Getting Hundreds of Links to Your Website
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Search Engine Optimization - A Must
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7 Steps to success
7 Steps to success By Clare Lawrence
Every webmaster wants a successful site, if you follow this step by step guide you’ll do well.
Step 1
Search engines such as Google return web pages, based on keyword or key phrase searches. Your first step therefore is to decide which keywords you want to target. Your choice needs to reflect what your target audience is likely to input.
Once you’ve selected your keywords then you need to use them on your pages, an ideal density to use aim for is 5% i.e. your key phrases should appear 5 times per 100 words.
You can use different keywords on different pages, but try to focus on only one or two key phrases per page.
Step 2 – Headings and Tags
Use your key phrases first in your title, description and keyword tag. Shorter tags are more focused than longer ones.
If you can, also make use of your key phrases using Heading 1,2, & 3.
Step 3 – Submit your site to the leading directories. I recommend.
- DMOZ - Yahoo (paid) - Gimpsy - Allthebizz.com - MSN small business directory - Joeant - Smallerbizz.com - Business.com - Bluefind.com -
- Search engines, don’t submit to these, and instead let them find your site by spider’s inclusion in the above directories will get your site into leading search engines.
Step 4
Reciprocal links, try and exchange links with sites having the same theme as your own.
Particularly important is the use of your key phrases in text links, also known as Anchor Text Links.
e.g. domain name registration links to my domain registration service.
Step 5
Post in forums related to your theme. There are literally 1,000 of them around.
Step 6
Post to blogs related to your theme.
Step 7
The above steps will get you a good ranking. If you keep working away you can get to the top. Be patient – ranking takes time to build, but it can be done.
About the Author
Clare Lawrence is CEO of Discount Domains Ltd – A leading UK provider of Domain name registration and Web Hosting services. Please feel free to re-publish this article provided this reference box remains together with a hyperlink to http://www.discountdomainsuk.com Clare can also be contacted on Clare@discountdomainsuk.com.
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