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Steps to ClickBank Success
Steps to ClickBank Success
What exactly is ClickBank you ask ?
Well, first and foremost, ClickBank is an e-commerce provider. That means they handle online financial transactions for clients, called "vendors". ClickBank has about 40,000 clients, but only 5340 or so of them are of any value to you as an Affiliate Reseller.
That's because only about 5340 vendors have set themselves up to allow other people (Affiliates) to sell their products in exchange for a commission. The other 34,660 vendors just use ClickBank to process their online transactions for them, without offering an affiliate opportunity.
I am not sure why a vendor would not accept affiliates, as it is like opening a few thousand franchises for free, but some vendors nonetheless choose not to do so.
These 5340 vendors that do allow affiliates represent approximately 11,400 products and services upon which affiliates can earn commissions of 1% to 75% on.
Most are in the 50% range....pretty exciting!! These products, (or most of them), are found within an area of the ClickBank website called the "Marketplace".
Now, you could spend a heck of a lot of time browsing through the categories trying to locate a certain product, (if you have time to kill.)
But...if you want to find what you want, when you want, (and want to pass on the same courtesy to your visitors), you would need some type of search box. 1stPromotion has the ONLY true Clickbank Affiliate Marketplace Search Engine and Search Engine Plug-In suite.
Want Instant Details? Click Here: http://hop.clickbank.net/?theo160/hithog
Now, why did I say most of these products, not all are in the Affiliate Marketplace???
Well, if an item is new to ClickBank, it will not show in the Marketplace until it has had a valid Affiliate sale. This means at least one copy of the product must be sold by an affiliate, and not the vendor, to qualify for entry to the Affiliate Marketplace. It may take up to 30 days after this happens to appear in the Marketplace.
The Marketplace is actually updated once every week.
If a product or service in the Marketplace has not had a valid Affiliate sale in more than 30 days, that product will fall out of the Marketplace, but will go back in on it's next valid sale.
If you would like to promote any one product, the "hot sellers" and the most marketed are the top results in the Browse Marketplace section of ClickBank.
BUT...Don't think for a moment that it implies that they are the best products, or even the best value, in many cases it just means these products are marketed more vigorously.
Since they are marketed vigorously, chances are your visitor has seen them advertised dozens of times by other sites and marketers, and probably have literally hundreds of cookies set to make sure that someone else gets paid in the event of the sale, not you.
We'll have more in a later edition on why you should NOT just stick to popular items, and why the top affiliates avoid them almost entirely.
When you are credited by ClickBank for an affiliate sale of a product (any of over 11,400 in the case of the 1stPromotion Integrated Income System ) it is added to your other commissions on account at ClickBank until it reaches the minimum you establish for a cheque to be mailed to you.
ClickBank sends the cheques out every 2 weeks, and I know for a fact we have never had a late cheque in 3 years. You can set your clock by ClickBank's prompt payments.
As I said earlier, ClickBank is an online distribution centre for over 11,400 digital products and services that are delivered via the web (via web pages, files, or email). If they cannot be delivered via the web, ClickBank does not handle them. Every product sold by these vendors can be promoted through the ClickBank network of over 150,000 marketers (affiliates).
Vendors inform ClickBank of the commission rate they are willing to pay affiliates for selling products on their behalf. Affiliates promote the vendors' products by referring interested customers to the vendor's web site Via a special tracking link called a 'hoplink'.
means you don't really even need a website.
The vendor's web site describes the product, and passes the customer directly to ClickBank for the actual credit card transaction handling. ClickBank pays the vendor and the affiliate.
Affiliates may freely promote any product and be assured that they will be paid for sales they generate. Vendors can freely accept new affiliates without fear of fraud or misrepresentation.
What does this mean in plain English? Once you send a customer to the vendors site and they decide to make a purchase, ClickBank handles everything! ClickBank ensures that:
1. the customer receives the product they ordered; 2. the vendor receives his payment; 3. and best of all, Theo, ClickBank ensures you receive the commission due to you. Commissions from ClickBank range from 1% to 75%, but typical commissions are in the 40 to 50% RANGE!!
In short, ClickBank is a virtual goldmine for those that make the effort to promote the 11,400 products and services offered. There are ClickBank affiliates out there making well over $20,000.00 a MONTH, without owning a website or product of their own!
We know that 1stPromotion is helping others right this minute to attain the online incomes they desire using the leverage of Integrated Income System and the power of ClickBank combined into the most powerfull system anywhere, you can too!
Associate: Theo Olifiers Article Published by: Rick W Davies http://www.1stPromotion.com Your ClickBank Integrated Income Solution
Get Our Integrated Income System Details Now: http://hop.clickbank.net/?theo160/hithog
"Unlock ClickBank's Hidden Profit Vault, and Blow The Roof Off Your Income Potential!
Health, Happiness & Prosperity,
Theo Olifiers
Did you know you could have your own Pro Storefront and receive commissions on over 11,400 ClickBank products? You will have the ONLY 100% Complete ClickBank Marketplace Search Engine, and can even put a a whole array of ClickBank Plugins on any existing website.
Help others find what they are looking for, and make as much as 50% to 70% commissions doing it!
Click Here Now! http://hop.clickbank.net/?theo160/hithog
Need a ClickBank nickname? Get it here instantly! http://secure.clickbank.net/signup.cgi?r=theo160
ClickBank & Software Search Rebrandable eBooks
ClickBank PowerTools Rebrandable ebook is the original rebrandable 1stpromotional software product, and contain the 100% ClickBank search box that attaches to your nickname via the rebrand feature. Instruction file included. DOWNLOAD http://www.house-of-olifiers.com/cb-ebook.htm Direct Link http://www.house-of-olifiers.com/CBPowerTools.exe
NEW!! Super Software Searcher is the latest addition to our Viral Marketing, Rebrandable Software family. Modeled after the Power Tools program, but with non-ClickBank users in mind, it is targeted at the regular shopper , and includes the browseable mall and 100% search box, all linked to your nickname. DOWNLOAD http://www.house-of-olifiers.com/cb-super-software.htm Direct Link http://www.house-of-olifiers.com/SSS.exe
Free Bonus Rebrandable ebook: Supertips for Internet Marketers
Internet Marketing Supertips FREE & Rebrandable http://www.house-of-olifiers.com/101supertips.htm Direct Link http://www.house-of-olifiers.com/101tips.exe This ebook was set up as a free resource to provide tips and ideas for the internet marketer.
Supertips provides online marketing advice, guides, resources and tips for the small business owner and those seeking to profit from the Internet Opportunities.
About the Author
1stPromotion & Click Bank Associate Associate: Theo Olifiers Article Published by: Rick W Davies http://www.1stPromotion.com Your ClickBank Integrated Income Solution
ClickBank is an e-commerce provider. That means they handle online financial transactions for clients, called "vendors". ClickBank has about 40,000 clients, but only 5340 or so of them are of any value to you as an Affiliate Reseller.
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