Affiliate Marketing- Part I
"A system of advertising in which site A agrees to feature buttons from site B, and site A gets a commission on any sales generated for site B. It can also be applied to situations in which an advertiser may be looking for marketing information,...
Spreading Word-Of-Mouth Advertising Through Forums
As many webmasters and regular web-surfers would know, an online forum community is a great place to meet large groups of people online. Forums provide a means through which visitors to a website can interact with one another and exchange ideas...
"The Dire Need For Online Credibility; Is It All Smoke And Mirrors?"
Yes and no. With any business, credibility is a key element to building trust which should ultimately lead to making a sale. This is never truer than in Internet marketing for these reasons: * People don't want to be sold to, they want...
The facts you should know about Internet marketing.
I wakeup this morning and see my lovely wife. She was sleeping and looking like angel. I thought probably I am the luckiest guy in the world. I have a gorgeous wife, a cute doll (my daughter). I have money and time to enjoy life, and I dont need...
Tips On How To Make Some Noise In Your Local Marketplace
Here's some easy and inexpensive ways to make some Noise in your local marketplace and get you and your MLM business noticed. In many cases you're not trying to deliver your product message or directly recruit new distributors but to let your local...
Your Fan Club - Getting Inbound Links
© 2004, John Calder http://www.TheEzine.net
Let's face it, getting one-way, non-reciprocal links in to your site is the way to go these days, at least as far as SEO purposes go. Reciprocal links can send you traffic, and may count for something in the search engine ranking algorithms, but not nearly as much as they used to. To help you in the search results, you have to get the inbound links, preferably a text link with relevant text, from a site related to yours. Here are a few tips on getting those all-important inbounds.
It's doubtful, for new sites in particular, that you'll get another webmaster to link to you just for the asking. Many won't even exchange links with low PR sites anymore, so your polite email request for a one-way link to your new PR 0 site may well be met with laughter.
But there are other ways to get the links you need. For example, you can post on relevant forums and newsgroups that themselves have some decent ranking. Remember though, that unless you're selling to other marketers, there are a lot more forums than just marketing related ones. In fact, it's much better, if you sell ski equipment for example, to post on ski vacation forums, local
forums centered around various ski resorts, and so on. These are more on-topic to your site, and will carry more clout than a link from a marketing site.
You can also submit articles to the various article directories. Other webmasters typically have the right to use these articles on their sites, provided they leave your resource box intact. Again, these need to be relevant to the theme of your site for best results. It makes no sense to write about your favorite pet when you're promoting the before-mentioned ski equipment site.
Finally, don't overlook the use of RSS. With this technology, you are able to syndicate your content to other sites, through the use of a blog as one example. If other webmasters add your syndicated feed to their sites, you will get inbound links, most likely from sites that are relevant to yours.
About the Author
John Calder is the owner/editor of The Ezine Dot Net. Subscribe Today and get real information YOU can use to help build your online business today! http://www.TheEzine.Net
The Ezine DOT Net RSS feeds are available.
(You may reprint this article in full in your newsletter and/or web site)
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