Niche Marketing : 10 Product Creation Tips
Why is it that some niche marketers can churn out product after product with the ease of a Magician pulling rabbits out of a hat, while others struggle to think up a single product idea, let alone produce a product?
If you're finding it difficult to come up with product creation ideas then I have 10 tips which may just get your creative juices flowing.
But before we get to the tips themselves there are a couple of things you should do :
* Keep a note book and pen on you at all times and when an idea occurs to you "write it down" so that it doesn't float off into the ether never to return.
* Write down "every idea" that occurs to you "no matter how ridiculous it may seem" - don't pre-judge anything, one of your more zany sounding ideas may just turn out to be the catalyst for a real money maker.
OK with that said let's get to the first 5 of the product creation tips.
Tip 1 : Look at your own hobbies and interests
Is there something there you could write an ebook or course about. Don't be put off by the idea that there's already a lot of products on the subject - everyone has their own unique viewpoint on every subject under the sun -your slant may well be be a winner with others who share your interest.
Tip 2 : Improve an existing product
We've all bought products that didn't quite come up to expectations. If you have one of those products, you could use the idea as the basis for a new product, do some research on the subject and produce your own new, improved product filling in those areas that fell short of your expectations.
Tip 3 : Combine ideas and improve on them
This takes the idea in Tip 2 a step further. Take a two or more existing product ideas and combine them into a single new, improved product.
Once again do a bit of research, find some unique information so that you can add something extra to the original ideas.
Tip 4 : Solve a problem
In just about every field there are problems. Pick a field that interests you, hang out at related forums and message boards, identify a problem and create a product that solves it.
For instance, people with weight problems will buy ebooks on weight loss and diets, do a little research and you could create an ebook on recipes for weight loss or create a video on how to exercise those extra pounds away, or a combination of both.
Tip 5 : Adapt an existing product for a different niche
Products can often be adapted to serve a different niche market. For instance if you have a course on painting in oils, it would be a fairly simple matter to adapt it to a course on painting in acrylics.
Tip 6 : Combine products into a new package
Grab some related products with Master Resell Rights, combine them into a new package and sell them as a set.
(Make sure that there are no restrictions on doing this in the resell rights terms). For instance you could bundle web templates with scripts and specialised applications and call it something like "Webmasters Power Tools".
Tip 7 : Use public domain information
Every day Copyrights are expiring on books, movies, plays, songs, photographs, instruction manuals, posters, courses, reports and more. When the Copyright expires on a work it moves into the "public domain". When this happens you can take it, repackage it and turn it into a product to sell.
Here are some places you can find public domain works :
Tip 8 : What's the current hot trend
Take note of what trends are hot by watching TV, checking out what the popular topics are in magazines and surfing the internet. For instance in the UK at the time of writing the emphasis of TV advertising seems to be beauty products and looking younger - create a book on natural beauty tips and it would probably sell well.
Tip 9 : Private label products
Private label products are products created by someone else which you can brand as your own and sell. On the internet this generally comes in the form of written content that you can utilize just as if you'd written it yourself. You never have to credit the original author(s) in any manner and you can modify or add to the content in any way want to.
Tip 10 : Ask your web site visitors and customers
This seems obvious when you think about it, but very few people do it. Ask your web site visitors and customers what kind of products they are interested in by posting a survey questionaire on your web site and offer a valuable freebie in return for taking the time to answer the questions.
You should get a good number of topics come back and from those you can choose one to create a product around. Keep asking the question and you should never run out of product creation ideas.
Copyright © 2005, André Anthony Niche Market Know-How
About the Author
André Anthony has been running his own businesses on and off the Internet since 1983. He owns and operates Niche Market Know-How a resource for beginning Niche Marketers. Visit today to find strategies, tips, tools, products and resources for effective niche marketing. Get his free Niche Market Know-How Course here: