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MLM Recruiting- The Real Fear that Sabotages Network Marketing Success
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Cool sounding word. Bit what a cancer it can be in your life, and network marketing business! And I guess it occurs with most folks in this business due to one thing, and it will surprise you what it is.
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10 Common misconceptions about marketing on the Internet
1. You will get rich quick. Marketing on the internet takes a lot of work. This is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes much time learning and failing before you will succeed. Your success is entirely up to you. You will reap what you sow.
2. You won't make any money. Again you will reap what you sow. Your key to success is through consistency and persistency. If you are willing to learn and accept failures from time to time, learn from your mistakes and apply that knowledge- the money will come. Don't give up. There are lots of people who truly do make money this way.
3. Anyone can do this. If you tell your self there is nothing to this , you will set yourself up for guaranteed failure. A profession such as this takes a lot of discipline and most of all the willingness to learn. It takes a lot of hard work and an open mind. You have to be willing to embrace new ideas as they come and take this seriously.
4. Not everyone can do this. This is also not true. As long as you free your mind to skepticism such as these you have taken your first step. While this profession takes time to figure out, it is not hard to figure out. Remember the only person stopping you is you!
5. It is to hard. Look within your self. There is an online business in you. What do you know? What do you like. What do you need that has not been created yet? Answers to these questions and questions like them are the beginnings of you having the ability to set yourself apart from the crowd.
6. It will be easy. It will get easier, but you will have to do loads of studying. Spend many hours brainstorming. You will spend many hours
reading, writing, and learning what works and what doesn't. It will get tedious and hard to stick to. Persevere, your reward is coming.
7. It will only require 2-3 hours a day. At some point you will be able to automate most of your efforts. In the beginning, long hours are not unheard of. I have spent many 18 hour days in front of my computer.
8. This is not a real job. Yeah right! You will come across many skeptics. Or worse than that, people who do not reveal skepticism but merely look at you funny. Believe me this is a real job. You will be just as exhausted from working and researching all day as you would slinging 50 pound sacks of flour all day. When you are mentally exhausted you will be physically exhausted. You work hard, don't allow the people who minimize your efforts get to you.
9. The only good reason to do this is for the money. That could not be further from the truth. There is a lot to gain, the money is a plus of course. Learning will always make you a better person. If you are happy with your self, everyone else will be to. You can't beat the hours.
10. It takes years to learn online business. Not true. The best suggestion is to study hard. Read your newsletters and the articles in them. Listen to those who are already successful. They are already telling you what to do and how to do it. Now you just need to listen and learn.
About the Author
Pam Renovato is the web master of http://thefreeadnetwork.com Your Internet Marketing Power House. She is also editor of a free ezine featuring 7-10 free business resources in each issue. mailto:good_thing_better-subscribe@listbot.com
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Multi-level marketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Multi-level marketing (MLM) (also called network marketing or NM) is a business ... In a typical multi-level marketing or network marketing arrangement, ... |
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