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Product Marketing for Home Based Online Businesses
Copyright 2005 Timothy Spaulding
If you are like most internet based home business entrepreneurs then marketing your product and driving increasing traffic to your web page is essential to increasing sales. The challenge is to market your products and increase your traffic and to do it affordably or even for free.
Fortunately, this is an option for home based businesses, and all it takes is a little creativity combined with dedication. And for those home based businesses with advertising budgets, there are even more advertising options available. Here are some suggestions that should help your product marketing plan significantly.
One of the best ways to get your web page noticed is by writing and publishing articles. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of ezines and newsletters that are constantly looking for new content. First, you need to find some ezines and newsletters that target your niche market. You can search for them on your favorite search engine by searching for "ezine directories" or "newsletter directories". Then, write an article that can be submitted to a variety of these ezines and online newsletters, just make sure you retain the copyright. You may not think that you have the ability or creativity to write articles, but it can easily be done with a couple hours of effort and some commitment. The key part of marketing your home business is by creating a resource box at the end of your article that contains your URL and some brief information about you and your company. Doing this will get your web page out in the public quickly and will result in many hits and free product marketing.
Another way to market your products is to create a forum on your web page. By doing this, you are getting individuals to talk about products and services offered by your company as well as competitors and other relevant topics. This alone will help your product assuming you are offering top notch
quality and customer service. If not, then a forum might not be the best idea for you. In addition, a forum will require a commitment of your time in reviewing the posts to make sure the discussions are kept within the rules. However, for those that are committed to their customers, forums generally create repeat traffic which is important to making sales. This is important because it has been proven that more than 70% of sales are made after the third, fourth or fifth contact. A forum keeps individuals coming back for more and more contact, which means you will sell more products.
Additionally, you should use banners on your own web page as well as others by exchanging links. You should also list your web page with search engines. All of these will help your web page get noticed which means your products and services will get noticed and your home based business will prosper. Remember that the most important factor in product marketing online is URL marketing. You might have the best product for the best price on earth, but if nobody knows how to get to your web site it doesn't matter. Therefore, be diligent about getting your URL out there.
Finally, market your product and URL offline. This will reach a different sector of individuals and will also increase web page traffic. Make sure your URL is printed on any correspondence from your company including checks, faxes, web pages, emails, and letters, envelopes, and any promotional items like key chains, mouse pads and the like. The more people that know your URL means more traffic to your site. This in itself is the best product marketing you can receive.
About the Author
Timothy Spaulding is the owner of the Work At Home Business Resource Center at http://www.workathome-awesomeopportunities.com and Home Made Profits at http://www.homemadeprofits.net which provide valuable tools, articles, affiliate programs and products for the home based entrepreneur.
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