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Advertising Methods: Understanding & Implementing Key Marketing Strategies
Being the Public Relations' Director for a major, online holistic journal, I often find myself brainstorming new and creative ways of marketing, and making our site not only visitor/client-friendly, but informative and entertaining as well. While we offer a broad array of alternative healing arts' schools, I wanted to explain exactly how successful marketing can lead to maximum, effective exposure.
After a little research, I discovered quite a few interesting things about how advertising works. The Nielsen ratings are a classic example of how marketing techniques are applied. In the United States, Nielsen Media Research provides audience estimates for all national program sources. For example, during 'Sweeps' week, Nielsen Media Research mails out diaries to certain households across the country. The diaries are collected and processed at the end of each time period. In addition, Nielsen provides many other data services to display viewing records of television, cable and other multimedia programming. These viewing data reflect what, when and how often programs are watched. So, in essence, commercial advertising agencies depend on Nielsen ratings on what commercials to air, and how to design commercials to be 'eye candy' to the masses.
The Coca-Cola company made a powerful move in its Christmas advertising campaign by integrating Santa Claus in their marketing plans. So powerful, in fact, that because of its commercials depicting Santa drinking Coca-Cola from a bottle, spawned consumers to take more and more bottles of Coca-Cola home with them!
In an even more elaborate move, Toyota Motor Sales recently cornered the online market with being the only car Ad to sponsor Ebay!
During the 1980s, Ms. Clara Peller was recruited to commercialize Wendy's "Where's the Beef?" Slogan in televisions ads everywhere.
But what does this have to do with marketing essentials? Technically, the viewing and listening public - whether it be Radio, Cable TV, or the Internet - are diverse information and entertainment seekers. As consumers, we want a broad selection, we demand diversity, we expect 'eye candy.' Thus, while most advertising agencies can only produce and eccentuate the positive of products and/or services, it all boils down to viewer-ability.
Clients demand results - and they want them to reflect their choice in advertising. As both a consumer and marketing specialist, a skilled advertising firm is able to fully comprehend the fundamentals of developing successful strategies in commercial promotion of products and services.
So how does a good advertising firm produce positive results in a productive marketing campaign? Below are a few, finer points in proven 'viewer-ability' marketing strategies:
1. Research & Development - analysis of current marketing and advertising campaigns 2. Strategic Planning and Implementation 3. Media Buys - buying media at discounted rates and pass savings onto clients 4. Copywriting Services 5. Video Production - Informational and Corporate 6. Public Relations 7. Website Development and Promotion 8. Direct Mail/Email Campaigns 9. Electronic/Print Advertising 10. Brochure & Graphic Design 11. Telemarketing Consultation 12. Market Research
The prime question one should ask himself (or his organization) is 'What do I want to accomplish?' Experienced ad agencies will review and analyze what is and isn't working through review of revenue streams and competition. Specific recommendations are then made on how to target particular audiences - much like that of the Nielsen Media Research.
Since the conceptual design and implementation of the World Wide Web, advertising has taken on a dramatically new persepective, and is steadily climbing to popular ranks liken to mainstream media. Undeniably, many Americans are virtually living in the 'net.' Aside from being a vital tool for student research projects, the Internet has become a vast and ever-expanding media outlet for entertainment, information, work and direct-advertising system. By integrating all points of a strategic marketing campaign, electronic advertising agencies are able to assist clients with interactive ad campaigns that help promote exposure to clients (services and/or products).
Realistically, whether we're selling products or
services, we have to realize that exposure (or eye-candy) is what gains attention. In the field of advertising, we personally know that we, as consumers, are smart shoppers. We watch, listen, learn and investigate.
Before we even decide to invest in a product or service, we have a pretty good idea of what we want. For example, if I am interested in attending a particular school, I will research the area for schools that meet my criteria. Hypothetically speaking, let's say there are 5 acupuncture institutions in one state - 2 are listed, 3 are not. Automatically, my choice of prospective schools has been narrowed down to just two. Now, of the 2 educational organizations, one is 60 miles away and one is just 10 minutes up the street. Okay, my option became a bit closer, but what does school A offer that school B doesn't? Or visa vi? This is where successful marketing plans come into action. Understandably, clients must want to achieve specific goals, so viewer-ability is a crucial component in becoming the deciding factor for potential consumers.
Exposure is the key element to promoting products and/or services. The unique aspect of Internet advertising is that 1) it's less expensive, 2.) it reaches individuals one-on-one, 3) it gains worldwide exposure. With the boom of Internet advertising, people are able to attain information at their fingertips - literally.
Television commercials convey consumer information to the viewing public. We might see a Land Cruiser ad, but that doesn't mean we're going to go run out and buy one right then. BUT, the notion has been planted in our heads to take a deeper look at Toyota vehicles. The same applies to Internet advertising, but there's a slightly unique difference: Because the Internet is interactive, we can invest our money and time instantly should we choose to do so. But like many wise shoppers, we selectively peruse our viewable options - But the notion has been planted in our minds for further review.
How Do You Sell Yourself? Below is a list of questions one should ask: 1. Necessity: What is it about my product ( or service) that makes it essential to consumers? 2. Consumerability: What sets my product (or service) aside from other competitors? 3. Communication: Do I inform my potential consumers with detailed accuracy? 4. Location: What makes my location attractive? 5. Amenities: Do I have any to offer? 6. Accessibility: Is my product (or service) easily accessible and within reach? 7. Catch-Phrase: Do I have a memorable slogan? (e.g., Wendy's "Where's the Beef?") 8. Presentation: Is my product (or service) being presented in its best light? Can I improve its viewer-ability? 9. Affordabilty: Is my product (or service) affordable? Are financing or other loan options available to consumers? 10. Extra: Do I offer any special tools (e.g., workshops, guides, etc.) that enhance my products and/or services?
Overall, marketing your services and/or products boils down to proficient exposure. The better the presentation, the more likely consumers will be receptive. Clients who work closely with their advertising firms will attain prolific results. If something is not adequately working, it is important to review deficiencies and redefine how to better improve upon ourselves to attract more productive exposure. (See: How Do You Sell Yourself above)
Advertising methods, if understood and implemented properly, are the vital foundation to abundant and powerful, commercial exposure. Knowing, or Knowledge, is still ultimately the key to success; and the key to goal achievements.
*To learn how Holistic Junction can help you promote your products and/or services, feel free to email membership@holisticjunction.com today.
©4/2005 - Advertising Methods: Understanding & Implementing Key Marketing Strategies by C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. LadyCamelot Public Relations' Director & Writer www.holisticjunction.com www.mediapositiveradio.com
About the Author
C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. LadyCamelot Public Relations' Director & Writer www.holisticjunction.com www.mediapositiveradio.com
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