Affiliate Marketing Assets - Things You Need In This Business
There are millions of ways to make money, particularly in the internet. But with the new internet marketing technologies developing daily, sometimes the choices may seem confusing. Many people find themselves what type of business is best and right...
Autoresponders, The "Golden Rules"
Copyright 2005 Michael Tansey
Autoresponders are a perfect way to increase traffic to your site. They can save many valuable hours by automatically answering emails concerning frequently asked questions about a service or product or by sending a...
How To Make Niche Profits Without a Website
You don't need to buy any "amazing new ebook" or a bunch of fancy software. You don't need to write hundreds of pages of content or hire someone to. You don't need to do a ton of research to find a topic You don't have to spend a dime and you can...
....Is Network Marketing Easy??....
I personally believe we do a dis-service to the industry and ourselves if we openly state...or even allude...that NWM is easy. It's not. Nor is any business....WAH or brick & mortar. Anyone who does say different is not being wholly truthful. I...
What to Publish on your Website: Content Development
Many businesses want a simple website where they tell people what their business is about, some information on the products they offer and a means of contacting them. However, content is vital in the growth of your Internet presence. Information is...
Affiliates need to read their Newspaper.
Millions of people check the news everyday-- in the morning paper, online, and on the nightly news. But far too often affiliates do not find out what has occurred in affiliate marketing that day; this is important because affiliate marketing changes daily. There are many resources for affiliate marketers to learn about the day’s happenings. The best way to learn about the changes in affiliate marketing is by visiting forums often. Forums provide a great resource by allowing new affiliates to learn from the experts. New affiliates hear and learn about the different opinions and techniques that are used in the industry. In turn, this information helps educate the affiliates and helps them decide whether they agree or disagree on the particular subject or technique. By visiting forums often you can learn timesaving tips as well as common mistakes that you can avoid. Here are some of the most popular forums that are most useful for affiliates ·AbestWeb: http://www.abestweb.com/ Who it’s for: affiliate program managers and affiliate marketers. With over 14,000 members this is a vast pool of knowledge that you can draw from. ·WebmasterWorld.com: http://www.webmasterworld.com/ Who it’s for: webmasters and marketing managers. For all of your questions about anything having to do with Web design, this is the place to go. There are a lot of quality discussions that are segmented as well as moderated. ·Search Engine Watch Forums. http://forums.searchenginewatch.com/forum/index.php Who it’s for: webmasters and affiliate marketers. Here you can find discussions and questions that deal with all aspects of search engines. Some of the topics include: Questions on specific search engines and directories,
specific discussions on search engine optimization and web marketing, general search issues, and current issues. ·ReveNews.com: http://www.revenews.com/ Who it’s for: webmasters, affiliate program managers, and affiliate marketers. This site is a great location to find articles on various topics and learn about what is news worthy in the industry. There are also forums strictly for affiliate managers. Here, managers can learn about those issues that are strictly pertinent for them, such as keeping an affiliate program in-house or outsourcing. You can visit http://www.10xmarketing.com/affiliate-program-management.asp to learn more about some of the options that are available to managers. These forums provide a great resource to learn about the technical details of running a program. Forums teach valuable information about affiliate marketing that will make help make affiliate sites more successful. By visiting and posting often in these forums many people become experts on certain topics. Networking opportunities will also arise. Many of these forums help industry leaders form business relationships. Forums are an amazing resource; do not overlook them because they are vital to ones success. Since affiliate marketing changes everyday, one should visit them as often as you watch or read the daily news.
About the Author
Alex Hachtman, of 10x Marketing, wrote this article. 10x Marketing provides companies with Internet marketing solutions that will increase consumer visits on a regular basis, thus increasing potential sales and revenue. Contact 10x Marketing today for more information about your companies affiliate program. See http://www.10xmarketing.com/res/ecommerce-affiliate-program.asp for more information.
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