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Three Building Blocks of Leadership
Three Building Blocks of Leadership
By: Kenneth Strong
It’s not enough to declare that your selected candidate for promotion to supervisor is now a “leader.” You must provide him or her with three essential building blocks. And by the way, if you are the one being asked to take on the additional responsibility of leadership you should insist on having the same three building blocks:
After this time I surpassed all others in authority, but I had no more power than the others who were also my colleagues in office.
- Augustus Caesar
Authority includes the personnel, money and materials that go beyond the title supervisor or manager. Your authority includes the sole determination of how the above assets are utilized or expended conducting the business of your department, section, area of responsibility or company. Your staff must be absolutely certain that you are in charge and your decisions won’t be reversed by your supervisor, within reason, baring anything unlawful or immoral.
If you aren’t given the decision making authority, don’t take the job. Having the authority to complete a job is very satisfying. Remember that your authority also means taking responsibility when things go wrong.
You are given the authority to perform your duties and responsibilities because of your supervisor’s confidence and trust in your abilities.
While an open mind is priceless, it is priceless only when its owner has the courage to make a final decision that closes the mind for action after the process of viewing all sides of the question has been completed. Failure to make a decision after due consideration of all the facts will quickly brand a man as unfit for a position of responsibility. Not all of your decisions will be correct. None of us is perfect. But if you get into the habit of making decisions, experience will develop your judgment to a point where more and more of your decisions will be right. After all, it is better to be right 51% of the time and get something done, than it is to get nothing done because you fear to reach a decision.
- H. W. Andrews
This is the lonely part of leadership; every decision you make you make alone. While you want to have input from staff members and others as may be necessary but you will evaluate all the data and advice and ultimately make the decision alone. Leaders are responsible for making the hard decisions no one else wants to make or can make. Once you implement your decision everyone suddenly knows the correct answer. You have now opened yourself to criticism from every possible direction. You may even begin to second guess yourself-don’t. The decision you made was based on available information and in the best interests of the organization.
You always have the option of adjusting the decision as its consequences develop. As a leader you make decisions knowing that they may be wrong but you take that risk where others won’t. You and you alone have the responsibility for making the decision. So make your decision with confidence and above all, trust yourself.
The major way of doing anything with one's self is to own one's self. This means to take full responsibility and accountability for whatever I am doing at any moment, with anybody. It means, among other things, that I get rid of all the extra fingers that I point at people and situations to explain my behavior. When a person says "He made me mad" that is not accurate. It is "I made me mad." When I permit myself the luxury of taking that full
responsibility, then I'm on first base, at least, because then I can do something about it.
- W. W. Broadbent, MD, PhD
Accountability simply put means you own it. The military teaches this concept better that any organization I know. It works like this. You are assigned a task; there are two possible outcomes, you succeed or fail. If you succeed, congratulations and move on. If you fail there is no excuse for failing, you just didn’t get it done. This short conversation sounds like this; Yes, Sir, No, Sir and No Excuse, Sir. The young leader learns very quickly that he or she is totally accountable for everything his or her unit does or fails to do.
I guarantee you will only make an excuse once.
Your reputation as a leader will be determined by how accountable you are in your daily business practices. By holding yourself accountable for all your actions and those of your department you will be way ahead of your contemporaries. It is an easy way to get noticed in a positive way.
Accountability is not just for the big stuff; it also important for the casual daily things. For example: You tell a colleague that you can’t meet with him at the moment but will call him in an hour. Make sure you call him in an hour. Or you are scheduled to attend a meeting at 10:00 AM. Show up at 9:55 AM not 10:05 AM.
Feel free to use this article, in your publications, in its entirety provided you include the following notice:
© Copyright 2004, Lighthouse CCUNIV Publications, Ltd., Lakeville, Massachusetts, USA (except as otherwise indicated). Lighthouse Continuing Care University is a servicemark Lighthouse CCUNIV Publications, Ltd. http://www.ccuniv.org
About the author:
Kenneth E. Strong, Jr., MS, is President and founder of Lighthouse CCUNIV Publication, Ltd., www.ccunivpub.comHe is the founder of Lighthouse Continuing Care University http://www.ccuniv.orga web based community devoted to educating, supporting and developing, supervisors, managers, line staff and trustees of Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Skilled Nursing Facilities and CCUNIV Radio.com’s “You’re Making A Difference Program.” http://www.ccunivradio.comEach week he’ll introduce guests who walk the talk and talk the talk, sharing their experience and insights about how they’re making a positive difference in the lives of people they serve. He publishes a monthly newsletter “How To Find A Great Nursing Home” http://greatnursinghomestrategies.com Mr. Strong has been a Health Care executive for 30 years. Mr. Strong received a Bachelor of Science in Health Services Administration from Providence College and a Master of Science in Health Care Administration from Salve Regina College He has had articles published by the American Geriatric Society and has spoken on a variety of topics for the American College of Health Care Administrators and the New England Not-for-Profit Providers Conferences. Mr. Strong has also served as Adjunct Professor at Stonehill College. He is also an evaluator for the Continuing Care Accreditation Commission and a certified Retirement Housing Professional. He is certified by Walden University as an online instructor and certified by Langevin Learning Services as an Instructional Designer/Developer and Master trainer.
The Art and Science of Leadership |
The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. ... Leadership Development Outline - contains the leadership guide listed to the right, ... |
www.skagit.com |
LeadershipJournal.net | Church Leaders & Leadership Training |
Leadership's award-winning and relevent editorial provides timely insights on critical issues facing today's pastors and church leaders. |
www.christianitytoday.com |
Leadership - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Leadership can come from an individual, a collective group of leaders, ... Though advocates of the "big man" school of visionary leadership would have us ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Leadership - Forbes.com. |
Careers, Jobs, Management, Money, Compensation, Salary, Bonuses, Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility, ... |
www.forbes.com |
LeadershipNow - Leadership Development - Main Page |
A source for free articles and shopping for leadership resources. |
www.leadershipnow.com |
Leadership University |
Collection of articles in PDF format for distribution to classes, leadership teams, or outreach audiences. Sponsored by Campus Crusade. |
www.leaderu.com |
Center for Creative leadership: leadership at CCL.org, leadership ... |
leadership at CCL.org. Specializing in leadership development, leadership training, executive coaching at CCL. |
www.ccl.org |
U.S. Senate: Senators Home > Senate Leadership |
It shows the Senate's relationship to other branches of the Federal government and provides a quick view of Senate leadership, officers, and committee ... |
www.senate.gov |
Leadership |
Quick Search This Journal:. Leadership. Sign up for SAGE Email Alerts today! Select an Issue from the Archive February 2005—November 2006 ... |
lea.sagepub.com |
Leadership |
Describes programs, products, and services of the Covey Leadership Center, The goal of which is to help solve personal, professional, and organizational ... |
www.ncrel.org |
Academic Leadership |
Articles and Essays for those in academic leadership roles - from unit coordinators to university presidents. |
www.academicleadership.org |
United States House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd ... |
Leadership Offices. Office of the Speaker · Office of the Majority Leader · Office of the Democratic Leader · House Majority Whip · Democratic Whip ... |
www.house.gov |
Amazon.com: Leadership: Books: Rudolph W. Giuliani,Ken Kurson |
Amazon.com: Leadership: Books: Rudolph W. Giuliani,Ken Kurson by Rudolph W. Giuliani,Ken Kurson. |
www.amazon.com |
Leadership.com |
Welcome to Leadership.com: Shaping the leaders of the Internet era ... Leadership.com offers several modules that empower leaders to build more effective ... |
www.leadership.com |
Leadership Network |
Identifies and connects innovative senior pastors in the US and Canada through Leadership Communities and other events. |
www.leadnet.org |
Educational Leadership |
Selected responses will be included in either the print or online versions of Educational Leadership. The deadline for this special section is December 8, ... |
www.ascd.org |
The Leadership Trust - Excellence in Leadership Development |
The Leadership Trust has launched a new leadership development programme specifically ... The Leadership Trust recently welcomed The John Smith Fellowship ... |
www.leadership.co.uk |
Progressive Policy Institute: Defining the Third Way |
Progressive Policy Institute, Democratic Leadership Council Home ... It is time for progressives to fill the leadership void on energy policy by offering a ... |
www.ppionline.org |
Business Leadership Skills - Leadership Development Training ... |
Inc.com's Leadership Resource Center covering topics such as leadership development training, business leadership training, and business leadership skills. |
www.inc.com |
Leadership |
These pages aim to expand the readers knowledge and understanding of the continuing debate in management studies about the role of leadership in the ... |
www.ee.ed.ac.uk |