Female Hair Growth Products For Females With Thinning Hair
Women have problems with thinning hair and baldness, just as men do, but usually not to the same extent. It is quite common for women to look for female hair growth products to help them preserve the hair they have left and to try and stop the hair...
Female Hairloss
Research shows that up to two thirds of women experience hair loss at some stage in their life and this can often be a very stressful time for women and is an integral part of their self image. The most common causes of hair loss in women is not...
Stress and Fat: Discover the Stress and Fat Connection
Can a pill reduce stress and “stubborn” belly fat? The answer to this question may shock you and save your life. Discover the real connection between stress and fat. The “diet” and weight-loss industry has preyed on our lack of knowledge about...
The Benefits of Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 has exploded onto the health scene. This powerful mineral has many health saving properties. It is responsible for essential chemical reactions in your body as well as being a dynamite antioxidant. What's more, Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10...
There are Places to Get Propecia for Less
Propecia can stop and reverse hair loss. Propecia works by
preventing the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone
(D.H.T.) in the body.
If you are going bald, consider taking Propecia to fix your hair
loss. In recent studies,...
Cause of Baldness in Women
Almost all women who experience baldness find themselves looking
in the mirror, asking "Why me?" It's not an inappropriate
question. Since childhood, us girls were taught to take pride in
our appearances. Mothers always combed our hair a certain way
and made our pony-tail's 'just right.' Suddenly, something has
changed. The hair that we took for granted is falling out. Why?
What's going on?
Current research teaches doctors that something triggers a
woman's immune system (white blood cells) to attack the body's
hair follicles. Unfortunately, this 'something' has yet to be
defined by researchers. There is no known cause for this change
in the immune system.
This disorder is known as Alopecia Areata. The condition doesn't
only occur in women. It happens to both men and women of all
ages. You're not alone! Alopecia Areata has been reported to be
found in four million people around the world.
Typically, Alopecia Areata is onset in childhood. Out of every
five people affected by the disorder, one of them has a family
history of Alopecia Areata. This information strongly suggests
that this form of baldness can be inherited. Unfortunately there
is no known measure for prevention.
Not sure you have Alopecia Areata? You should consult your
physician for prognosis and treatment. Check to see if you have
any or all of the following symptoms:
Patchy areas of hair are missing Circular bald
patches (approximately the size of a quarter) appear In
extreme cases, eyelashes, eyebrows, nasal hair, and body hair
will completely
The importance of consulting a physician can not be stressed
enough. While the disorder is not a life-threatening illness,
Alopecia Areata can be very challenging on an emotional level.
Especially for women and children. It isn't something that a
person can 'learn to live with.' Support groups and counseling
are encouraged to help you develop a positive self-image.
Without treatment, a woman's hair may spontaneously grow back.
Nevertheless this process may take weeks, months, or even years!
Treatment is more effective in milder cases. Treatments come in
the form of topical creams oral medications, and/or injections.
The injections are quite painful and are usually repeated on a
monthly basis. Young women are usually advised to receive
topical treatment and apply it directly to the affected area.
Patients should bear in mind, however, that treatment is
intended to promote hair re-growth-not stop hair loss.
If you currently use a topical cream and experience itching,
dermatitis, and/or blisters, you should stop using the product
immediately. Consult your physician and describe your symptoms.
He or she may be able to prescribe a different hair loss treatment to you.
About the author:
About The Author Raj Pandey is the creator of a hair loss
product program at www.inhairit.com, and has written hundreds of
articles and tips about dealing with hair loss . For more hair
care tips and articles, visit www.inhairit.com
Hair Loss and Its Causes -- familydoctor.org |
Information about hair loss from the American Academy of Family Physicians. |
familydoctor.org |
Welcome to Hairloss.com |
Provides men and women with information about thinning hair, baldness, and hair replacement. |
www.hairloss.com |
Consumer Hair Loss Information & Support. What really works? |
Find out how you can stop your hair loss today. The latest research, hair transplant info, b&a photos, forums, newsletter, info on Propecia and Rogaine and ... |
www.hairlosstalk.com |
MedlinePlus: Hair Diseases and Hair Loss |
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases The primary NIH organization for research on Hair Diseases and Hair Loss is the ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Hair loss |
This is generally the least expensive and safest approach to hair loss. Hair pieces should not be sutured to the scalp because of the risk of scars and ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Hair Loss |
Hair loss treatment information including products such as Propecia, Avodart, Nizoral, Rogaine, nonsurgical hair replacement and hair transplants for ... |
www.regrowth.com |
Hair Loss |
Article about how it grows, causes of hair loss, kinds of treatment, and tips to keep it healthy. |
www.kidshealth.org |
ahlc.org | The American Hair Loss Council | Welcome |
The American Hair Loss Council is the nation's only, unbiased, not-for-profit agency, dedicated to sorting through this information, discovering what works ... |
www.ahlc.org |
Male hair loss |
Male hair loss is the most common type of hair loss. It is caused by increased sensitivity to male sex hormones (androgens) in certain parts of the scalp, ... |
www.netdoctor.co.uk |
AAD - Hair Loss |
However, if you are concerned about excessive hair loss or dramatic ... The constant pull causes some hair loss, especially along the sides of the scalp. ... |
www.aad.org |
Hair loss - MayoClinic.com |
Hair loss may result from heredity, medications or underlying medical conditions. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Hair loss help - Hair Transplant Doctors - Hair loss product ... |
Hair transplant doctor & hair loss treatments - hair loss forum and information on Rogaine, Propecia, Dutasteride. |
www.hairlosshelp.com |
American Hair Loss Association - Home Page |
Provides consumer hair loss information. Devoted to finding a cure for hair loss and increasing worldwide awareness and understanding of this disease. |
www.americanhairloss.org |
Hair Loss Treatment & Product Reviews - Folica.com |
Clinically proven to regrow hair better than any other topical treatment, Spectral DNC is the world’s most effective topical hair loss treatment. ... |
www.folica.com |
Hair Loss Treatments Ireland |
Advice on how to combat thinning hair, baldness plus hair replacement. Also suppliers of the hairmax LaserComb. |
www.hairloss.ie |
Hair Loss and other health information |
/Find Hair Loss health articles and videos and other Hair Loss health topics. |
sciencedaily.healthology.com |
Find hair-loss information and treatment options. |
Male pattern hair loss can be treated. Read about this FDA-approved hair-loss drug. |
www.propecia.com |
Hair loss and Hairloss advice on all hair loss treatments ... |
Information on hair loss and thinning hair as well as treatment details including propecia and minoxidil. |
www.stophairlossnow.co.uk |
Regaine® - Hair Loss Treatment for Men and Women |
Hair loss affects 40% of men under 35. Regaine for Men is the only ... Regaine for Women is proven to help prevent further hair loss for 4 out of 5 women, ... |
www.regaine.co.uk |
Hair loss, balding, hair shedding. DermNet NZ |
Authoritative facts about the skin from the New Zealand Dermatological Society. |
dermnetnz.org |