10 Ways To Have People Keep On Coming Back To Your Site
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Forums... What They Are And WHY They're Essential For Anyone 'Considering' Starting An Online Business
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The simple definition of a 'Forum' is... it's a online community with a open discussion that allows...
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Offline Marketing for Online Home Based Businesses
Copyright 2005 Paul Jesse
When it comes to marketing your web site, most home business owners use banners, link exchanges, different search engines, newsletters, forums, ezines, free and paid classifieds. However, a good home based business must also consider offline marketing strategies as well and how to use them in order to generate more business. Remember, that simply because your business is online does not mean you are restricted to simply advertising online. There are millions of people that are not online enough to actually see your offer and will respond better to other methods.
First of all, the most important tip for offline promotion of your web page is your URL. You want your URL to be easily remembered, so it is important to be creative when creating your URL. Then, when you have decided on the perfect, catchy URL, it is even more important to make sure that it is distributed in the offline world. There are many ways to do this. One, your URL should be on all stationary, invoices, and all written communication should have your URL, even on the back of envelopes you use to pay bills. This is important because the more people see your URL the more likely they will be to remember it.
Many people create billboards that have a large URL and nothing else, this creates curiosity and people will often times go and check it out just to ease their inquisitiveness. Also, large business magnets for the side of your vehicle is a good idea because they can easily list the web page address, plus any other information, and can easily be changed if there is a change to your
Television and radio are also options that can be used to promote your web site offline. Many people are under the impression that advertising on these mediums can be incredibly expensive, and while they can, they can also be inexpensive. Talk to your local cable channels and local radio stations to get the word out that way, especially if your service or product is focused on a particular market. For instance, if your web page hosts real estate listings in Arizona, you will want to advertise on local Arizona channels and radio stations. Advertising this way significantly reduces the price and gets the word out to many individuals.
Also, contact your local newspaper and let the business editor know you have a new business and web site and what you offer. Frequently, local newspapers are interested in featuring local business people and their accomplishments. This is free advertising and should always be employed.
When considering marketing your web site and offline promotion strategies, be creative and constantly thinking of new ways you can get the word out. Often times, the more creatively you advertise the more likely people will check out your site just to see what it is. In this case, you will want to make sure you have a great site that will keep visitors there and influence them to buy. By the way, don't forget to have lots of business cards. The use of business cards is another useful way to market your online business offline.
About the Author
Paul Jesse is a retired government worker turned Internet Marketer. For work at home resources visit his website at http://www.sheamarketing.com
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