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Enormous jewelry for dance value in Belly Dance costume.
Belly Dance is one of the remarkable ancient forms of dancing and also it is a first class way to stay in shape for all ages. It is performed by both men and women, mostly with a great deal of improvisation. It is built from some pre-defined movements although. <br />
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Belly Dancers always wear jewelry. You don’t have to worry about your partner being scratched by dance partner. Usually dancing jewelry (rings, bracelets, belts and even earrings) should be checked for sharp sides to avoid dance wounds. This is not necessary for bellydance performance. <br />
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"Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles." (Sonja Henie) This is so true for bellydancing jewelry. Many famous bellydancers are over 40 and yet their dance is amazing masterpiece, and everybody holds their breath as they watch it! <br />
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Belly Dance costume making is usually time-consuming, but fun to do with some imagination applied to it. Typically it consists of a decorated bra, belt, two armbands, headband and a dance skirt. Also you can wear choli under it. A choli is a short-sleeved blouse that ends without covering your belly. <br />
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Making Belly Dance costume can be started with a bra. Just buy any kind of bra and some repetitive decorations, like coins or triangles. It can be copper, silver, gold or any other metal. If you look around – there are places to buy decorative coins, which are easy to attach to bra with a few moves of needle. And of course you can buy all this clothing embellished with decorations already. <br />
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Usually you should buy a belt base, because it contains some jewelry and attachment spots. A belly dance skirt contains a whole lot of jewelry decorations – coins, chains. <br />
Jewelry on foot, a performer of belly dance wears, should be resistant to stress. So keep it tied hard. <br />
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Headwear decoration is usually consists of veil, decorative rhomb-shaped shiny things. Don’t forget to have some fancy tribal-style earrings, that’s one of important elements. Actually, all jewelry is very important to belly dance costume. Oriental dances are famous for costumes and it’s shiny jewelry things. When you wear a mind-blowing amount of coins on yourself even if they are just copper – you can feel like a goddess wearing all gold on earth which a sultan (husband) brought in her life to give her happiness. <br />
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Many people think that belly dance includes only belly, however a whole body and mind is involved. It teaches you not only to value your body, but also it helps your mind. In order to achieve mind-effect of belly dance you must feel as beautiful as you can be. A word “feel” is emphasized here. It doesn’t matter really must how you look – it’s how you feel yourself in dance. You should make all possible to feel at best must it include a great costume, a great stylish jewelry on it and the best moves you can do! <br />
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Belly Dancing is a phenomenal opportunity to keep interest in life and to expand your horizons – give it a try – why lose a chance to feel jewelry all over you instead of modern “not-too-much” jewelry. Feel the beat of the past times. About the Author
Slava Diamy is an author of Diamy.Com - Jewelry Blog, where you can join us for a discussion of "Enormous jewelry for dance value" article and subscribe to receive new articles.
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World Database of Happiness |
A continuous register of scientific research on subjective appreciation of life directed by Ruut Veenhoven, Erasmus University Rotterdam. |
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www.timesonline.co.uk |
The primary meaning of this term in all the leading European languages seems to involve the notion of good fortune, good chance, good happening. |
www.newadvent.org |
TIME Magazine: Mind & Body: Happiness |
Happiness is not cozy. It gleams most vividly against a background of black ... Most people find happiness in family connections and friendships ... |
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Ask Dr. Kenner, clinical psychologist, any personal question toll-free. Happiness has a rational basis. |
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Reflective Happiness |
Dr. Seligman has developed a Reflective Happiness Program that ... Dr. Seligman & Reflective Happiness website featured in TIME Magazine cover story [more. ... |
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BBC - Happiness - Homepage |
A website devoted to the BBC Two comedy, Happiness. |
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