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Food Supplements and Glyconutritionals?
Why Do We Need Food Supplements and Glyconutritionals?
Food is one of our most basic needs. However, in our modern society fresh food is a thing of the past. The so called fresh fruits and vegetables we buy today have little nutritional value because they are grown in nutrient-deficient soil, picked before they ripen naturally, gassed, irradiated, artificially ripened and stored for days before we eat it. Therefore, our diets lack the essential building blocks of functional foods vital to our health and well-being.
Without functional foods the body cannot continue the miracle of healing itself as these foods provide the raw materials needed to assist in this healing process thus giving the body fuel to perform at optimum levels. Without sufficient functional foods the following four problems exist for most people:
*Starvation: since most of our food is nutritionally starved; *Toxicity: many food products including raw fruits and vegetables contain toxins not to mention the air we breathe and the water we drink, which actually work against our body's natural healing process; *Stress: as a result of malnutrition and high levels of toxicity; *Degenerative disease: which can be symptomatic of nutritional deficiency and as a result of stress on the body.
Functional foods or Neutraceuticals are "foods that are thought to prevent disease" (Harvard Health Letter April '95). The building blocks of functional foods are called phytochemicals (plant chemicals) These phytochemicals (carbohydrates) are naturally occurring bioactive substances that prevent diseases by interacting with the body's innate healing process to maintain vibrant health and energy.
Of the 200 simple sugars (glyconutritionals) occurring in plants, only eight are known to be essential for cell- to-cell communication. These are only found in food that is ripened on the vine/tree and remain active for 48 hours after being picked. However, only two of these, glucose & galactose are found in modern diets. The body can convert these two into the six missing sugars, but this enzymatic process is long (up to 20 steps), unreliable and error-prone. Thus we need to supplement our diets with these missing sugars.
WHY ARE THESE glyconutritionals SO IMPORTANT?
All cell surface receptors; binding and signaling components are glycoproteins (proteins and sugar). They essentially act as the language between cells in our body. The glycoproteins are like the letters and words of a language. If the correct sugar (carbohydrate) is not placed in the proper location, or is missing,
the glycoprotein is not formed correctly and will not be able to carry out its function in the cell membrane. Only effective cell membrane communication can make the proper cells for our organs.
The functional components of glyconutritionals appear to boost the production or activity of enzymes that act as:
1.Blocking agents: detoxifying carcinogens or keeping them from reaching or penetrating cells;
2.Suppressing agents: restraining malignant changes in cells that have been exposed to carcinogens.
There are four basic reasons why people get sick. These are: (1)Decreased function of the immune system (2)Increased oxidative stress (3)Diminished/ faulty neurotransmitter function (4)Poor/faulty cellular repair/regeneration
Glyconutritional supplementation will help give your body the ability to heal, correct, repair and protect itself. Therefore, it does not matter if you are in a state of sickness or considered healthy, you can benefit from food supplementation, specifically glyconutrient supplementation.
WHEN WERE THESE DISCOVERIES MADE? The discovery of the importance of glycoproteins was awarded the "Biochemical Discovery of' the Year" in 1996 by the American Naturopathic Medical Association. The ANMA further released the statement "The most Significant Discovery of the Century". "Almost without exception where ever two or more living cells interact in a specific way, cell surface carbohydrates will be involved " (Bio/'Technology, John Hodgson 1990). Major studies have recently indicated exciting revelations regarding the significance of glycoproteins in our development', out- growth, and in the formation of disease.
WHO CAN USE THESE SUPPLEMENTS? Scientists are suggesting that glyconutritionals may provide the missing link in the body's amazing capacity to heal itself and sustain health. Thus anyone who eats, drinks or breathes in today's world is likely to benefit from these supplements. These products were selected by the American and Canadian Track and Field teams as supplements for athletes preparing for the 2000 Olympics. Mannatech, the supplier, has the only international patent filed on a supplemental blend of the known necessary carbohydrates. - Copyright 2004 S. Lueck
Medical Disclaimer: I am not medically qualified to diagnose or treat people. The intention of this is to provide quality health and nutritional information for it's readers, but not to replace the advice of physicians.
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About the Author
Advocate for adding Glyconutritionals to your diet.
Nutrition.gov Homepage |
US federal guide offering access to all government web sites with reliable and accurate information on nutrition and dietary guidance. |
www.nutrition.gov |
American Society for Nutrition |
Publication from the American Academy of Nutritional Sciences. Includes past and current issues online with subscription information. |
www.nutrition.org |
Food and Nutrition Information Center Home Page: |
Has dietary supplements, guidelines, food guide pyramid, child care nutrition, food safety, and topics from AZ. |
fnic.nal.usda.gov |
British Nutrition Foundation |
Promotes the nutritional wellbeing of society through the impartial interpretation and effective dissemination of scientifically based nutritional knowledge ... |
www.nutrition.org.uk |
NutritionData's Nutrition Facts Calorie Counter |
Nutrition facts calorie counter and calculator promotes healthy eating by telling you, in simple terms, what is good and bad about the foods you eat. |
www.nutritiondata.com |
Nutrition Explorations: The Fun and Easy Way to Teach and Learn ... |
Nutrition Explorations provides nutrition education information and resources for teachers, school foodservice professionals, parents, families and kids. |
www.nutritionexplorations.org |
About Nutrition - Nutrition, Diets, and Vitamin Supplements Help |
Guide to nutrition information with vitamin and mineral index, news updates, free e-mail newsletter, chat room, discussion forums, and recipe boards. |
nutrition.about.com |
MyPyramid.gov - United States Department of Agriculture - Home |
The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion created the food pyramid guidance system. Find updated information about daily food recommendations, ... |
www.mypyramid.gov |
American Dietetic Association |
Nutrition information, resources, and access to Registered Dietitians provided by ADA and the National Center for Nutrition and Dietetics. |
www.eatright.org |
MedlinePlus: Nutrition |
(Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion) - Links to PDF; Whole Grains: High in Nutrition and Fiber, yet Low in Fat (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Dole 5 A Day - We make 5 A Day fun! |
Learn the importance of eating five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Includes recipes for kids to try. |
www.dole5aday.com |
Nutrition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
An encyclopedia article on nutrition, including sections on history, health, food processing, longevity, lifetstyle, policy, holistic approaches, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Nutrition Cafe |
Be a Nutrition Sleuth, play the Grab-a-Grape game or build a meal in the Have-a-Bite Cafe. [Optional Flash version] |
exhibits.pacsci.org |
ScienceDaily: Health & Medicine -- Nutrition News |
Answers to questions about nutrition, body weight, herbal and nutritional supplements, and the role of diet in improving and maintaining your health. |
www.sciencedaily.com |
Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health |
Harvard School of Public Health and Nutrition Research covers latest information on fiber, fats, calcium, carbohydrates, eggs, nutritional pyramids, ... |
www.hsph.harvard.edu |
Welcome to Nutrition Australia |
Non-profit, independent body promoting the health and well-being of all Australians. Includes nutrition news and health facts. |
www.nutritionaustralia.org |
WHO | Nutrition |
Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development. ... Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, less illness and better health. ... |
www.who.int |
Center for Science in the Public Interest |
Since 1971, the Center for Science in the Public Interest has been a strong advocate for nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy, ... |
www.cspinet.org |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition |
Publication with nutrition topics, health news, FDA regulations, and legislative events. |
www.ajcn.org |
BBC - Health - Healthy living - Nutrition |
Offers a wealth of health and nutrition information including recipes, weight calculators, diet tips and nutrition advice. |
www.bbc.co.uk |