Basic Ingredients of Small Business Management
Article Title: Basic Ingredients of Small Business Management Author: Stephan Szugat Word Count: 991 Article URL: http://www.abenetis.com/encyclopedia.html Format: 65 Characters per Line ------------------ ARTICLE START ------------------ Basic...
Communication: Management's Responsibility
I've just watched, again, an episode in the Back to the Floor television series, which aired on the BBC (United Kingdom) and PBS (United States). Once more, communication turned out to be a key issue, as it often does in business stories.
Financial Woes - Consider a Debt Management Company
You've been working yourself silly for years and yet... you
still have no savings and the pile of unpaid bills seems to grow
each and every month. You have creditors breathing down your
neck - calling and sending you letters so much that...
Organizing Business Cards for Effective Contact Management
Now that you've had colorful new business cards printed, and have been distributing them diligently, what do you do with the cards you collect from other people? If you're like most people, you have a stack of rubber-banded cards floating around...
Time Management Working to Succeed
Time management is the process of working to succeed. When we
are working to succeed, we are reaching our goals. Sometimes it
is difficult when time are constantly changing and problems get
in our way, so it is important to decide which plan...
Time Management in Control
Being in control of your time is important if you are a hard
worker, with a family, and have other needs and requirements to
meet. When you are not in control of your time, you success is
at risk. To be a successful individual in life, you should not
feel frustrated or stress. Nor should you have doubts, fears, or
a feeling of no direction or motivation.
This type of situation often leads to stress, which is proven
to be one of the direct causes of lack of time management and
control. Procrastination is often the leading cause that stumps
slackers from becoming successful. However, other factors can
contribute to why someone is not managing their time
appropriately. In my last article I spoke about goals, but I
think it is just as important to inform the audience how being
in control of their time, makes all the difference in the world,
even with individuality. Our individuality requires us to feel
good, have a good self-esteem, and quality level of
When we are not in control, we loose control. The fact is, the
government and law already takes a measure of our control out of
our hands, so control is a struggle we have to obtain that suits
our individuality. Managing time means we need to set goals that
we can achieve and work hard to achieve those goals. Time
management also means that we have to cut the procrastination
and get our body and minds motivated to clean up our act. We can
start by organizing our home and office, and then work toward
list that will direct us where we are headed each day. The rule
of thumb is "Don't put off, what you can do today."
After our priorities are in order, the rest will work smoothly.
All of us have the capacity to achieve and be successful. All of
us have the ability to take control of our lives, and stop
doubting our abilities to be successful. The ability lies within
our minds, and when we take charge of our brains, (Mind over
matter), we have the ability to go to any level of achievement
we desire. Now before you fire up those barrels, make sure you
got your priorities in order, since this is a part of the key to
managing time and taking control of your life.
Negative energy is a charge that sends out negative results, so
you might want to take a few notes on how to think positive if
you are a pessimistic. I wanted to bring this point out, which
we will talk more about later in a different article, but it is
the root of all evil in its own way. Positive thinkers often
look forward to success, while negative thinkers are often
reluctant to take hold of a good thing, and that includes their
own control. This is a problem since time management is often
difficult for these types of thinkers. In conclusion we can see
time management includes being in control!
About the author:
Tony Robinson is a company director, web master and an authority
on Time Management. For more handy tips and techniques visit
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