It's Evolution Baby
There are those people who come to the web with a solid business
plan, a large amount of investment capitol, and a precise
strategy for how they are going to leverage the internet and
exploit the incredible revenue potential of the cyber-age....
Network Marketing Prospecting- The 4 Steps To Blazing MLM Prospecting
What is MLM Prospecting?
According to Webster's Dictionary, prospecting is looking for gold. That is a good definition of MLM Prospecting, as you always want to strike gold in your business. Just like gold, MLM Success runs in veins in your...
The Future of Advertising
Advertising is a medium that constantly evolves. It changes with the times. It adapts to new technologies. It is unrelenting in its desire to find new and better ways to reach an ever-growing consumer marketplace. But its not simply advertising...
What The Fly Doesn’t Know About Marketing
Have you ever watched a fly on your window? See how it flies up, down, and across the window trying so very hard to find a way to escape from the room, wanting so very much the freedom of the open spaces just on the other side of the window. That...
Your First Trade Show Booth Display: Eight Success Tips
Exhibiting in a trade show can involve a major investment of money and time. But the financial returns for your business can be excellent if you learn some of the secrets of trade show booth success before signing up for a show and investing in...
15/04/2004, Fellow Netprenuers, FEATURED ARTICLE: HOW TO REACH YOUR TARGETED AUDIENCE OFFLINE An internet marketer can advertise it's business/web site by these methods: (A) Word of mouth advertising (B) Flyers or leaflets (C) Business cards (D) Direct mailing (E) Networking While it is very necessary for Internet marketers to advertise their web sites on the internet, it's equally essential for internet marketers to advertise their businesses offline. (1) Word of mouth advertising: Talk to your friends, families, and other people about your web site, they know you, they can trust you better than strangers, tell them about the benefits your web site have for them. Remember that you are selling them the benefits and not the features, for examples, your benefits can be: they will save some percentage of money when they buy at your site,your customers will get free deliveries, you must always sell the benefits and nothing else, ask your friends and families if they will be kind enough to give you the names, telephone numbers, email addresses of the people they know, tell them that you may need to contact them about your web site. (2) FLYERS OR LEAFLETS: In the U.S.A they call it flyers in Britain we call it leaflets, they are both the same, you can reach new people offline through leaflets, write a decent,simple,short,advertisements of your business in the leaflets, give it to a printer,to print them out for you, make sure that you include your web site address and email in the flyers, then, share out to people, either through their door posts, or stand near a shopping centre where people walk past,and give your flyers to people walking past you, do not expect to get result from all the numbers
of leaflets your gave out, but do not worry, you will get some few result, the few people are the people who are genuinely interested in your business,you can build your business from their on. (3) BUSINESS CARDS: Make sure you have business cards that contain your web site and email addresses, give your business cards to the people you know or meet. People rearly throw away business cards,ask the people you want to give your business cards to, have you got friends? or do you know somebody who like to save money on his or her shopping bills?,if the answer is yes,give some extra cards to them,to give to the people they know. This methods of marketing works well and work everytime,it will bring you some businesses. Place some cards in some stategic locations such as dentists,doctors surgeries,sweets shops,notice boards,those people who are interested in your business will pick your card,and contact you. (4) DIRECT MAILING: Buy genuine mailing list, send the people on your list what benefits your web site will offer them. You may not get immediate response,but surely,some of them will visit your web site,they may eventually become your customers. Include your web site address and email address in your letters,and ensure you enclose your business cards in the letters you send out to people. (5) NET-WORKING: Net-working with other people is another clever way of building your business. You can join the chamber of commerce in your locality, exchange business cards with other business people,you cards help them to distribute their cards,make sure you them to do the samething for you too.
About the Author
I am a web sites advertising and marketing consultant.
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Business Opportunities: MLM, Network Marketing, Work at Home |
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Multi-level marketing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Multi-level marketing (MLM) (also called network marketing or NM) is a business ... In a typical multi-level marketing or network marketing arrangement, ... |
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List of network marketing companies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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