Getting Free, Targeted Traffic to Your Web Site using Online Forums
Online forums are a great place to meet people, learn things
and, most importantly, build traffic for your web site. You can
build heaps of traffic to your site by just following these few,
simple guidelines.
Help People Every Chance You...
I've been doing what I call Net Tour for a while now and I realise there are so many offers on the Internet. Do you realise there are up to 79,900,000 (Seventy Nine Million Nine Hundred Thousand) results when you do a search on INTERNET...
How to improve your websites search engine rankings
One of your main goals when building a site is to receive a lot of traffic so that you can make some reasonable money out of your website. One of the main and best ways of getting more traffic to your site is for you to do some seo (search engine...
Tips On How To Make Some Noise In Your Local Marketplace
Here's some easy and inexpensive ways to make some Noise in your local marketplace and get you and your MLM business noticed. In many cases you're not trying to deliver your product message or directly recruit new distributors but to let your local...
Many people know how -- and do conduct themselves in the real world properly. However, many people are unaware that this same conduct needs to be applied online as well. Net etiquette is basically the rules you should follow while in Cyberspace....
I've been doing what I call Net Tour for a while now and I realise there are so many offers on the Internet. Do you realise there are up to 79,900,000 (Seventy Nine Million Nine Hundred Thousand) results when you do a search on INTERNET OPPORTUNITIES using google and a bewildering 933,000,000 (Nine Hundred And Thirty Three Million) when you do another search on HOME BUSINESS and another 111,000,000 (One Hundred And Eleven Million) results when you do a search on AFFILIATES. Using Yahoo, if you do a search on INTERNET MARKETING you’ll still get a staggering 138,000,000 (One Hundred and Thirty Eight Million) search result! Waoh! All seem to be screaming take me! take me! Tell me, I'm sure you've had times when you were very much confused as to which one was sound and suitable for you or not. There seem to be so much hype going on on the net, from the get-rich-now category to the this-is-heaven-I'll-take-you-right-there smoke! Yet in the midst of the hype, smoke and scam are UNIQUE, GENUINE, SOUND and TESTED offers. So the challenge is how to differentiate between the authentic and sham. The following tips can help you differentiate between what works and what doesn’t, what’s real and what’s fake.
Poor Content: Get rich overnight, false promises, propaganda and deceit. Everything is targeted at getting you to part with some of your hard earned dollar. Their techniques don’t make you no money, you put in so much yet get little or no result. They leave you drained eventually.
Too “TECHie” For Comprehension: Except you are a technical guru any offer that appears too technical and will take forever to learn should be avoided. It’s better to go for easy-to- understand-and-apply ones especially if you are a net tenderfoot.
Risky: Avoid offers that tell you what you can get but don’t explain in clear terms how you can get it. “You can make $millions blah blah blah”, you simply go “thank you web guru, how? Explain to me in clear terms then I’ll decide” Beware of such traps, go straight for the close button. You might end up spending so much time, energy and money achieving nothing. Okay, you achieved something you discovered what doesn’t work!
No Assistance: Offers that don’t offer you any form of marketing assistance, workable tips, training, mentoring, good support and updates should be avoided. You will need to figure it out all by yourself and that can be frustrating and time consuming.
Now that you’ve seen some of the dangers let’s take a look at some positive and safe signals that could guarantee good results.
Litmus Test: Pass every offer through the litmus test. You might be wondering how do I do that? I'll give it to you straight away. Before you join any program find out how long they've been operating, anything from 4years could mean some good foundation has been laid. Does that mean if a program/offer is new then it's not good? Certainly not, it could be new yet excellent and if that’s the case it's just a question of time, it will find its way to the top. Lookout for hints that give you an insight into the level of result they've generated so far, it’s possible to make so much noise around nothing! Check their net-popularity by that I mean traffic. You can use this invaluable tool to discover that- www.alexa.com the higher the rating the lower the figure. A site with 20,000 alexa rating is more popular than 100000, this means that the former is ranked higher, among the first 20,000 sites while the latter has a lower ranking. For instance a site that offers "Unlimited Traffic" yet hardly gets traffic to its own site obviously has nothing to offer, net propaganda! Don't just jump at any offer evaluate their performance it will help you make an intelligent decision.
Testimonials: They will help a lot in giving you a feel of what to expect, get the reaction of those who have gone that path before you. Nice isn’t it? But wait, there is a twist to it all. Testimonials are good but becareful not to be misled by testimonials. I have decided to put testimonials in two categories- Emotion Packed (EP) and Result Laden (RL) testimonials. EPs tell you something like-
...I got your product (or I joined your program) and it was wonderful, what an amazing product, it’s simply the best. The information is overwhelming and I’m so thrilled, keep up the good work! Emotional Edith
OR …I’m so excited, I can’t stop digesting this stuff, it’s loaded and I’m so glad I was able to lay my hands on it. I think more people should get their hands on it fast! Excited Edmond, USA
Sounds good and lovely isn’t it, now let's take a look at what an RL look like
.... for so long I've been looking for a
solution like this, I'm so glad I found your site. The information is excellent. Since I got your package I've been able to double my sales and make more profit, I now get traffic to my site like never before. At last I've found something that works! Satisfied Sarah info@satisfied.com OR ...Initially I was skeptical about joining your program, I've had some bitter experiences in the past but I'm so glad I gave it a try. This is absolutely AWESOME. I have started applying what I learnt from you and I’m getting some good results, I also appreciate the fact that you’ve been so supportive all the way, thankyou so much. Result Rick www.evidenceresult.com
Can you see the difference? EP tells you of excited testifiers (who most likely have NOT gone beyond digesting the stuff to actually applying to see if it really works and if the information provided is adequate enough to overcome some of the obstacles they’ll likely face) while RL goes beyond the emotions and excitement to tell you the actual results generated so far- EVIDENCE! Not only that there is room for verification. This doesn’t mean you'll get the exact same result but it's a clear pointer to possibilities! Next time an offer stare you in the face, with lots of testimonials to try to convince you digest the lovely EPs, but more than anything else be on the look out for RLs they paint a clearer picture.
Low or Zero Risk: Offers that reduce or totally eliminate your risk are superb. Always take advantage of the money back guarantee that come with different offers on the internet. It’s not a crime to ask for your money back if the product/program did not deliver! If nothing about the offer reduces your chances of losing money, think twice. I know of a program that not only refunds your money you get it back with interest. I think that’s cool! I know of another that goes beyond refunding your money to actually writing you a check to cover any inconvenience they must have cost you. The truth is often times these are sound offers they know what they’ve got and are not afraid to back it up with a guarantee.
Sound Compensation Plan: If you’re joining a program you should be able to find a clear answer to this question “what’s in it for me?” If you have to spend your money, time, energy and creativity then you should know what you stand to benefit. That’s not self-centredness. Are you comfortable with the compensation plan? Will it be worth it? Or will you have to work like elephant only to eat like ant? Will your input far outweigh the output you get? Find answers to these questions before you take a decision.
Good Follow-Up: It will be in your own interest to go for an offer that will give you all the support you can get. The type that doesn’t leave you alone to grope in the dark. Where you feel welcome, valued and special, where there is good customer service. Your questions are promptly attended to, you have different means of contacting them e.g email, phone number, fax and other forms of communication and support system. Also in some cases there’s a chat room, forum, where you can interact with other members, you get good updates in form of announcements, you are simply carried along.
Marketing Assistance: If you are an affiliate for instance, programs that provide you with tested marketing tips, marketing tools that you can readily make use of will be a good deal. One good thing is apart from using the ready made tools you can draw inspiration from them to create something new.
Constant Learning: There are millions of information on virtually every topic you can think of on the Internet today. It is now a lot easier for anyone from any part of the world to access quality information all because of the internet. If you are going to be a success online then you must be willing to continually load yourself with information, be current. Learn and never stop learning, as you learn you also go a step further to apply that which you’ve learnt. Do some research and great study around your area of interest, where you desire relevance, where you desire to make maximum impact. Be willing to pay the Price for the Prize.
It’s a Process: Finally you must realize it’s all a process, like the old and popular saying “Rome was not built in a day” so is any worthwhile success in ecommerce. It is not overnight it’s a process and if you keep at it in no time you’ll be harvesting some good results.
About the Author
Kemi Adeyemi Moses is one who believes it is possible to create real wealth on the internet with or without a product of your own once you connect with the right kind of program(s.She can be reached at talk2mii@reallyfast.biz She's also a member of http://www.marketingtips.com/sr/t.x/846307
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