How 10 Minutes a Day Can MakeYou Rich...
Learn how to take control of your home and/or internet business by using these proven tricks to manage your time in only 10 minutes a day.
Oh gosh, it is the annoyingly loud buzzing of my alarm clock greeting me as I greet the new day. And once again, it has startled the crap out of me, as I have always been a rather light sleeper. And what do I do? Hit the snooze button, of course. THIS cannot be healthy. Sound eerily familiar to you? I used to hate the rushed hectic pace of my unorganized life...
After awhile, enough is enough, though. And I decided to take charge of my life instead of allowing my life to take control of me. My biggest problem was that it was all such a BIG problem because just like most people, I have a million things going on all at once. I had decided to go back to school in addition to holding a full-time job, family obligations, and trying to start and run my home business because I simply cannot, absolutely refuse, to work to make someone else rich while I struggle from day to day. The very idea of it all is absurd to me. So, you see, something had to change. And figuring out how to get started was a monumental task within itself.
And I realized that in order for my new home business to be successful that I had to organize my entire life. As I have stated, getting started is really the biggest step. Once you get started, things move along rather nicely for the most part. Oh, but you will still probably have those days when you just want to throw your hands up in despair, pull you hair out, or cause serious harm to something. You will be happy to find, however that you will spend less and less time trying to figure what to do. Because once you sort it all out, you will know what needs to be done.
Okay, now how do you whittle those wasted hours of trying to organize and deciding what needs to be done into a measly ten minutes a day? Impossible! You say. We are all aware of the toll running a business from home can take on a person (most of the time, one person). Oh, but it can be done. Follow me here.
1. Plan and organize. Organize things in a way that makes sense to you. Some people use a planner. Others feel more comfortable with a calendar. Some people file papers away. Others like their piles. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable.
2. Set Goals. Give your life direction by actually deciding what it is you want to accomplish. Make sure your goals are realistic, though. Remember... baby steps.
3. Use a "To Do" List and Prioritize. Make your list daily, combine it with your calendar, or keep a running "To Do" list. Identify the most important things and deadlines and work on your list in that order.
4. Allow Flexibility. You will have those unexpected emergencies and situations to arise. Be flexible by setting aside blocks of your time just for this purpose.
5. When Do You Work
Best? Are you a morning person, an afternoon person, or a night owl? Decide when you work best and most productively and plan your most demanding tasks for these times.
6. Eliminate and Learn to Say "No". Eliminate those things that can wait or are just plan extraneous tasks. Learn to say "No" to when you really need to. Make sure you block time for your family and other outside necessities. Decide what takes priority in relation to your home business goals.
7. Reward Yourself. This is my favorite. Do not be afraid to reward yourself for a job well done. Celebrate and take a break sometimes. Just do not go crazy.
If you follow the tips above, you will should have no problem taking back control of your life. And once you have done that, you will discover that your home business runs much more smoothly.
Okay, now that you have some time on your hands, how can those ten minutes make you rich? How do you parlay your time into a home business fortune?
Knowing where to get started with your home business can be a monumental and frustrating task. But there are some things that are essential to your home business success. Incorporate these things into your home business by setting aside ten to twenty minutes a day for these tasks:
==Set Goals. Set goals as to what you want to accomplish with your business.
==Constant Reminders. This goes along with the planning and organizing we discussed earlier.
==Constant Encouragement. We all need encouragement in our businesses especially when the people who are around us daily many times are waiting for us to fail. Join discussion groups and forums related to your business. Read articles and subscribe to ezines, journals, and magazines in your field.
==Camaraderie. Sometimes we just need to know we are not alone. This goes back to participating in discussion groups and forums. Take advantage of good advice coupled with your instincts and goals. Remember, two heads are better than one.
==Expert Advice. There are many people out there willing to help. You just have to be willing to seek and find.
Implement these strategies in your home business and you will discover the secret of turning your time into home business success and fortune.
About the Author
Deirdre Jones invites you to subscribe to the free five day
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