A New Family History
Have you ever felt trapped by your family history?
Many of us were raised by loving, well-meaning parents, many of whom had very bad health habits. Perhaps our parents smoked cigarettes, followed unhealthy diets, lived with too much stress or one of a hundred other things that we know today will rob us of the quality of our lives.
This thought leads us to the next logical idea ... what type of family history are we creating for OUR children?
The good news is this. No matter what type of home you were raised in or what habits you have formed up to now, you can start a new family history beginning today! And the Internet will help.
To begin with, it's fair to say that everyone wants to live in good health. Given a choice of being well or being ill, what would you choose?
Let's look together at three powerful ways to begin a new family history today and how the Internet can help us reach that goal.
1. Vitamins and supplements. For over 25 years the idea of a "one time per day" multi vitamin had been thought to be good enough. Now we know that, while this is a good starting point, it's just not enough for today's busy lifestyle.
The good news is that there are web sites a plenty that can help you find the right balance of vitamins for you. Look for sites that offer lists of "symptoms" (like 'sleepy all the time' or 'hard to get out of bed in the morning') and then go on to offer specific information about how to overcome those challenges.
2. Exercise. Another multi-billion dollar industry that excels in selling products. Look for sites that offer information specific to your life. A great first step is to write down your current situation. Are you over 50? Under 20? In great shape now? Can't make a flight of stairs without stopping?
The good news here is that there are lots of web sites that
offer very practical advise no matter your current condition. From simple things you can do while sitting down to how to train for your next marathon, the information is available and free to all with a dial up connection.
3. Foods. Food used to be just food. Now there are super-foods and foods that help you accomplish specific goals. You can find a wealth of great information online about foods that help in specific ways.
Did you know there are chocolates that actually help you lose weight? How about foods that help your brain function and improve memory too? All of this and more is not only possible but is happening now.
The bottom line is this. Your health matters. How you choose to live today will be reflected in the lives of your children. In 2003 we are blessed with an abundance of free information to help us create a healthy, happy family history for our children and improve our everyday lives as well.
With great health comes the freedom to make more money, enjoy the rich relationships we all cherish, try new and exciting activities and more. The tools are all at your disposal.
Make 2003 your best year yet. Take time to evaluate where you stand now, where you want to be, and how to cross that divide. Dare to dream and your dreams will come true!
*********************************************************** Dr. Caron Goode, a psychologist and author of parenting and health books, manages www.inspiredparenting.net Visit www.inspiredparenting.net now and get a FREE SAMPLE of Ross Chocolates. Incredible tasting, sugar-free, low-carb Belgian chocolates. Now chocolate can be good for you! While at Inspired Parenting check out the books, music and resources that empower you.