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Inner Directed Marketing - A New Way to Prosper in Tough Times
One day many years ago I asked a man how he got new business. He replied, "Angels hand out my business cards."
Yes, that's really what he said. I thought he was pretty strange, too, so I didn't pursue the matter with him. But I did notice that he seemed busy and prosperous. He was getting business, some how, some way.
A year or so ago another man and I were talking. I asked him the same question. He answered, "Mostly I get business by wishing for it." He, too, seemed busy and doing well.
I'm not kidding here. But were they?
I don't think so. If you've read my latest book, "Spiritual Marketing," you know I believe in magic and miracles. But you would also know that I believe in being practical. If wishing doesn't work, it needs replaced. If angels aren't bringing in new business, they need fired.
But here's the rub:
Wishing and angels DO seem to bring in new business.
Quit rolling your eyes. Let me explain:
When I was in Las Vegas October 6, 2001, for the now famous Guerilla Marketing Boot Camp featuring best-selling author Jay Conrad Levinson and Aesop Marketing's CEO Mark Joyner, I met many "old friends" for the first time. I didn't get to spend enough time with any of them, but the brief moments I had with a couple of them were illuminating.
Joe Sugarman, the genius behind the world-wide success of BluBlocker sunglasses and the author of several masterpieces on marketing, walked up to me and congratulated me on my "Spiritual Marketing" book.
"I didn't know you were so spiritual," he said. "That was a real surprise to learn. That's what I've been doing for years."
One of the greatest marketing minds in the history of America just admitted that he used SPIRITUAL principles to make money!?!?!!?!?
And to make A LOT of money, at that!?
Days later, once he and I had returned to our homes after the seminar, Joe sent me an email saying he practiced a simple two-step process for getting results: Visualize it and let it go.
That's it!
Okay, okay. I've got one man talking to angels, another wishing for business, and Joe Sugarman imagining his desires and letting them just, well, go.
What's happening here?
I'll tell you what's happening. It's an awakening in business. My friend John Harricharan, author of the great book, "The Power Pause," once told me, "The next trend will be spiritual. We went through the information age. We're now going into the spiritual age."
Just the other day John wrote me an email saying, "There is a loud cry and yearning for things of the spirit, but not like it used to be. Now the world is looking for "practical spirituality" -- not spirituality that spends an hour or two a week in a church, synagogue, mosque or temple. But a spirituality that pervades our business, our relationships and all phases of our lives. It's like my late, great friend, Sun Bear once said, 'If your medicine doesn't grow corn, of what use is it?'"
More and more people today are beginning to realize that their power for creating wealth in the world isn't THEIR power at all.
Instead, it's the right use of THE power---which is the energy of all that is.
But, how do you use this strange new way to get more business?
Simple. I call it "Inner Directed Marketing." Consider it a shorthand version of "Spiritual Marketing." Consider it a slight refinement of what Joe Sugarman said he does. Here's how it works:
Step One: Set an intention.
Intention rules the earth. When you state "I WILL..." or "I AM..." and then complete the sentence with a clear statement of whatever it is you want to be, do, or have, you create a command that vibrates with power. An example might be, "I WILL write an article on Inner Directed Marketing that helps people easily get better results and which will somehow lead to my receiving $50,000 every month in passive income." Tall order? Maybe. But I believe anything is possible, so why not shoot for the moon? As Robert Collier said, "Plant the seed of desire in your mind and it forms a nucleus with power to attract to itself everything needed for its fulfillment." It also helps if I clearly visualize this intention, and if I fully feel what it would be like to *already* have achieved it.
Step Two: Let it go.
Letting go is where the magic happens. Letting go means you are okay getting your intention AND you are okay if you don't get it. It's a state of cool detachment. It's a
state of neutrality toward your intention: You WANT it but you don't NEED it. When you release your intention to the world, you are releasing a "magic spell" that will stir the energy of all that is to do your bidding. Now this doesn't mean you don't DO anything. Instead, what it means is that you act on the impulses you get and the opportunities you receive. By doing so, you'll be brought to the thing you want---or to something even better.
In another email to me from Joe Sugarman (used here with his permission), he clarified this two-step process by explaining it this way:
"Having established in your own mind the power of thought, let us say you then create the energy (thought) and let it go. It goes through the universe with a power and a fury that you wouldn't believe. But the second key here is that you don't want to dwell on what you've just let go or keep visualizing it or even keep thinking about it. Why? Because it interferes with the perfection of the universe to manifest exactly what you want to accomplish."
Still confused?
I'm with you. I was confused at first, too. This two step process is just as strange as the five-step one in my "Spiritual Marketing" book, or the wishing one, or angels one, of my friends.
The thing is, all these methods work. They work for me, and I have a dozen books, several audiotapes, a country estate, and a luxury sports car to prove it. And they work for Joe Sugarman, who has built an empire. In fact, these "inside out" methods work for all the quietly daring business people who practice this white magic approach to marketing.
Want more proof?
Take Bob Scheinfeld. He's the author of "The Invisible Path to Success." He says his very spiritual method was used to build Fortune 500 companies, help a computer store jump from $90 million to $350 million in sales, and help a software company leap from $1.27 million to $21.8 million in sales.
Talk about hard evidence!
I could probably quote from a thousand books at this point. I'll just reach over and grab a book I am currently reading: "Immortal Man" by Neville. Here's what that great New Thought teacher said in one of his lectures:
"First, have a dream, and by a dream I mean a day dream, a glorious, wonderful day dream. Then ask yourself, 'What would it be like if it were true that I am now the man I am dreaming I would like to be. What would it be like?' Then catch the mood of the wish fulfilled and drench yourself with that feeling. Then for all your tomorrows try to the best of your ability to walk faithful to that assumption, and I am telling you from my own experience, in a way that no one knows, it will come and it will come suddenly."
It's truly that easy. And you don't have to talk to angels to make it happen!
In fact, you can probably reduce all these methods and all these steps to just one approach to making your dreams come true: Be happy.
That's right. Be happy.
As my friend Barry Neil Kaufman wrote in his wonderful book, "Power Dialogues": "You can get what you want without needing it to be happy."
He says when you are happy, you are more inclined to go for, and get, your dreams. And if for some reason you don't manifest your goal, well, you're still happy!
I've always felt there was an escalator through life. I've found it. And I just showed you where it is.
Won't you step up and enjoy the ride?
Order "Spiritual Marketing" at http://www.amazon.com or read the e-book version for free at http://www.mrfire.com/spirit/index.html
Information on the books, tapes, and courses of Barry Neil Kaufman is at http://www.option.org
John Harricharan's books and tapes are described at http://www.insight2000.com
Order Joe Sugarman's books at http://www.amazon.com
Get free details on Bob Scheinfeld's "Invisible Path to Success" book and get a free five lesson introduction to his method at http://www.buildbiztips.com .cgi/105588.
Information on Robert Collier and Neville can be found at http://website.lineone.net/~cornerstone/framepage.htm
About the Author
Joe Vitale is the world's first Hypnotic Marketer. He is the author of way too many books to list here, including the best-selling e-book "Hypnotic Writing," the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, "The Power of Outrageous Marketing," and co-author of the just released "Hypnotic Writing Swipe File." His main website is at http://www.mrfire.com
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