Feed Your Body: The Proper Nutrition For A Triathlon
Any sport or activity requires you to provide your body with the
correct fuel you need to successfully complete the task at hand.
This is especially true for athletes attempting to compete in a
In addition to training your...
How Stress Effects Neurotransmitters
The brain uses feel-good transmitters called endorphins when managing daily stress. When the brain requires larger amounts of endorphins to handle increased stress, the ratio of many of the other transmitters, one to another, becomes upset...
How thr Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health
Marion Nestle Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition and Food Studies, and
Public Health, New York University
Author, Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health (2002)
Safe Food: Bacteria, Biotechnology and...
Nutrition Is Not Common Sense
I'd like to explain an important concept that most online trainers (even the "gurus") don't "get"...
Have you ever heard that 'nutrition is common sense?'
Have you ever thought about why the United States has an epidemic of overweight...
Top nutritional tips to support hair growth.
1. Eat adequate amounts of protein. Protein is composed of the amino acids essential for the building of new cells, including hair. Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine. ...
Why We Do Not Sell Coral Calcium
Since coral calcium is one of he hottest products on the market for the treatment of arthritis you would think that a site that is called the Arthritis Store would sell it. So why don't we sell coral calcium. It is simple we care too much for our customers. We do not sell products just because we can make money from them. We can offer coral calcium for one fifth of what it sells for on the info-mercials. But the simple truth is it is a scam.
Coral Calcium is not the best Calcium.
Coral calcium is calcium carbonate, the most common type of calcium on the market. It is no different than any other calcium carbonate. It is not more bio available. To say so is a lie. It does not work any different, it does not adjust your body’s pH any differently and to say so is just a lie.
Coral Calcium cannot cure or prevent over 200 types of diseases including arthritis.
This is a flat out lie. There has never been one study to support this claim, not about this type of calcium or any type. Yes there is much research to support that calcium is good for you and everyone probably should take a calcium supplement. But there is no research anywhere that shows it can cure disease.
Coral Calcium will not keep you young
You hear the sellers say that the people in Okinawa live to be older, in fact they say that the highest percentage of people in the world over 100 live there. What they do not tell you is that the people in Okinawa do not eat coral and that researchers attribute there long lives to their mainly fruit and vegetable diets. There have been hundreds of research studies on calcium and not one has ever suggested that it will make you live or look longer.
Coral Calcium may actually be bad for you.
It is true that coral calcium contains trace elements that other forms
of calcium do not carry. Some of these may be good for you. But what the sellers do not tell you is that among these trace elements are cadium, aluminum, mercury, thallium, uranium, lead and other toxic metals. It is hard for your body to cleanse itself of these types of metals and even small amounts tend to accumulate and over time can cause health problems. Maybe this is why no living sea creature eats coral.
What is Coral Calcium good for?
Coral calcium is good for one thing, lining people’s pockets. That is why the title for the article on coral calcium in the Berkley Wellness Letter is "How to Sell a 5˘ Supplement for $1"
How to find a Good Calcium product
This is not to say anything negative about calcium. Calcium is something that almost all doctors, nutritionist and natural health practitioners agree on. We should all take a calcium supplement. It is good for our bones and our heart. Here are a few things to consider.
- Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are the two most bio available forms of calcium. This means that your body is able to absorb and use them
- Do not pay too much. Do not buy into hype. Calcium is calcium. Just because it cost more does not mean it is better.
- Some calcium's can be high in lead and other metals especially that from coral and bone meal. Check to see if it is certified as pure.
- Vitamin D helps the body process calcium. This can come from your calcium supplement or from any other source.
I began researching and writing about natural health after by first battle with cancer 10 years ago.
Nutrition.gov Homepage |
US federal guide offering access to all government web sites with reliable and accurate information on nutrition and dietary guidance. |
www.nutrition.gov |
American Society for Nutrition |
Publication from the American Academy of Nutritional Sciences. Includes past and current issues online with subscription information. |
www.nutrition.org |
Food and Nutrition Information Center Home Page: |
Has dietary supplements, guidelines, food guide pyramid, child care nutrition, food safety, and topics from AZ. |
fnic.nal.usda.gov |
British Nutrition Foundation |
Promotes the nutritional wellbeing of society through the impartial interpretation and effective dissemination of scientifically based nutritional knowledge ... |
www.nutrition.org.uk |
NutritionData's Nutrition Facts Calorie Counter |
Nutrition facts calorie counter and calculator promotes healthy eating by telling you, in simple terms, what is good and bad about the foods you eat. |
www.nutritiondata.com |
Nutrition Explorations: The Fun and Easy Way to Teach and Learn ... |
Nutrition Explorations provides nutrition education information and resources for teachers, school foodservice professionals, parents, families and kids. |
www.nutritionexplorations.org |
About Nutrition - Nutrition, Diets, and Vitamin Supplements Help |
Guide to nutrition information with vitamin and mineral index, news updates, free e-mail newsletter, chat room, discussion forums, and recipe boards. |
nutrition.about.com |
MyPyramid.gov - United States Department of Agriculture - Home |
The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion created the food pyramid guidance system. Find updated information about daily food recommendations, ... |
www.mypyramid.gov |
American Dietetic Association |
Nutrition information, resources, and access to Registered Dietitians provided by ADA and the National Center for Nutrition and Dietetics. |
www.eatright.org |
MedlinePlus: Nutrition |
(Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion) - Links to PDF; Whole Grains: High in Nutrition and Fiber, yet Low in Fat (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Dole 5 A Day - We make 5 A Day fun! |
Learn the importance of eating five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Includes recipes for kids to try. |
www.dole5aday.com |
Nutrition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
An encyclopedia article on nutrition, including sections on history, health, food processing, longevity, lifetstyle, policy, holistic approaches, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Nutrition Cafe |
Be a Nutrition Sleuth, play the Grab-a-Grape game or build a meal in the Have-a-Bite Cafe. [Optional Flash version] |
exhibits.pacsci.org |
ScienceDaily: Health & Medicine -- Nutrition News |
Answers to questions about nutrition, body weight, herbal and nutritional supplements, and the role of diet in improving and maintaining your health. |
www.sciencedaily.com |
Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health |
Harvard School of Public Health and Nutrition Research covers latest information on fiber, fats, calcium, carbohydrates, eggs, nutritional pyramids, ... |
www.hsph.harvard.edu |
Welcome to Nutrition Australia |
Non-profit, independent body promoting the health and well-being of all Australians. Includes nutrition news and health facts. |
www.nutritionaustralia.org |
WHO | Nutrition |
Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development. ... Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, less illness and better health. ... |
www.who.int |
Center for Science in the Public Interest |
Since 1971, the Center for Science in the Public Interest has been a strong advocate for nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy, ... |
www.cspinet.org |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition |
Publication with nutrition topics, health news, FDA regulations, and legislative events. |
www.ajcn.org |
BBC - Health - Healthy living - Nutrition |
Offers a wealth of health and nutrition information including recipes, weight calculators, diet tips and nutrition advice. |
www.bbc.co.uk |