More than ever before it has become absolutely crucial for people to pay attention to their surroundings and the people they meet. There are now hundreds of organizations and websites dedicated to the safety and welfare of young children and yet,...
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Planning A Beach Wedding
A sandy beach, the sound of waves, the smell of fresh air and a gentle breeze blowing through your hair. Although romantic and memorable, there are details to pay attention to if you are planning a beach wedding.
Before choosing a specific...
The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Beauty and Skin Care with Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.
“Every person is born perfect. Inferiority is a mistake of the mind, a cloud covering the light. Dissolve the clouds by observing a balanced life with healthy habits. Nourish your mind and body. Connect with your own inner self. Celebrate your...
Your Kid's Career - Whose Choice?
A strange thing happened to me today. Or more precisely, a
strange thought occurred. You see, my eldest son
helped me install a new kitchen. He was the expert handyman.
Me? Well, I was the 'gofor':
"Dad, could you go for this ?"
Choose To Be Happy...NOW!
The older I get, the more I realize that ninety percent of life is about choices. Both the choice to be happy or unhappy is mine. Sure, unforeseeable circumstances come and rattle our cages from time to time but it’s our decision how we choose to cope with them. We can resolve to allow the situations to defeat us or we can simply count it all joy.
Counting it all joy is not basically grinning through a rough circumstance. It’s much more. When we count it all joy, we recognize and seek God’s hand in the quandary. We accept that whatever happens in our lives that God is somehow working it out for our good. We remember folks like Joseph who went through insurmountable obstacles only to be immensely, deliriously blessed. This perspective brings joy unspeakable!
Let’s be frank. Happiness is not always going to "find" you. Therefore, you’ve got to passionately, intentionally, seek, chase and pursue it on your own. As you well know, there will always be people, systems and personalities trying to rob you of your joy and purpose. But once you find your joy, it's up to you not to let it elude you.
Whether you are recovering from heartbreak or coming to terms with a recent disappointment,
resolve to maintain your joy in spite of it all. Don't succumb to the innate urge to fold up into a ball and withdraw from your world. This is not an option for the single mother. Our children need us too much. Instead, embrace your faith and rely on God to comfort you and bring peace while He restores your emotional equilibrium. Discover fresh interests by trying new things, meeting new people, reading some new books or embarking on a new hobby.
Choose to be happy, joyful and content at this very moment in your life. Take solace in knowing that your current position doesn’t predict your potential. You’re on your way some place wonderful! Make your plans, map your goals and continue on your happy, fun- filled course! Choose to be happy, today!
About The Author
Teri Worten is webmaster of two popular websites designed to inspire, uplift and encourage any woman who chooses to overcome life's barriers to success and happiness.
Visit her sites today at:
or www.gottabemegirl.com
Happiness (1998) |
Happiness on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... |
www.imdb.com |
Happiness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Happiness is an emotional or affective state that feels good or pleasing. ... Happiness is often correlated to the presence of favorable events (such as a ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Happiness Quotes | Happiness Quotations | Happiness Sayings ... |
Quotes on Happiness - part of a larger collection of Wisdom Quotes to challenge and inspire. Find Happiness quotations and links to quotes on other topics. |
www.wisdomquotes.com |
--"Finding True Happiness and Self-actualization" :: How-to-be ... |
A variety of self-help resources to help people find happiness and achieve self-actualization. Includes books, ebooks, newsletters, and free articles. |
www.thehappyguy.com |
:: Authentic Happiness :: Using the new Positive Psychology |
Authentic Happiness has almost 400000 registered users around the world. You are welcome to use all of the resources on this website for free. ... |
www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu |
Welcome to The Happiness Project |
The Happiness Project - Official Website of Dr. Robert Holden and The Happiness Project - as featured in the award winning BBC documentary 'How to be Happy' |
www.happiness.co.uk |
World Database of Happiness |
A continuous register of scientific research on subjective appreciation of life directed by Ruut Veenhoven, Erasmus University Rotterdam. |
www.eur.nl |
Happiness Magazine |
Happiness! Joy! Contentment! These can be yours! Discover how you can be happy in your day to day life. Enjoy yummy recipes and fun puzzles like Sudoku, ... |
www.happiness.com |
The Way to Happiness |
The Way to Happiness - a simple, straightforward & direct guide for making good choices. |
www.twth.org |
Happiness |
An evolutionary theory of happiness must clarify the connection between the ... The cybernetic theory of happiness says that the presence of these three ... |
pespmc1.vub.ac.be |
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Happiness Formula |
Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and ... |
news.bbc.co.uk |
Happiness Foundation - Home |
Copyright 2001-2006, Happiness Foundation. |
www.happiness.org |
So what do you have to do to find happiness? - Sunday Times ... |
Behind the neoclassical facade of the Royal Institution, in London's Mayfair, the latest in a 200-year series of lectures was taking place in a hushed ... |
www.timesonline.co.uk |
The primary meaning of this term in all the leading European languages seems to involve the notion of good fortune, good chance, good happening. |
www.newadvent.org |
TIME Magazine: Mind & Body: Happiness |
Happiness is not cozy. It gleams most vividly against a background of black ... Most people find happiness in family connections and friendships ... |
www.time.com |
Happiness |
Ask Dr. Kenner, clinical psychologist, any personal question toll-free. Happiness has a rational basis. |
www.drkenner.com |
האפינס happiness |
HAPPINESS Written and Directed by Todd Solondz 1. EXT. HAPPY'S RESTAURANT - NIGHT. 1. ... JOY To happiness. EVERYONE ELSE To happiness! Glasses clink. ... |
www.awesomefilm.com |
Reflective Happiness |
Dr. Seligman has developed a Reflective Happiness Program that ... Dr. Seligman & Reflective Happiness website featured in TIME Magazine cover story [more. ... |
www.reflectivehappiness.com |
BBC - Happiness - Homepage |
A website devoted to the BBC Two comedy, Happiness. |
www.bbc.co.uk |
Pages tagged with "happiness" on del.icio.us |
All items tagged happiness ??? view popular ... Authentic Happiness :: Using the new Positive Psychology ... Dream World, the world of happiness ... |
del.icio.us |