Blogs and RSS Boost Your Online Business, Rankings, Traffic and Sales.
Blogs and RSS Boost Your Online Business, Rankings, Traffic and Sales. Blogs for Advertising? Yes! Blogs and RSS boost your online business, rankings, traffic and sales. We all sometimes ignore the trends in advertising on the internet until the...
How to Get Radio Interviews to Promote Your Service
How to Get Radio Interviews By Mike Moore Of all the marketing methods I employ to get the word out about my speaking service and my information products the method I enjoy most involves being interviewed on radio stations throughout North America....
How to Make Success a Habit
Want to make success a habit in your life? If you’ve got determination, it may be simpler than what you think. All you need is a slight change in your thinking pattern. Changing your thoughts will change your beliefs, your expectations, your...
Motivation, Quality and Individual in Third wave Companies
Second-wave companies are in the business of getting bigger. Size is their religion. Third-wave companies are more interested in finding a better way. This leads to a primary third-wave goal: to make yourself and your own products obsolete. No one...
Small Business: To Blog or Not To Blog
A weblog, or "blog" started out as a personal journal on the Web. They have evolved far beyond that initial concept. Now, weblogs cover as many different topics as there are people writing them. Some blogs are highly influential and have readership...
The four sure-fire keys to business success
Success comes in a variety of ways. A lucky few, bred with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouths, have success thrust on them by heritage. The greater majority achieves it the old-fashioned way, through "sweat, blood, and tears." Ever noticed something unique about the latter group? Observe carefully and you'll find the following four distinctly defining traits:
Business Ownership: Most successful people have their own businesses. The popular saying that you cannot get rich working for somebody else appears true now more than ever. A recent survey puts the proportion of authentic business ownership at only 5%. Granted that entrepreneurial trend is at an unprecedented peak in a generation, but far too many new businesses are of the fleeting kind, and the survey refers only to abiding business ownership. With business ownership estimated at only 5%, that means that the rest of us are content with "jobs", faithfully enriching the already bulging coffers of a select few. Consider that fact the next time you hear how the economy is booming, and how many more new jobs it has created. An astounding 95% of us provides the impetus for that boom.
They offer a good product/service: Find a need and feel it, and your success is assured. One of the greatest difficulties in starting a business is determining a need to meet. The typical consumer's needs usually involve desired products or services of one form or another. A good product/service is one that is brimming with consumer benefits. The benefits may take the form of saving people money and time. Another good set of benefits may be to make people healthy, youthful, and vibrant. It is not hard to think of easy examples that fit any of these categories. Why do you suppose E-commerce has lately soared to incredible heights in such a short time? Because it promises significant savings, and the lure of stress-free shopping from the comfort of the prospect's home. What about those ubiquitous nutritional supplements? It too promises something people crave…health, youthfulness, and longevity. The thing to remember here though is that promises alone are not enough. To truly succeed, you must deliver them.
They yearn to help others succeed: Ray Kroc revolutionized this idea and in time others followed. I'm referring to the idea that success is more quickly attained by helping others succeed. Look around you today, and you'll see a McDonalds on just about every block, because that man hit upon the notion of setting up franchises as a way of inviting others to share his good fortune. Notice too, that the businesses that succeed the most are those who've embraced aspects, if not the
whole of Ray's model. I recently read an interview by Tom Moniham (founder of Dominos Pizza) where he credited precisely such a model with the bulk of his success. Much contemporary network marketing philosophy is an offspring of this model. My grade school teacher used to say: "One good turn deserves another." The evidence is compelling … successful people have discovered the awesome secret that one good turn does not merely deserve another…it invites another!
They dare to dream: The Bible's Book of Proverbs, acknowledged by many as the repository of profound wisdom, has this to say: "Without vision, the people perish." Without a dream and the insight to visualize your dream, most business endeavors falter and success stays elusive. As a poor young boy, Tom Moniham's dream was to become wealthy so he could invest significant resources on his passion for religion. Guess what…his dream came true. Tom has had his fill of the trappings of wealth and recently sold his interests in Dominos Pizza, pledging his time and vast fortunes to the Catholic Church. Of immense significance in making dreams come true is faith, easily the most potent ingredient necessary to nourish dreams. Faith is of course the confident assurance that the ends we desire are inevitable. Faith emboldens us to picture those ends vividly in our minds' eyes, long before they become real. In the absence of faith, dreams are a mere fantasy, a wistful, idyllic longing for the things that can be. Faith gets a hold of our dreams and unleashes an action-producing force that transforms them from the realm of fantasy to that of concrete reality. Throughout human history, sages have emerged to point us to the incredible power of faith.
"If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes."
With those words, the good master himself, attempted to launch us on a great excursion through faith. How often have we said to ourselves: "I will believe it when I see it?" Motivational writer/speaker, Dwayne Dwyer says we've got it all wrong. "You will see it", he insists, "when you believe it!"
Want to be successful? Start your own business. Offer a good product or service with customer satisfaction at the core. Help others succeed. Build a dream, and dare to believe in that dream.
About the Author
Dr. Benjamin Okeagu is the President of Resources Marketing Group. For a limited time, he's offering to help serious entrepreneurs build an impressive guaranteed downline of over 1000 active members totally free. Grab yours now without risk or obligation. Please use SPONSOR ID: 4439 SPONSOR: BEN OKEAGU Go here now: http://www.guaranteeddownline.com
Motivation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Article giving an overview of the concept. Includes history, information on human psychological drives, and applications in business and education. |
en.wikipedia.org |
Motivation 123. Motivation Techniques & Tips for Your Happiness ... |
Free Motivation Kit, techniques, tips, and ideas to help you achieve greater happiness and success. |
www.motivation123.com |
Motivation - the international disability charity Motivation |
Motivation and other international organisations convene in Bangalore this ... Motivation is an international disability and development agency working in ... |
www.motivation.org.uk |
Motivation |
Goal Setting is extremely important to motivation and success. So what motivates you? Why are you in college? If you are in college because that's what your ... |
www.d.umn.edu |
Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice |
Employee motivation in the workplace article. This article focus on aspects of employee motivation, theory and practice as applied to in the workplace and ... |
www.accel-team.com |
Motivation |
Motivation Notecards pad. 6 notecards with envelopes pad ... Motivation Desktopper pad. Black brushed-aluminum frame with glass. (5"x7") pad ... |
despair.com |
Motivation Point. Motivation Advice for Your Achievement and Success |
Motivation techniques and advice to help you achieve greater personal success in your life. |
getmotivation.com |
The Motivation Tool Chest |
Motivation tips on self-development, workplace, leadership, at-risk youth, education. Example: People who have a vision control their destiny and lifestyle. |
www.motivation-tools.com |
Seven Rules of Motivation |
Set a major goal, but follow a path. The path has mini goals that goes in many directions. When you learn to succeed at mini goals, you will be motivated to ... |
www.motivation-tools.com |
Motivation |
MOTIVATION CHECKLIST. The following checklist may prove helpful in getting at the ... If you want to improve your motivation you may want to choose a ... |
www.ucc.vt.edu |
Basic principles of motivation exist that are applicable to learning in any ... In a general learning situation, self-motivation without rewards will not ... |
honolulu.hawaii.edu |
TIP: Concepts |
Weiner (1990) points out that behavioral theories tended to focus on extrinsic motivation (i.e., rewards) while cognitive theories deal with intrinsic ... |
tip.psychology.org |
Motivational Quotes, Motivational Quotations, motivation quotes ... |
Motivational Quotes, Motivational Quotations, motivation quotes, inspirational quotations from Motivating Moments. Updated 2 times a week, ... |
www.motivateus.com |
Motivation - Atom Wiki |
Motivation. Why are you doing this? RSS is [WWW] over five years old. It was designed for news sites, a way for them to list the stories they had. ... |
www.intertwingly.net |
Motivation & Inspiration from The Daily Motivator® |
A brief, daily message of motivation and personal development, with an archive of more than 2000 previous messages. A positive approach to successful ... |
greatday.com |
Pages tagged with "motivation" on del.icio.us |
by blowski to folksonomy marketing internet user generated content motivation theory business blog ... saved by 124 other people ... 3 mins ago ... |
del.icio.us |
Motivational and Inspirational Resources, Quotes, Short Stories ... |
Free daily motivational & inspirational, quotes, short stories, messages, articles, thoughts, and poems designed to help you lead a happy and healthy life. |
www.motivational-messages.com |
Mental Help Net - Psychological Self-Tools - Online Self-Help Book ... |
Methods For Changing Your Identity and Your Motivations ... There are two types of animal motivation: the motivation to approach something, ... |
www.mentalhelp.net |
Teambuilding Inc. Article - Team Motivation |
Probably the first question to be answered in a discussion of motivation is ... Motivation in this case was lacking because the team’s purpose was not in ... |
www.teambuildinginc.com |
Learning Skills Program - Increasing Motivation |
Motivation is a complex issue, with a number of causes and solutions -- many of which are of interest to university students, who usually know what they ... |
www.coun.uvic.ca |