Google's Secret Guidelines On Thin Affiliates
Journalist Henk van Ess has caused a flurry of excitement on blogs and forums. In his blog he revealed that Google uses teams of humans all over the world to evaluate the accuracy of Google's search results. These "international agents", who are...
Make Your Online Party A Success
Online parties are quickly becoming the better alternative to the traditional "In Home Party". Online parties can be more accommodating for the company rep and the hostess for various reasons. There's no driving to another persons home, getting the...
....Real World MLM Marketing Tips....
Here's another real world example of how some folks market their MLM business AND products/services: Our area has an event called a "Homearama" annually every fall. For this event select builders in the area construct a number of houses at a...
The Myth of Rankings - Beyond Search Engine Optimization
What follows is a condensed version of a conversation that happens all too frequently when I am approached by a prospect interested in search engine optimization (SEO): Prospect: We need our website optimized, because we aren’t showing up for any...
There Should Be More to your SEO Consultant Than Rankings
There Should Be More to your SEO Consultant Than Rankings By David Leonhardt, SEO Consultant Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions in SEO is that ranking at Google and Yahoo is all that counts in search engine optimization. Potential clients...
When Ya Give, You're Gonna Receive...Somehow
This article may only be reproduced in its entirety, including the resource box and subscription information electronically or in print. A courtesy copy of your publication would be nice, too! When Ya Give, You're Gonna Receive...Somehow by Dan Reinhold I saw another one. It was one of those postings that keep popping up all around in forums and discussion groups. One of those "I made oodles of bucks by doing nothing" messages. In this case, they actually claimed to gain $86,000 (yep, all those zeroes!) from writing and distributing ONE article. Never mind that it was full of whopping grammatical errors and misspellings, it was obviously(???) magic. Abracadabra. Incredible as it may sound, this extremely fortunate individual ignored the direct requests of several people, including the forum's owner and myself, for details of how this miracle occured. Remember the cricket sounds in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons when it was supposed to be really quiet? Yeah, that. That's a shame for us all, because giving is what it's actually all about. Not throwing sales pitches, selling hard or wearing 'em down over time...giving. It's sharing what you know, what's working, what helps. And I mean making a habit of it, not throwing little crumbs here and there. No one'll walk up to you with a big bag of money and say, "Since you were such a good egg, we've decided to give you the bacon". For instance, I advertise several products on Google Adwords. Some change from season to season or even with the amount of time I want to put into them. There's one thing that never changes - I keep my copy of The Definative Guide To Google Adwords open each and every second I'm working on any aspect of my Adwords campaigns, referring to it constantly. Why? It's the best resource available for that stuff and by using it ALL the time, my profits continue to increase. There's a killer introductory ecourse that costs zip to give a feel for it, constant updates, helpful teleseminars,
etc. It's awesome!! Now what if you saw a message from me going crazy over all these smackers I'm making on Adwords campaigns without ever mentioning HOW?!? Would you think I was a good guy? Would you think I was the least bit helpful? Would you think I was just some selfish turkey?? Life is hard. That's definitely no secret. We need whatever help we can get. As hard as life can be, life in any kind of business, online or off, is even harder. The only ones who are still around tomorrow are the ones who help others. Helping others is not only right, it's also appreciated. Making that buck has to be the furthest thing from your mind. When you do right by others, they remember. When they remember, they return. As they continue to return, they develop trust. I could probably break my desk under the weight of everything ever written that advises establishment of a trusting relationship in business. By the way, remind me not to print this out... We're all here in this life to help one another anyway. What's the big deal???
Dan Reinhold is the proud author of "The WAHumor Way: Reality Check, Please!", the essential primer for everyone starting a home business or even thinking about it. With two boys, a dog, a cat, a rat, a wife and a household to keep together to boot, Dan's also the editor of WAHumor to hang on to his sanity by showing how insane the work-at-home community can be! Subscribe quickly at WAHumor@aweber.com You could Win Big!! "The WAHumor Way: Reality Check, Please!"is now available at www.WAHumorWay.com
About the Author
Dan Reinhold is the proud author of "The WAHumor Way: Reality Check, Please!", the essential primer for everyone starting a home business or even thinking about it. With two boys, a dog, a cat, a rat, a wife and a household to keep together to boot, Dan's also the editor of WAHumor to hang on to his sanity by showing how insane the work-at-home community can be! Subscribe quickly at WAHumor@aweber.com You could Win Big!!
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