Google Page Rank Is Dead - Part III
Google Page Rank Is Dead - Part III By: Martin Lemieux HELP! My PR page rank is grey, call the development doctor. As the world of Google is turning a mile a minute these days, some really big changes are happening. This weekend, marketers all...
Guaranteed Signups - Scams or FastTrack Growth?
One thing that seems to be cropping up in many online Forums (of which I am a member of a few) in recent months is Guaranteed Signups for various online Affiliate and MLM programs. It would appear from the trends in those discussions; that there is,...
Make Your Online Party A Success
Online parties are quickly becoming the better alternative to the traditional "In Home Party". Online parties can be more accommodating for the company rep and the hostess for various reasons. There's no driving to another persons home, getting the...
New Ways To Have Success On The Internet
There are several standard things you can do to increase traffic on your website. These are publishing an ezine, providing free email, give things away for free, updating your site every day, installing a message board or discussion group,...
Speakers and Trainers - The Internet is Your Biggest Megaphone
Speak to an Audience that Reaches across the Globe As a professional at home on the platform, you’ve spent years polishing a compelling message. The presentations you make are honed to perfection. Your delivery style draws raves and repeat...
Guide To Creating A Popular Online Community
An online community could be a chat room, e-mail discussion list, discussion forum or other technologies that allow groups of people to communicate at your web site. When you have a popular online community it will increase your traffic and sales. Below are ten ways to attract people to participate in your online community.
1. Tell your visitors that you post a new, free offer every day, week or month in your online community. The free offers should be attractive to your target audience.
2. Regularly schedule experts or famous guests to participate in your online community. You could design it to be a virtual class or a question/answer session.
3. Post testimonials on your web site from people that have participated in your online community. The testimonials could be about what people have learned or liked while participating in it.
4. Don't allow blatant ads in your online communities. If people decide to visit your online community and see a ton of ads they most likely won't be back.
5. Post all the benefits of participating in your online community on your web site. You could write it like you're writing an ad for a product you're selling.
6. Submit your
chat room, e-mail discussion list or discussion board to online community directories. You can find them by typing " the community type" with the word "directory" in any search engine.
7. Create an e-zine just for people who participate in your online community. Allow them to subscribe for free. When they receive each issue, it will remind them to come back and participate in your community.
8. You (the owner of the online community) should participate regularly. Post information that will benefit the other people. This will show them you care about your online community members.
9. Have plenty of people to monitor your online community. They could remove postings that turn away people like profanity, spam and other off- subject postings.
10. Your online community should contain user friendly features, like a search option for archived discussions, easy posting or chatting options, email updates or digests, etc.
About the Author
Author Dan Brown has been active in internet marketing for the past 4 years. Dan currently is working with the Zabang search engine introducing their new affiliate program, which is due out July, 2005. Zabang
Gentoo Forums :: Index |
Discussion forums for topics around the distribution, Linux applications, installation, administration, portage, frequently asked questions. |
forums.gentoo.org |
Readers' Opinions - New York Times |
Books Reading Group. Readers are discussing “All Aunt Hagar’s Children,” Edward P. Jones’s new short story collection. More Books Forums ... |
www.nytimes.com |
Ubuntu Forums |
This is a discussion help and support forum for Ubuntu Linux. |
ubuntuforums.org |
Joomla! Community Forum - Index |
Joomla! Forum - The Joomla Community. Support, discussion and interaction with the Core Team. |
forum.joomla.org |
Internet forum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
A typical Internet forum discussion, with common elements such as emoticons, ... Like other forms of online communication, Internet forums are home to many ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Java Technology Forums |
Online discussion forums offering help for users in solving issues. Includes FAQs, and links to other Sun technical databases. |
supportforum.sun.com |
Adobe - Forums |
Share questions, suggestions, and information about Adobe graphics products. |
www.adobe.com |
WoW Forums -> Forum Index |
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forums.worldofwarcraft.com |
MySQL AB :: MySQL Forums |
Forum to discuss the sample database included with MySQL ... The main discussion forum for MySQL. Please use specialized forums for specific topics. ... |
forums.mysql.com |
SitePoint Forums: Resources, Design, HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, MySQL ... |
Webmaster Forums for Design, CSS, XHTML, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, Affiliate Marketing, ASP.NET, Promotion. |
www.sitepoint.com |
Delphi Forums |
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www.delphiforums.com |
Home - MozillaZine Forums |
Search the forums for others who may be having the same issues you are. You can also browse the sticky'd posts at the top of the forum for the product ... |
forums.mozillazine.org |
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Forums | NewsTalk |
The Detroit News Online does not tolerate offensive language in its forums. The News will kill offensive posts. Participants can and will be denied access ... |
info.detnews.com |
osCommerce Community Support Forums |
Official community support forums for the osCommerce project. |
forums.oscommerce.com |
The GardenWeb Forums - GardenWeb |
The GardenWeb Forums comprise the largest community of gardeners on the Internet. ... If this is your first visit to the forums, you might want to visit our ... |
forums.gardenweb.com |
AnandTech |
Is server configuration a pain? DSL or Cable Modem giving you fits? Get your questions answered and your topics discussed in the AnandTech Networking Forum. ... |
forums.anandtech.com |
Chronicle Forums - Index |
Chronicle Forums - Index. ... Talk online about graduate-school life in our new forum. ... Forum Stats, 220919 Posts in 17109 Topics by 3306 Members. ... |
chronicle.com |
Forums | drupal.org |
Try searching the forums first or a specific project's bug reports. Pre installation questions. Is Drupal a viable solution for my website? ... |
drupal.org |
Dev Shed Forums - Open Source web development |
Dev Shed Forums - over 195246 members on our Dev Shed forums. |
forums.devshed.com |