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If you have been longing to start a business online you may be coming across terms you've never heard before. You may also have found the opportunities available are overwhelming. Where do you begin? AFFILIATE PROGRAMS - EASY START Affiliate...
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Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 4b: Site Optimization
Special Text "Special text" (as it is used here) is any content on your page that is set to stand out from the rest. This includes bold, underlined, colored, highlighted, sizing and italic. This text is given weight higher than standard ...
The Link Swapping Trap
---------------------------------------------------------- Permission is granted for the below article to forward, reprint, distribute, use for ezine, newsletter, website, offer as free bonus or part of a product for sale as long as no changes are...
10 Simple Ways That You Can Promote Your Website
Back to basics.
At times, website promotion can seem confusingly complicated. There seem to be so many, sure-fire new ways to get thousands of hits to your site. Whilst some of these methods work, most just waste your time.
So, welcome back to the basics of website promotion - 10 simple, effective, ways to promote your site. Learn something new, or just remind yourself of an 'old favourite'.
Submit your site to all the major search engines and directories (except Yahoo!). Repeat at monthly intervals ONLY if your site isn't listed - this especially applies to Google!
Links: - http://www.addme.com/submission.htm - http://www.shoptour.co.uk/submit-all.html - http://www.shoptour.co.uk/go/affiliate-announce.html http://affiliatetoolkit.com/affiliateannounce/
Tip: Hand submit your site to the major search engines here - http://www.howipromotemywebsite.com/site-submit
Both Yahoo!, Zeal and the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) are search directories that are edited by real people (on Zeal, *you* are the real person!). As such, you must follow the submission guidelines of these sites exactly, or your site will not succeed in getting listed.
A listing on Yahoo! is useful as it's still one of the busiest sites on the web, and DMOZ helps your chances of a good listing on Google.
Links (how to suggest your site): - http://docs.yahoo.com/info/suggest/ - http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/info/include.html - http://www.dmoz.org/add.html - http://www.zeal.com
Tip: (see below)
To swap links, do the following: - Identify sites with similar content to yours; - Get in touch with the site's webmaster (use their name); - Politely ask for a reciprocal link, then create a "Links" section on your site and put the links there.
Not everyone will respond, but it is worth your effort as search engines (especially Google) rank sites based on how many other sites link to it!
Links (more information on what to do, and what not to do): - http://www.cashway.com/secrets_of_reciprocal_linking.htm - http://www.reciprocallink.com/article1.html - http://www.howipromotemywebsite.com/link-swaps
Tip: (see below)
Place a banner ad. (or text ad.) on your site and other sites will place your ad. on theirs in return. It's a great way to get your site noticed, and there are many free banner exchange programs to choose from.
Links: - http://www.ukbanners.com - http://www.bannersgomlm.com - http://www.linkpartners.com - http://www.txtswap.com/cgi-bin/txtswap/ea/aff.cgi?832 http://www.txtswap.com
Tip: (see below)
A signature file (sigfile) is a block of text that can be appended to the end of each e-mail message sent by your e- mail software. Use it in your e-mail, or whenever you participate in discussion groups relevant to your services or products (see below).
For example, I sometimes end emails I'm sending to a fellow webmaster with the following text:
"Thanks, Steve --------------------------------------- Free webmaster articles help you build, promote and profit online. Read them online or by email. http://www.wise-buys.info/webmaster-articles.shtml ---------------------------------------"
Links: - http://www.siglets.com/addasig.php
Tip: (see below)
Somewhere, there's a newsgroup or forum involved in discussions relevant to your site. You can find a great variety of newsgroups at Google Groups, which allows you to search all of the Usenet newsgroups for a particular term or phrase.
Post a message to a suitable newsgroup using Outlook Express (or other newsreader software), or via Google's news-group site, or via the forum itself. Do follow the newsgroup guidelines - but it is usually okay to use a signature file with each of your posts.
Links (Google Groups): - http://groups.google.com - http://www.forum-tracker.com/ - http://www.webmasterworld.com/
Tip: (see below)
Affiliate programs are a win-win opportunity for you and your potential partners (affiliates). Apart from the instant sales force you develop, you create lots of links back to your site and generally improve site exposure. Your affiliates gain from adding products or services to sell on their site.
Links: - http://www.tradedoubler.com - http://www.cj.com - http://www.associateprograms.com
Tip: (see below)
An e-zine (or newsletter) allows you to stay in touch with your visitors. You can educate your visitors with how-to articles (and so build trust in you and your organisation), let them know about new offers, or just inform them about site-improvements. Readers of your newsletter can become regular visitors to your site, and good customers too. And running a newsletter can cost little or nothing!
Links: - http://www.topica.com - http://groups.yahoo.com - http://www.sparklist.com
Tip: (see below)
Competitions are a great way of promoting your website, and finding out more about your site's visitors in the process. Offer a prize related to your website, and get people to fill out an entry form (or even join your newsletter).
When it comes time to announce the winners, send an e-mail to everyone with the winners name, and add items of interest about your services and opportunities too.
Even better, there are sites that will actually promote your online competition, giving your site even more exposure!
Links: - http://www.theprizefinder.com/asp/addacompetition.asp
Tip: (see below)
Press releases (news releases) are one of the most effective ways to generate traffic to your site. If written well, they can produce startling results. There are sites that give advice on how to write a press release, and sites that will compose and distribute your press release for you (and lots, lots more).
Links: - http://drnunley.com - http://www.prweb.com/ - http://www.pressbox.co.uk
Tip: (see below)
So there you are: ten simple ways that you can promote your website. All that's left to do now is to get out there and do some promotin'. (So, what are you waiting for!?)
Website promotion.
Get back to basics!
PS To see example tips for each of the steps above simply view this article online, at http://www.free-website-promotion-course.net
About the Author
STEVE NASH is the author of the ebook: "3 Super-Tips To Build, Promote And Profit More From Your Website." Download your free copy now! http://www.wise-buys.info/bonus.shtml
HIS BEST TIP? Visit his free website promotion guide today and get the basics right -> http://HowIPromoteMyWebsite.com
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