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How You Can Protect Your Brain From Aging
Do you ever worry that when you're older, your brain won't work as well as you want it to? You may fear that you will become forgetful and slow, or you may fear getting the dreaded brain disease - Alzheimer's. Can we do anything to help protect our brains?
As brains age, they change a lot, and they are vulnerable to damage from stress, poor blood circulation, poor nutrition and other factors.
If you’ve ever heard that the brain shrinks as we grow older, it’s not just a myth. It’s literally true. Brain cells die steadily throughout life without being replaced, and the brain loses mass as we age. It appears that brain cells actually shrink, and our unused brain pathways are trimmed back in favor of creating “super highways” to accommodate the type of thinking our brain does most. Men’s brains seem to shrink somewhat faster than the brains of women.
The good news for all of us is that even though we may lose millions of brain cells and connections each year, this does not necessarily destroy our overall thinking capacity unless the loss is concentrated in certain key areas of the brain.
Scientists have discovered that for the most part, our ability to think and remember is preserved in spite of brain cell death, as long as the brain is able to create new connections.
One way to keep producing new connections is to keep using your brain--keep on learning new skills and develop new interests throughout your life. If you treasure your brain, do yourself a favor and keep using it!
Maintaining an active mind in old age is not entirely a matter of luck. There are many things you can do to help safeguard your brain function. Because your brain is flesh and blood, the strategies that help keep your body healthy will also benefit your brain.
Make it a priority to eat well, exercise regularly, and get sufficient sleep. Your brain, as well as the rest of your body will benefit. In addition, this strategy will improve your mood and outlook.
Learn more about which fats are good and which fats are bad for you. Then increase your intake of good fats, and decrease your intake of bad fats.
Most North Americans eat far too much of the bad fats--those that are saturated or hydrogenated, and they do not eat enough of the good fats their body needs, particularly the Omega-3’s found in foods such as salmon and flax seed.
Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, especially those that are brightly colored such as tomatoes, spinach, and berries. These foods are high in antioxidants, which help protect your brain cells from free radical damage. In animal experiments, rats fed foods that were high in antioxidants were able to function mentally much better in their old age.
Some scientists who study elderly people's brain function, advise that you should take a good quality vitamin and mineral supplement daily. Be sure to include at least 500 mg of Vitamin C, 400 IU of Vitamin E, 400 mcg. of Folic acid, and a well balanced Vitamin B complex.
Scientists are racing to learn the cause, or causes of Alzheimer’s disease, and they are trying to find a way to find a cure.
There is some evidence that people who have a diet high in antioxidants have lower rates of getting Alzheimer’s. Fresh fruits and vegetables,
particularly those that have strong, bright colors tend to be high in protective antioxidants.
People who consume greater levels of cold water fish such as salmon, tend to have lower rates of Alzheimer’s. There are also vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements that seem to have a protective effect on the brain. Higher intakes of Folic acid are associated with a lower incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s disease is not the only cause of brain power destruction in elderly persons. There are many other causes that can lead to a diminishment of mental capacity or to outright dementia in later years.
High blood pressure is a major risk factor in developing dementia. Not only does high blood pressure damage brain cells directly, but it also increases the risk of stroke.
It appears that if you can avoid having strokes, you will be able to preserve your brain function better, even if your brain cells are affected by Alzheimers's disease. Even though scientists don't know how to prevent Alzheimer's, we do have a lot of information on how to avoid strokes, and many of the factors that prevent stroke are under your control.
Have your blood pressure checked regularly, and if it is too high, work with your doctor to bring it down to a safe level.
Diabetics are at particularly high risk for developing dementia. If you are diabetic, it is very important to get your blood sugar levels under control.
If you want to protect your brain for the long term, avoid excess alcohol consumption. Long term consumption of more than two alcoholic drinks a day can directly damage brain cells, as well as deplete the body of nutrients it requires to function optimally.
Other factors suspected of contributing to the risk of dementia include exposure to pesticides, solvents, heavy metal poisoning, as well as brain injury due to trauma. Avoid your exposure to these brain destroyers as much as you possibly can, even if it means changing jobs.
Hundreds of thousands of brain injuries occur every year as a result of automobile accidents. Many of these traumas could be avoided or reduced by slowing down while driving, and by wearing a seat belt.
Chronic stress is very damaging to brain cells. The chemical changes produced in your body when you are under chronic stress damage every system, including your brain. If your life is currently very stressful, find ways to change your life circumstances where possible, and learn to change the way you react to these situations.
To reduce the impact of stress, practice techniques of mind and body relaxation such as daily meditation and prayer. Burn off some of the negative effects of stress on your body by committing to regular exercise. Develop a circle of trusted friends and be sure to include some fun in your life.
This information on how you can help to protect your brain from the bad effects of aging is taken from the new book by Royane Real titled "How You Can Be Smarter - Use Your Brain to Learn Faster, Remember Better and Be More Creative" If you want to learn more about how to look after your brain, download this book today or get the paperback version at www.lulu.com/real
Copyright Royane Real - http://www.lulu.com/real
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