Eight Mind-Blowing Residual Income Breakthroughs
Would you rather be sitting here reading this, or would you rather be out golfing, or if golf isn't your thing, doing something else you enjoy It's obvious, of course. You'd rather be having fun. So let me share some secrets with you that should help you develop a steady residual income online.
1. The greater the incentive, the more successful your viral marketing campaign will be. And a successful viral marketing campaign can easily turn into solid residual income if you're throwing your network marketing business into the mix.
2. Help people to make a lot while you make a little, and you stand to develop a steady residual campaign online. Think of yourself as a kind of franchise owner. This also ties into point number three:
3. If you are running a viral marketing campaign, give people an incentive to give away a free item that affords them the opportunity to profit mightily.
Whether network marketing is involved is up to you, but it is probably one of the best business models to tie into a viral marketing campaign in order to develop residual income streams.
4. If you want people to pass on a free item for you, state the full benefits that they will receive by doing so. Create a vivid image in their mind of them profiting by sharing a free item with others.
5. Integrate blogs into your marketing campaign. If people don't have a website, they can always sign up for a free blog at blogger.com and include a link to your free item from there.
If you're not sure how to implement this, get your own free blog at blogger.com to get an idea of how you can add this to your marketing campaign.
6. Take your marketing hat off and simply be a person who wants to make other
peoples' lives better. Add this arrow to your quiver, if you will, and see how it allows you to increase your residual income.
7. Line up joint ventures with newsletter owners. If you don't have a newsletter at this point in time, give it some serious consideration. You will need a newsletter to set up joint ventures, so keep this in mind when you do set up a newsletter, if you haven't done so already.
Combine your joint ventures with your viral marketing efforts, and/or your networking marketing business, and if done correctly, it should help to seriously skyrocket your income.
8. If you are a network marketer, do everything in your power to help people in your organization to succeed. Go the extra mile, and then go yet another mile after that. Develop relationships with your team and help them to reach their goals. This the best method I know of for achieving your own goals!
In closing, the more you help others, whether it's financially or otherwise, the greater the opportunity for your residual income to skyrocket.
Other ways to develop residual income are running your own membership sites, earning affiliate commission through web hosting and autoresponder packages, and so on. The sky's the limit, so start creating more and more residual income for yourself starting today!
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