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Will Your Home Business Succeed Or Fail?
You may operate a home business selling services or products, but no matter which kind of business you're in, there's always a question in the back of your mind: will my home business succeed or fail, or do I have the motivation it takes to keep it afloat?
Whichever type of home business you have, it's important that you know ways that you can keep your business going during slack times and/or economic downturns. If cash flow is a problem in your business, you should be sure to make certain that your money management techniques are on target and well refined.
Some of the things you can do to make sure your business will survive in the 21st century is to avoid impulse expenditures. There are many reasons for impulse spending, even as it applies to business. We may fall under the persuasive spell of a salesperson who has talked us into buying things we don't need. Maybe we simply made impulsive purchases because we had a little extra money, or perhaps to keep up the appearance of prosperity. Then you realize a few days later that you've committed some of your business funds to products or services that are not necessary for the success of your business.
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult". -- Seneca
Here are some tips to help you avoid these impulse purchases and make certain your business succeeds:
1. You can help control impulse purchases by requiring two (or more) signatures on all company checks over a set amount. This will give you time to seriously consider whether or not you really need the product or service you are about to buy.
2. If you are vulnerable, you can get yourself out of the grasp of an insistent salesperson if you explain that all purchasing decisions are contingent upon the approval of a second party. This so-called second party can be anyone - a partner or a department head or even a family member.
3. If you are the sole owner of your business, you won't need to worry about these impulse spending patterns because you normally have three days to cancel your purchase if you decide you don't need it or that you can't afford to spend the money. However, be sure that you don't skimp on services or products that you really need.
4. When business is slow, you must learn to say "no" to anyone, even friends, who are trying to sell you unnecessary items. When business is good, you will probably allow more vendors to
show you new equipment or new lines of so-called "new and improved" merchandise; otherwise, concentrate on your basic needs. However, take particular care that you are courteous so these vendors will consider you a friend.
5. If you commit yourself without investigating all details and charge ahead, you may be setting yourself up for failure. Be certain that you are prepared for all situations and emergencies that could arise. It pays in the long run - regardless of cost - to ask for professional advice before you start on any plan; it may prevent failure of your business. A business without a plan is like a boat without a rudder, you may be lucky and drift safely shore but most likely you'll end up on the rocks with 90% of other home business owners who fail because they don't have a plan and goals.
6. Another way to assure the success of your home business is to be sure of the direction your business is heading. You should be aware of your daily progress and monitor what your competitors are doing. Stay abreast of business trends and sales information for your particular industry.
Whether your home business succeeds or fails is dependent upon good money management, having decisive goals and a definitive plan on how you will achieve them. Also your motivation and the ability to foresee and solve any problems if and when they occur, is a deciding factor as you whether you succeed or fail.
Take the bull by the horns and decide now where you want to be at the end of the year, in two years time, in five years and set about following a precise plan of action to achieve your goals. Take daily action to ensure success; if you truly want to succeed you will take daily action, work hard and persevere.
"Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure." -- Benjamin Disraeli
I recommend you read Napoleon Hill's 'Unlimited Success' and 'Think and Grow Rich' to develop your success mindset and motivate you to succeed.
Copyright © Ian Canaway
(Feel free to use this article online and in your email newsletters as long as you leave it intact and do not alter it in anyway. The by-line and resource box must remain in the article.)
Ian Canaway is a home business entrepreneur and the owner of http://www.asuccesfullhomebusiness4u.com and also a home business blog at http://www.ahomebusinessblog4u.blogspot.com ; providing high quality information and resources.
Motivation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Article giving an overview of the concept. Includes history, information on human psychological drives, and applications in business and education. |
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Motivation 123. Motivation Techniques & Tips for Your Happiness ... |
Free Motivation Kit, techniques, tips, and ideas to help you achieve greater happiness and success. |
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Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice |
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Motivation Point. Motivation Advice for Your Achievement and Success |
Motivation techniques and advice to help you achieve greater personal success in your life. |
getmotivation.com |
The Motivation Tool Chest |
Motivation tips on self-development, workplace, leadership, at-risk youth, education. Example: People who have a vision control their destiny and lifestyle. |
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Seven Rules of Motivation |
Set a major goal, but follow a path. The path has mini goals that goes in many directions. When you learn to succeed at mini goals, you will be motivated to ... |
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MOTIVATION CHECKLIST. The following checklist may prove helpful in getting at the ... If you want to improve your motivation you may want to choose a ... |
www.ucc.vt.edu |
Basic principles of motivation exist that are applicable to learning in any ... In a general learning situation, self-motivation without rewards will not ... |
honolulu.hawaii.edu |
TIP: Concepts |
Weiner (1990) points out that behavioral theories tended to focus on extrinsic motivation (i.e., rewards) while cognitive theories deal with intrinsic ... |
tip.psychology.org |
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Motivational Quotes, Motivational Quotations, motivation quotes, inspirational quotations from Motivating Moments. Updated 2 times a week, ... |
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Motivation - Atom Wiki |
Motivation. Why are you doing this? RSS is [WWW] over five years old. It was designed for news sites, a way for them to list the stories they had. ... |
www.intertwingly.net |
Motivation & Inspiration from The Daily Motivator® |
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Pages tagged with "motivation" on del.icio.us |
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Motivational and Inspirational Resources, Quotes, Short Stories ... |
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Mental Help Net - Psychological Self-Tools - Online Self-Help Book ... |
Methods For Changing Your Identity and Your Motivations ... There are two types of animal motivation: the motivation to approach something, ... |
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Teambuilding Inc. Article - Team Motivation |
Probably the first question to be answered in a discussion of motivation is ... Motivation in this case was lacking because the team’s purpose was not in ... |
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Learning Skills Program - Increasing Motivation |
Motivation is a complex issue, with a number of causes and solutions -- many of which are of interest to university students, who usually know what they ... |
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