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5 Strategies to Boost Your Affiliate Sales
Copyright 2005 Diane Hughes
Are you promoting affiliate products?
This article will show you 5 strategies to boost your Affiliate Sales, so make sure you read it and put in practice what I'm about to reveal you.
The KEY to affiliate marketing is to take action!
1. STOP joining NEW affiliate programs
If you really want to generate more sales, then JOIN a reputable affiliate program and focus your marketing and promotion on a single affiliate product or service.
Unless you receive thousands of visitors a day to your affiliate links, there's no reason why you'd want to JOIN more affiliate programs.
Most do it because they think will make more money.
Others promote an affiliate product for a few days or weeks using weak advertising tactics, give up and then JOIN another 'HOT' program due to the fact the commission is a nice attraction.
That's the wrong way to play the affiliate marketing 'game'!
2. Register Your Own Domain Name
People purchase online from those they like and trust, so owning a domain name is the first STEP to building trust with your Web Site visitors.
Try to register a domain name related to the affiliate product you're promoting. If you promote mobile phones you can register newmobilephones.com.
Where to register domain names?
There are lots of places on the Web where you can register domains for less than $10 a year. Just do a search on "register domain names" or "domain name registration" on any search engine.
3. Build Your Own Web Site You can build your own Web Site using html editors or hire others to build it for you. Just make sure you have a Web Site of your own where you can promote the product you're affiliated with; all TOP affiliate marketers own a Web Site.
If you don't know html, you can use TOOLS that help you create Web Sites by drag-and-drop (WYSIWYG editors).
Having your own Web Site is the second step to building trust with your Web Site visitors and a GREAT Way
to boost your Affiliate Sales. The more CONTENT you add to your site, the more FREE targeted traffic you could attract from major search engines like Google.
4. Create Your Own Affiliate Promotion Materials
If you want to boost your Affiliate Sales you must do something different, you must stand out in the crowd.
There are other affiliates promoting the same product like you so you should think of ways to CREATE your own original affiliate promotion materials.
Let me give you 2 examples:
- create your own articles, ads, courses, ebooks, reports, etc.
- offer EXCLUSIVE Bonuses to any order that came from your affiliate link (e.g. a Special Report or ebook)
5. Get more quality TRAFFIC to your Site
You can't generate any Affiliate Sales if you receive ZERO traffic (visitors) to your Web Site.
You can generate ZERO Sales if you receive lots of untargeted visitors (people not interested in your affiliate product or Web Site).
Want more Affiliate Sales? Get more quality TRAFFIC... visitors that are 100% interested in your Web Site content/affiliate product.
Here's how to GET more quality TRAFFIC:
- register a domain name that is a perfect match for the affiliate product you're promoting;
- use a SIG file (a 3-line text description of your Web Site plus your domain name url) to all posts (answers/questions) in some popular online forums related to the topic of your Web Site;
- send testimonials to others who own Web Sites in the same category of yours and let them know that you like their ezine, product, service or Web Site.
Let them know that you appreciate what they are doing and tell them to include your comments as a testimonial on their Web Site with your name & Web Site link included.
About the Author
Diane C. Hughes * ProBizTips.com
FREE Report: Amazingly Simple (Yet Super Powerful) Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales And Build Your Business Into A Tower of Profits! ==>> http://madmarketer.com/diane
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