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Maximum Website Promotion through PPC Bid Management
Tools for Internet Marketing have been rising to popularity
these days because of cost-effectiveness and the possibility of
measuring increase in profits and sales.
Pay per click (PPC) is a means to advertise business through the
use of keywords/phrases in the search engines. The advertiser is
required to only pay for each click that sends a visitor to his
website. Search engines such as Overture, Google Adwords, Search
Yahoo and Miva are just some examples of search engines. They
offer top positions among the sponsored listings for particular
keywords/phrases you choose. The idea for bidding is you have to
buy/bid on keywords/phrases relevant to your business. The
highest bidder gets to be on the top of the search result
listing and the second highest bidder, of course, gets the next
top listing and so on. Every time a visitor clicks on your
website, you will have to pay the same amount that you bid on
that particular keyword.
PPC can be very costly, time consuming and sometimes not worthy.
But if you know how to go about the step by step procedures, PPC
is a welcome change to traditional advertising.
If you do your searches for products, articles and auctions in
the net, you usually type in a keyword or a set of phrase to
guide you in your search. Either you use Google or Yahoo Search
depending on where you are most comfortable at and where you
usually get the best results. As soon as you key in the search
button, immediately a long list of keywords or phrase will be
displayed containing the keywords you key in. The first or the
top link that you saw is most likely the one who bids the
highest for that keyword you type. In this way, businessmen will
produce the desired results; they get to be advertised, at the
same time, saving and spending only for the clicks they need
that might translate to potential sales.
The way to start PPC bid management is to identify first the
maximum cost per click (CPC) you are willing to pay for a given
keyword or phrase. CPC varies from time and even search engine
to search engine too. Maximum CPC can be measured by averaging
the current costs of bids (bids range from $0.25 to $5). Average
of these bids is to be used as the maximum CPC to begin with. As
your ad campaign progresses, the actual conversion rate
(visitors turning to potential buyers/sales) will be determined
and you may have to adjust your CPC (bidding rate) accordingly.
When you start to bid, see to it that you adopt different
bidding strategies for various search engines. Search engines
have their own PPC systems that require different approaches. It
is also worthy to identify different bids for the same keyword
phrases in various search engines.
Another thing, it is wiser not to bid for the top spot for two
reasons: 1) It is very expensive and impractical, and 2) Surfers
usually try different search queries in various search engines
before they settle on the right one that fits to what they are
looking for. This hardly results to
conversion. Try to bid for
the fifth spot instead and work your way up.
If you are now going steady on your PPC biddings, it is time for
you to develop your own bidding strategy accordingly. It is
important for you to track down which sites bring the bulk of
your traffic and identify the ranking of your paid ads. This
will help your bidding strategy to be effective and you should
also decide where you want your ad to be positioned. Usually
your maximum CPC will limit your choices.
Bid gaps (e.g. $ 0.40, 0.39, bid gap, 0.20, 0.19, 0.18) occur
when there is a significant price increase to move up one spot
in the PPC rankings. It is best if you take advantage of the bid
gaps by filling them in so you can save up your cents to other
bidding opportunities. Often there are keywords worthy of lesser
bids to get the appropriate ranking on the list and produce a
good number of clicks and higher conversion rate rather than
bidding higher but having a poor conversion rate. You have to
put in mind that overbidding too is not good but rather the best
position for the most effective bid.
Using pay-per-click bid management in promoting your website
will only be successful if you take time building many lists
across many engines and studying the performance of every
listing. In this way, you can make the most value from what you
spend in the bidding process. The key is to use the necessary
precautions to stay ahead of the competition.
Bid Management Tools
In ensuring best results, you may use bid management tools.
There are accepted and approved management tools that will help
you in your bidding. They are categorized in two different
*Web based (services by monthly subscription) or, *PC based (a
purchased software)
Monitoring tools too may help in the tracking down of your
keywords/phrases and search engines as to which among them often
generate sales, overall and in relation to your cost per click.
This is what you call return of investment (ROI) monitoring.
These bid management tools may include additional functions that
may not get from online marketing tools that are readily
available. Other tools can monitor competitor's bids, produce
reports for different parties and offer the ability to interface
with multiple PPC engines. This is particularly helpful to those
who manage more than a hundred keywords across several PPC
engines to boost productivity and save time.
Pay-per-click bid management is ideal for the effective
promotion of your business online without the hassles of
draining your financial keeping too much. It is now fast
catching up as a means used in marketing your goods and services
to reach to as many consumers as possible.
About the author:
Jeremiah Patton has been using pay per click advertising for
marketing legitimate home based business opportunities for many
years online. Jeremiah's website http://www.2ndincome4u.com
offers numerous legitimate work at home opportunities and ideas.
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