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The Castle Parador of Hondarribia, Spain
Parador Hondarribia
The Parador of Hondarribia is near the French border just a
short distance from San Sebastian, and within easy visiting
distance of Bilbao and the wonderful Guggenheim museum. Parador
Hondarribia is a 10th century castle built by the King of
Navarre in the early days of the Christian re-conquest. The
powerful Caliph, Al-Mansur, was a constant threat to the area in
the those times, but King Sancho Abarca and the castle at
Hondarribia were spared because the King had given one of his
daughters in marriage to the Caliph - there have always been
advantages to "keeping it all in the family!"
The castle was remodeled in the 16th century by Emperor Charles
the Fifth. Napoleon stayed here for some time during the wars
between Spain and France and many other notable figures in the
history of Spain and Europe have stayed here as well.
The Parador of Hondarribia is situated on the banks of the
Bidasoa estuary and provides beautiful views out to the sea.
This is every bit the castle people imagine castles to be with
its monolithic stone walls (still pockmarked by cannon-fire from
old wars), and interior decorations of medieval armor, weaponry
and tapestries. The Parador contains many charming nooks and
corners perfect for quiet sitting, reading and intimate
Interesting nearby excursions from Parador Hondarribia:
- The fishermen's area of the waterfront, and the La Marina
- The wonderful castle at San Telmo.
- Nuestra Señora de la Asunción y Manzano parish church, Gothic
15-16th c.
- Calle Mayor and Plaza de Guipúzcoa (admire the many stately
- There are nearby golf courses, and plenty of opportunities
diving, sailing, surfing and fishing.
Interesting day trips include:
- Pamplona - Parador Hondarribia is a good place to find
accommodations during the Fiesta San Fermin (running of the
bulls) when they are nearly impossible to get in Pamplona itself.
- Bilbao - the Guggenheim museum is a "must see."
- Rioja wine country - visit the wineries and vinyards along the
Ebro river near Logrono.
- Biarritz and Bayonne - wonderful beaches, casinos and
The Hondarribia Parador does not have a restaurant, but there
are fine restaurants within a short distance, and the cuisine of
this area of Spain is renowned. A well, the fascinating city of
San Sebastian is only a few miles away, and it has some of the
finest restaurants in all of Spain. The Parador does serve a
buffet breakfast in a wonderful little dining room overlooking
the water.
For intrepid travelers visiting north central Spain or
Southwestern France - the Parador of Hondarribia makes a
historically fascinating and culturally interesting place to
stay for a night - or for a week of nights!
For more on all of Spain's wonderful Paradors, go to: http://www.SpainParador.com
About the author:
Gary Bumpas has traveled extensively across Spain. He lived in
Spain and has pursued a love affair with that country over the
span of 34 years. He studied flamenco guitar with various gypsy
masters in the 70's, and explored villages rarely seen by
A professional travel consultant and acknowledged expert on the
Paradors of Spain - he helps travelers plan vacation experiences
that will create memories to last for a lifetime.