In Leadership, The Critical Convergence Drives Great Results
PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to...
Phone Tips To Get Things Done: Professional Phone Skills
It happens all the time, you hear someone over the telephone and you make a generalization about the person you are speaking with. It may not be fair and it is akin to judging a book by its cover, but it's true nevertheless. Within 60 seconds,...
The Network Within
When you hear the word “networking”, what comes to your mind first?
You probably think about going to a job fair or asking all of your friends, family members and acquaintances for jobs.
But if you are currently employed, you might very...
Top Ten Tips for Preparing a Workshop or Seminar Proposal
One way to build your business is to create interest and interaction with potential customers or clients. Offering a workshop or a seminar is a great way to get started. You can offer a workshop anywhere, but the best place to get started is by...
Uncommon Common Sense – Know What is the Most Important Thing in Your Business
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A Staff That Lasts
One of today’s greatest challenges facing business operators is retaining qualified, valuable employees or staff members. Because of the high costs, increased time and stress of training new employees resulting from high turnover, savvy business operators are always looking to improve their relationship skills and business practices in order to retain their valuable employees and maintain a long-term satisfied and dedicated staff. The following tips will help the business operator have a Staff that Lasts.
1.Give quality time to your valued employees.
The more quality time you dedicate to your employees, the more valued your employees will feel. Increase the quality of this time by making eye contact with them during your interactions, and always remember to take time out of your busy day to stop and communicate with your employees.
2.Really LISTEN to your staff members.
Pay close attention to what your staff members are saying. Repeat back to your staff members what you heard them say to make sure that you heard them correctly, and also to show your staff members that you’ve been listening. Empathize with your staff members experiencing difficulty, and empower them to take actions to consistently produce positive results.
3.Verbally acknowledge your employees regularly.
Let your employees know that you appreciate their hard work and dedication. Verbally acknowledge them for their contribution and celebrate their successes. This will motivate your employees to continue maintaining an optimal level of performance.
4.Motivate your staff to take risks and try new things.
A staff that is motivated and allowed to take risks will be more creatively engaged and satisfied with their duties, and their innovative creativeness will produce profitable results. They will never be bored, and they will be looking forward to working on Monday.
5.Recognize your valuable employees with Employee Recognition Programs.
Implement an “Employee of the Month” program or you can choose an award title that will be more applicable to your business practices. Award recipients love to see their name on a plaque hanging on the wall and see an article of appreciation written about them posted for all to see. They feel successful and appreciated.
6.Be honest with your employees.
Always be straight up and honest with your employees. No one wants to walk on pins and
needles worrying about what the boss is really thinking. Your employees will respect you and be more likely to stay with you forever if they know that they can always count on you to tell the truth.
7.Train your staff members to be able to take your place.
Your staff members will rise to the standards you set for them. The best staff members are the ones who care about the business as much as you do, and can jump in and do whatever it takes to have the business run smoothly. Train them to be good enough to take your place. They will feel great about themselves and your business will run effortlessly.
8.Teach your staff members to communicate positively and effectively.
Most people really have never learned how to communicate their feelings, perceptions, needs, and goals. They just automatically assume everyone is supposed to read their minds. Give your employees a safe space to learn how to say whatever is going on in their minds. This will facilitate clearing up any miscommunications or misperceptions in the workplace. Open lines of communication also leads to a fun, productive and committed environment.
9.Spread the wealth.
Implement employee incentive programs, wherein your valuable employees earn some sort of bonus or share of the increased sales or profits. This will result in your employees staying motivated and dedicated to the business’ success, and they will also feel that their contributions are rewarded and appreciated.
10.Create and motivate a continued positive, energetic workplace environment.
Your employees will take your lead. They will learn their accepted behavior patterns from how you are being. Maintain a positive, high energy frame of mind and expect the same from your employees. Teach all of your employees to support each other in staying in the positive zone. As a result, you will all consistently experience a fun, successful, and committed work life.
About the Author
As a Mind Power Leadership coach, trainer, and speaker, Ronya Banks teaches others how to become leaders and business owners. Frequently featured in radio, magazine and newspaper articles and interviews, Ronya helps people find the great leaders within by accessing the natural power of their minds. Discover more of Ronya’s leadership success secrets at: www.livinginaction.com, and subscribe to Mind Power ezine at: http://www.livinginaction.com/newsletter.cfm.
The Art and Science of Leadership |
The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. ... Leadership Development Outline - contains the leadership guide listed to the right, ... |
www.skagit.com |
LeadershipJournal.net | Church Leaders & Leadership Training |
Leadership's award-winning and relevent editorial provides timely insights on critical issues facing today's pastors and church leaders. |
www.christianitytoday.com |
Leadership - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Leadership can come from an individual, a collective group of leaders, ... Though advocates of the "big man" school of visionary leadership would have us ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Leadership - Forbes.com. |
Careers, Jobs, Management, Money, Compensation, Salary, Bonuses, Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility, ... |
www.forbes.com |
LeadershipNow - Leadership Development - Main Page |
A source for free articles and shopping for leadership resources. |
www.leadershipnow.com |
Leadership University |
Collection of articles in PDF format for distribution to classes, leadership teams, or outreach audiences. Sponsored by Campus Crusade. |
www.leaderu.com |
Center for Creative leadership: leadership at CCL.org, leadership ... |
leadership at CCL.org. Specializing in leadership development, leadership training, executive coaching at CCL. |
www.ccl.org |
U.S. Senate: Senators Home > Senate Leadership |
It shows the Senate's relationship to other branches of the Federal government and provides a quick view of Senate leadership, officers, and committee ... |
www.senate.gov |
Leadership |
Quick Search This Journal:. Leadership. Sign up for SAGE Email Alerts today! Select an Issue from the Archive February 2005—November 2006 ... |
lea.sagepub.com |
Leadership |
Describes programs, products, and services of the Covey Leadership Center, The goal of which is to help solve personal, professional, and organizational ... |
www.ncrel.org |
Academic Leadership |
Articles and Essays for those in academic leadership roles - from unit coordinators to university presidents. |
www.academicleadership.org |
United States House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd ... |
Leadership Offices. Office of the Speaker · Office of the Majority Leader · Office of the Democratic Leader · House Majority Whip · Democratic Whip ... |
www.house.gov |
Amazon.com: Leadership: Books: Rudolph W. Giuliani,Ken Kurson |
Amazon.com: Leadership: Books: Rudolph W. Giuliani,Ken Kurson by Rudolph W. Giuliani,Ken Kurson. |
www.amazon.com |
Leadership.com |
Welcome to Leadership.com: Shaping the leaders of the Internet era ... Leadership.com offers several modules that empower leaders to build more effective ... |
www.leadership.com |
Leadership Network |
Identifies and connects innovative senior pastors in the US and Canada through Leadership Communities and other events. |
www.leadnet.org |
Educational Leadership |
Selected responses will be included in either the print or online versions of Educational Leadership. The deadline for this special section is December 8, ... |
www.ascd.org |
The Leadership Trust - Excellence in Leadership Development |
The Leadership Trust has launched a new leadership development programme specifically ... The Leadership Trust recently welcomed The John Smith Fellowship ... |
www.leadership.co.uk |
Progressive Policy Institute: Defining the Third Way |
Progressive Policy Institute, Democratic Leadership Council Home ... It is time for progressives to fill the leadership void on energy policy by offering a ... |
www.ppionline.org |
Business Leadership Skills - Leadership Development Training ... |
Inc.com's Leadership Resource Center covering topics such as leadership development training, business leadership training, and business leadership skills. |
www.inc.com |
Leadership |
These pages aim to expand the readers knowledge and understanding of the continuing debate in management studies about the role of leadership in the ... |
www.ee.ed.ac.uk |