
My mother's family lives closer to us, and this Memorial Day I have made the commitment to journey to the small community where my mother grew up to visit the graves of her family members. Her sister, my aunt, still lives there and still remembers the history represented by the solemn grave markers. I will take my daughter with me this time, and I will talk to her of those who have come before her. I want her to grow up with a sense of purpose and a sense of connection to the past so she can more consciously participate in the future to come, affecting the lives of those will come after we are gone--those who might visit our graves and wonder what great things we accomplished during our lifetimes.
What will people say about you when you're gone? I hope people will say about me, "She was a loving wife and mother. A source of strength to all who knew her. May God bless her and give her peace."
About the Author
Originally published at Suite 101. Rachel Paxton is a freelance writer and mom. For complete resources for the Christian home, visit her web site at http://www.Christian-Parent.com.
Family.org |
Offers practical help for marriage and child-rearing. Recent magazine articles, letters from Dr. James Dobson, news, and RealAudio broadcasts. |
www.family.org |
FamilyFun: Fun stuff for Kids, Parents - and More Family Fun |
Family Fun is your online source for arts and crafts, recipes, and parties for every holiday, plus hundreds of ideas for kid crafts, birthday cakes, ... |
familyfun.go.com |
Family.ca |
Take polls, rant and rave on Canada's family broadcaster site. Full of shockwave games, animation and information about the shows they carry. |
www.family.ca |
Family.com - closed beta |
Features a to do list, calendar, and recommended sites for health, shopping, and recipes. |
family.go.com |
FamilySearch.org - Family History and Genealogy Records |
Search for family ancestors. Billions of free family tree, family history, ancestry, genealogy and census records. |
www.familysearch.org |
Family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
A family consists of a domestic group of people (or a number of domestic groups), ... Members of the nuclear family use descriptive kinship terms: ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Family (biology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The concept of rank at that time was still in statu nascendi, and in the preface to the Prodromus Magnol spoke of uniting his families into larger genera, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Family Guy |
The official Family Guy website with everything you ever wanted to know about the show and more. |
www.familyguy.com |
Parenting advice, child development and family reference at ... |
FamilyEducation.com provides parents with educational printables, games, activities, parenting ideas, tips, family advice, and information on learning ... |
www.familyeducation.com |
Family Life Today |
FamilyLife, a division of Campus Crusade for Christ, provides practical, biblical tools to strengthen marriage and family relationships, including the ... |
www.familylife.com |
WorldVillage - A Family Friendly Portal for Families, Kids, Adults ... |
WorldVillage is for families, kids, adults, parents and teachers. Features include coupon codes, online games, downloads, internet monitoring and internet ... |
www.worldvillage.com |
Open Directory - Home: Family |
Family Check-up - Provides assessment activities and access to educational materials related to family health with respect to family life, finances, ... |
dmoz.org |
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cards.123greetings.com |
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Family News Articles - azcentral.com provides articles and reports on Arizona education and Arizona family events. |
www.azcentral.com |
Google Directory - Home > Family |
Many articles dealing with a wide range of topics from single parenting, family life, child development and stress management. ... |
www.google.com |
Family Research Council: Wednesday, December 6, 2006 |
Christian organization promoting the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which it is built. Provides links, commentary, news, ... |
www.frc.org |
Sesame Workshop - Home Page |
The non-profit educational organization behind the show and related educational outreach. |
www.sesameworkshop.org |
National Sex Offender Registry |
Free national US search for registered sex offenders. Map registered sex offenders to see who lives in your area. |
www.familywatchdog.us |
FHI Family Health International |
Provides the highest quality research, education and services in family planning, STDs/HIV and family health to improve the health and well-being of ... |
www.fhi.org |
National Family Caregivers Association |
Caregiving advocacy organization with tips and statistics on caregiving in America. |
www.nfcacares.org |