Family violence is still common, and rape within marriage has never been recognized as crime.
Almost a fortnight ago, a man Makungu Misalaba (26) a resident of Chandulu village in Magu District Mwanza butchered his wife Makani Ndolle (19) and son Abelli Makungu (5) following a family misunderstanding. Another episode was of one Neema Abdallah Nyamshira (24) a resident of Majengo ward in Singida region, who was also slaughtered by her husband Mohamed Mahone (36) following repeated squabbles and misunderstandings at family level.
These two examples are but a few of uncountable domestic brutalities taking place in the family levels worldwide. Violence at family level is part of every day life all over the world. It affects children, women and men regardless of their age, economic stand, race and education level. It is the case to be addressed by every one!
The most affected through upsurge in domestic violence are women, older persons and children – mostly in Africa. Life in the families for the categories means drudgery, slavery, violence and brutality! Family violence is still common, and rape within marriage has never been recognized as crime. Hence putting them into impossible situation everyday wherever you look in the world.
Next Thursday, the 15th, day of May this week, we as members of our respective families are going to celebrate or observe the tenth anniversary of international day of families.
The day was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution number 47/237 of 20th September 1993. The annual observance reflects the importance, which the international community attaches to families as basic units of society, as well as, its concern regarding their situation around the world.
For us, the day should provide opportunity to promote awareness of issues relating to families as well as promote appropriate action. Also give opportunity to increase knowledge of the economic, cultural, social and demographic processes affecting families.
Families are encouraged to use the day to strengthen their relationship within family members, since it further provides opportunity for all people to consider the comfort, the support, and the nurturing that is given and received in the family. The two narrated episodes are the impacts of misuse of the said
opportunities within the families.
Yet the general Assembly establishes the day to increase awareness of family issues and improve the institutional capability of nations to tackle serious family – related problems with comprehensive policies. Calling for strengthening family support systems as one way to foster national development.
Sexual harassment, rape, murder, etc.,are domestic violence facing women in our families ; disturbances cause by these and the following examples, can not foster national developments.
While the very biggest threats to children’s lurk is the very places that should have been safest for them home, environments etc. Gender favoring, female circumcision is other discrimination facing children in the families.
Still the older persons are also being affected through myth discrimination! We are no longer celebrating their contributions to families and societies, as well as, highlighting their role and the intergenerational dimensions of families in the context of demographic ageing. The older persons are important assets of families. It has been realized all over the world that social and economic compulsions have disintegrated the family system and left it without binding force of older persons.
The government and law enforcers should also play their part by taking appropriate actions against family brutes. Our homes have become gallows, and children are abused by seeing or hearing violence, because offenders are not punished timely and accordingly. Violence in the family leads to violence in society, it teaches children that violence is the best way to solve problems.
Ten years are not few! To give this day its valuable meaning we are bound to see ways of strengthening our relationship with fellow family members, by including simple but far-reaching ideas that cement family ties, such as taking time to contact other members in solving family problems, talking to those you do not talk to often, sharing a meal and doing joint activities such as taking a walk together.
Honesty also counts in this capacity. It shows a sign of respect to other family members, it can be used to solve squabbles and build a firm and prestigious family.
About the Author
freelance journalist, district political party secretary and african cultural advocate.