10 Sure-Fire Viral Marketing Strategies To Increase Traffic To Your Website
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Web of Mouth
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Have You Experienced The "Jumping Frog" Disease??
Before I get started...I want to make it very clear that it is not my intention in any way to offend any individual or disparage any particular company. I'll be blunt in my personal opinion and observations. However, I would really like to see each of you do an honest, open, heart wrenching examination of your soul in relation to a phenomenon I call the "Jumping Frog Disease".
My good friend Frank Garon, publisher of a major online newsletter, calls people with this habit online "internet sheep". The symptoms are jumping from one opportunity to another looking for the next Big Thing. Some describe it as an attitude that the grass is always greener someplace else. And to be fair, this phenomenon is not the sole domain of Network Marketing....or even Internet Opportunities. It's also common in the "real" world of brick and mortar business.
This disease can actually take many forms. And not all are bad. Someone may be legitimatelly unhappy and looking for something better than where they are. Their move is well planned, logical, and with good reason. Hopefully these folks will learn from their experience and be able to evaluate their next opportunity better than they did their last.
The primary reasons I see as destructive are those which exhibit either a "love 'em & leave 'em" mentality....or a reactive response to the emotional frenzy generated by a new "big thing".
Examples of the later can be seen in recent months to "big things" like cookies, super water, streaming music, cure all patches, financial education, stock games, video email, greeting cards, VoIP phones, the latest juice, and the like (not naming names). And I'm not passing judgement on these opportunities per say...rather pointing out a lemming like stampede of many from seemingly good "homes" to the "next big thing". For some folks it was done with thought and forsight. For many others it was purely an emotional "me too" reaction...and not the first (or last) time they've done that.
Examples of the first "destructive" reason are those who build and leave...often taking many others with them (these people are sometimes called mercenaries). Perhaps they were bored. Or perhaps they saw the chance for another big score....another notch on their belt so to speak. Only they really know for sure...all assumptions aside. But the effect on those left behind is one of being abandoned. Especially when those who left were counted on and touted as leaders. [ some leadership ] And it can be particularly devestating on those newbies who depended on those individuals for their "example".
My personal take is that if you do your homework you should be able find a home you can stay in for a long time. Now things do happen...and when they do by all means move on. There are legitimate reasons to do so then. I'm proof of that....I started my journey with ACN (way
back in the day LOL).
But if you see dollar signs in every new thing that comes along, continually starting over.... Or you continually build & jump from one Biz to another, leaving disruption and turmoil in your wake....then it's a bad habit. A habit which weakens individual, company, and industry reputations.
Now I've been both a beneficiary and a victim of the "Jumping Frog Disease". And I've been solicited many times to become a Jumping Frog myself.
It's no secret that I used to work both Cognigen and Melaleuca. My Cognigen organization has benefited from the addition of a few former ACN, Excel, and ITI distributors (none of which I personally sponsored BTW). My Melaleuca business became the victim of defections of most of my partners (upline) and downline to a weight loss start-up and a Melaleuca want to be. In fact I was even solicited by one company which was targeting Melaleuca members specifically.
My reaction to being a "victim" was to just keep doing what I was doing before. And to trust that God has good reasons for that happening. Maybe He was intending to send my way some new people who'd be better partners...or better "brothers & sisters"....or who needed something He wanted me to share. In other words I took a glass half full attitude. Although I did end up dropping Melaleuca soon thereafter (long story with the "raid" just 1 of the reasons).
Personally I would never purposely recruit from another company. I have however listened to people who have come to me interested in possibly making a change. My approach with them is to focus on what is in their best interest.....not mine. Return to where they were...or find a better fit. Even if that better fit isn't with me and/or my company. Afterall...and I firmly believe this...it's about what you do FOR people not TO people....that matters most in our industry.
So...........(finally after all that rambling.... ) here are a few questions I throw out for you to think about:
1. What are good reasons for looking for a new opportunity...or when do you know it's the right time for a change?
2. How would you help someone honestly looking to make a change without damaging your own integrity?
3. What are bad reasons for jumping to another opportunity....or when do you know it's not a good time for a change?
4. What would you do if someone (or many someone's) jumped from your organization to another company?
Ok folks...you'll have to find the answers to these for yourself. Whatever that personal revelation is....will say a great deal about what kind of a professional and person you really are.
About the Author
Michael is Moderator for MLMForums.com and the owner of FreedomFire Communications http://ld.net/mscprez . You can get more MLM tips, wit, and wisdom from Michael at http://Best-MLM-Resources.blogspot.com
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