"Is Ineffective Listening Hurting Your Professionally?"
"Is Ineffective Listening Hurting Your Professionally?" Poor listening habits should be a serious concern to executives. When other people talk, do you really listen with your fullest attention? Do you remember the names of those you meet at...
New Leadership For A New War
PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to...
Peggy Smedley of Start Magazine to Address PRONTO North America Users Conference
Peggy Smedley is the editor of Start Magazine and will be addressing the first annual PRONTO North America Users Conference on Thursday, May 5th. Smedley was recently profiled in the Wall Street Journal and authored Mending Manufacturing, How...
PRONTO North America ERP FaxMail Provides Professional Documents
The ability to fax or e-mail any PRONTO-Xi document or report directly to customers, suppliers, colleagues directly from the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system dramatically improves productivity. According to Tom Verzi, Director of Marketing...
The Leadership Factor
What is the last leadership opportunity that you passed up?
When I posed this question to a group of employees who had been
singled out for their leadership potential:
50% named the title/position they failed to apply for or
had not...
5 Tips to Customizing your Resume
Gone are the days of the bland, generic one-page resume. Employers these days are more impressed by a resume that is customized and they tend to give jobs to interviewees that have a bit of knowledge about the company.
By doing your research, you’re showing initiative, which impresses potential employers. It will also help you decide whether or not you would feel comfortable working for the company, and would fit in with others at the office and the overall atmosphere.
Researching the company can also help you ace the dreaded job interview, since it will give you an idea of what you want to communicate, and how you can incorporate that sentiment into the company philosophy.
Overall, it will decrease stress levels because you’re already just a bit more prepared than the average applicant. So relax… and start your research!
Here are five tips to customizing your resume:
1- Visit the company’s website: read past the obvious introductory pieces. Pay special attention to the layout and design- they should give clues as to the type of
company it is. If possible, familiarize yourself with the key players in the company.
2- Go beyond the company site: Google the company name, and read some of the recent news articles, annual reports or any other relevant information you can find.
3- Seek out the competitors: talk to anyone you know who works for one of the competitors to find out how your potential employer is viewed in their industry.
4- Inquire around the water cooler: ask your friends and co-workers what they know about the company.
5- Pick up the phone: call the company, and ask the receptionist their views on the company, including dress code, organization, leadership style, and overall office atmosphere.
About the Author
Jessica Klein is a member of the 'Mount Real Research Team', whose aim is to seek out and distribute business information to the virtual public. She is a freelance writer based in Montreal, Canada who loves writing about anything from accounting to zebras.
For more info about Mount Real, visit http://www.mountreal.com.
The Art and Science of Leadership |
The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. ... Leadership Development Outline - contains the leadership guide listed to the right, ... |
www.skagit.com |
LeadershipJournal.net | Church Leaders & Leadership Training |
Leadership's award-winning and relevent editorial provides timely insights on critical issues facing today's pastors and church leaders. |
www.christianitytoday.com |
Leadership - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Leadership can come from an individual, a collective group of leaders, ... Though advocates of the "big man" school of visionary leadership would have us ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Leadership - Forbes.com. |
Careers, Jobs, Management, Money, Compensation, Salary, Bonuses, Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility, ... |
www.forbes.com |
LeadershipNow - Leadership Development - Main Page |
A source for free articles and shopping for leadership resources. |
www.leadershipnow.com |
Leadership University |
Collection of articles in PDF format for distribution to classes, leadership teams, or outreach audiences. Sponsored by Campus Crusade. |
www.leaderu.com |
Center for Creative leadership: leadership at CCL.org, leadership ... |
leadership at CCL.org. Specializing in leadership development, leadership training, executive coaching at CCL. |
www.ccl.org |
U.S. Senate: Senators Home > Senate Leadership |
It shows the Senate's relationship to other branches of the Federal government and provides a quick view of Senate leadership, officers, and committee ... |
www.senate.gov |
Leadership |
Quick Search This Journal:. Leadership. Sign up for SAGE Email Alerts today! Select an Issue from the Archive February 2005—November 2006 ... |
lea.sagepub.com |
Leadership |
Describes programs, products, and services of the Covey Leadership Center, The goal of which is to help solve personal, professional, and organizational ... |
www.ncrel.org |
Academic Leadership |
Articles and Essays for those in academic leadership roles - from unit coordinators to university presidents. |
www.academicleadership.org |
United States House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd ... |
Leadership Offices. Office of the Speaker · Office of the Majority Leader · Office of the Democratic Leader · House Majority Whip · Democratic Whip ... |
www.house.gov |
Amazon.com: Leadership: Books: Rudolph W. Giuliani,Ken Kurson |
Amazon.com: Leadership: Books: Rudolph W. Giuliani,Ken Kurson by Rudolph W. Giuliani,Ken Kurson. |
www.amazon.com |
Leadership.com |
Welcome to Leadership.com: Shaping the leaders of the Internet era ... Leadership.com offers several modules that empower leaders to build more effective ... |
www.leadership.com |
Leadership Network |
Identifies and connects innovative senior pastors in the US and Canada through Leadership Communities and other events. |
www.leadnet.org |
Educational Leadership |
Selected responses will be included in either the print or online versions of Educational Leadership. The deadline for this special section is December 8, ... |
www.ascd.org |
The Leadership Trust - Excellence in Leadership Development |
The Leadership Trust has launched a new leadership development programme specifically ... The Leadership Trust recently welcomed The John Smith Fellowship ... |
www.leadership.co.uk |
Progressive Policy Institute: Defining the Third Way |
Progressive Policy Institute, Democratic Leadership Council Home ... It is time for progressives to fill the leadership void on energy policy by offering a ... |
www.ppionline.org |
Business Leadership Skills - Leadership Development Training ... |
Inc.com's Leadership Resource Center covering topics such as leadership development training, business leadership training, and business leadership skills. |
www.inc.com |
Leadership |
These pages aim to expand the readers knowledge and understanding of the continuing debate in management studies about the role of leadership in the ... |
www.ee.ed.ac.uk |