Amazing Trivia Part 1
I admit it .. I LIKE trivia, tho it serves no purpose for me since I can never remember any to bring up in conversation. But still, it is fun, so I've created this list of amazing trivia that I found to be absolutely riveting.
Copyright The Quipping Queen 2005. BUDDHABOT AT YOUR SERVICE Or, where oh where have my wisdom teeth gone? By Ovid Publius Hadweenzic, Ph.D., a peripatetic professor of pre-recorded pauses, past-life parables and punctuated premonitions, on...
Mr. Cheapie's Frugal Shopping Tips
Hello. Mr. Cheapie here again with three more fantastic I-can't-believe-I-didn't-think-of-that frugal shopping tips. I already gave you my best frugal eating tips at: http://www.thehappyguy.com/frugal-living-tip.html Now let's move away from food,...
Similarity Breeds Comedy
My last piece I talked about associating or pairing up opposites
to produce funny ideas. Today we associate SIMILARITY or
CONGRUITY; by puting the same or similar objects, person or
animals together to engender laughter.
One fine example is...
Very Precise Fortune Cookies
I cracked open the fortune cookie and read the little slip of paper on the inside. Immediately I realized that it had been written by a weather forecaster.
"You will be approached in the late afternoon by a pink polka-dot octopus..."
25 Reasons You Might Need to Wear a Welding Helmet
A welding helmet is a safety device worn for protection while one is welding; however, there are definitely many other uses for a welding helmet. A welding helmet is a very practical that should be found in every home. Here are just a few ways you might find yourself in need of a welding helmet: 1. You can't find your bike helmet. 2. You lost your Darth Vader mask on the opening day of a Star Wars movie. A welding helmet is a good substitute; however, you will have to mimic the Darth Vader breathing noises yourself. 3. You do not know your science very well but you think it would be cool to make your own fireworks. 4. You are scared of identity theft. 5. You wear a welding helmet in hopes of attracting women, making it clear to them that you are manly and can fix things. 6. You want to reenact the opening credits from The Simpson's and you are playing the part of Homer in the nuclear power plant (in this case, you will also need a glow stick). 7. You think that cartoons are real and there is a possibility of an anvil dropping from the sky. 8. If people who look at you turn into stone then you might want to wear a welding helmet. 9. You want to give your kids a punishment they won't forget and decide to make them wear the welding helmet to school for a week. 10. If you are scared of the sun giving you wrinkles or skin cancer, you could use a welding helmet to protect yourself from the sun's harmful rays. 11. You have horrendously bad breath and/or forgot to put you makeup on. 12. You can't find your sunglasses. 13. You are someone who always wants to be on top of fashion and thinks that welding helmets could be the new thing. 14. You are sick of relatives pinching your cheeks at family
reunions. 15. You are a celebrity and you don't want the paparazzi taking any pictures of you. 16. You are sick of shallow people falling for you because of your looks and want people to like you for your witty humor. Wearing a welding helmet would definitely be a way to see if that special someone likes you because of your personality. 17. You think that the end of the world is near and somehow a welding helmet will save you. 18. You want people to think that you are weird, have learning problems, or that you are half man and half machine. 19. You want to do your own rendition of Phantom of the Opera called Phantom of the Tool Shed. 20. You think that your partner in your science lab class secretly wants to destroy you. 21. You had an extremely bad haircut. 22. You think you are like Cyclops from X-Men and you have uncontrollable optic blasts from your eyes. 23. You want to scare little children. (Carrying a blow torch and laughing will also help you in this goal). 24. You don't ever want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. 25. And I guess you might possibly want a welding helmet if you think you will possibly be welding something anytime soon. These are just a few of the reasons that it is probably a good idea for you to wear a welding helmet. After you get your own welding helmet, I am sure that you will find this list to be very limited and you will find thousands of other uses for it.
About the Author
Kaitlin Carruth is a client account specialist with 10x Marketing - More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For more information about welding helmets, please visit Tool America.
Humor in the Yahoo! Directory |
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College Humor |
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Open Directory - Recreation: Humor |
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Humour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
This article discusses humour in terms of comedy and laughter. ... Mintz, Lawrence E. Humor in America: A Research Guide to Genres and Topics. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Humor Posters at AllPosters.com |
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Political Humor - Jokes Satire and Political Cartoons |
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politicalhumor.about.com |
Psychology Humor |
What's the surest sign that a subject isn't really a science? They're the ones whose proponents spend the most time trying to insist that their field is a ... |
www.psych.upenn.edu |
Pages tagged with "humor" on del.icio.us |
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Rec.humor.funny jokes and comedy |
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www.netfunny.com |
Philosophical humor |
Philosophical humor. Compiled by David Chalmers. Some bits and pieces I've come across. Additions are always welcome. Lists and litanies ... |
consc.net |
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Humour Links Comedy Sites Directory |
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The Humor Archives - funny jokes, pictures, cartoons and movies |
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