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3 Secrets to Creating Passion & Excitement in your Partner About Your Business
3 Secrets for Creating Excitement and Passion in Your Partner
There are many ways to create excitement and passion in your partner and we aren’t going to go into all of them. However, now that we have your attention, we would like to share 3 of the 7 secrets in our program designed for creating excitement and passion in your partner about direct sales or other home based business.
When your partner is excited and passionate about what you are doing, how does that feel? If they have no interest in what you’re doing, is that detrimental to your efforts and how you feel about yourself? Or does it even make a difference? We believe it does and have designed 7 Secrets to encourage and invite more connection, support and encouragement from your partner in your business.
When you feel supported and encouraged, the chances of you being successful are much greater.
Women in direct sales and home based businesses face some special challenges. Some of these challenges begin with the woman herself. The first secret is in understanding that direct sales and home based businesses are legitimate, bona fide professions. As a professional, do you believe in what your doing and feel it has value? When people ask what you do for a living, what do you say? How do you explain what you do or what your business is about? Are you uncomfortable talking about being in direct sales or running a home based business? Notice what you are feeling and your reaction to the question. Your reaction and your answer will show a lot about the value you place on what you’re doing and if you are proud of the service or product you provide.
Secret number on is the value you place on what you’re doing is the value others will perceive in your business. An important first question to ask yourself is “why are you involved in this business? What is your why? Do you know what your why is?” You need to be very clear on the answers to these questions. Write them down. Include them as part of your business plan. Know why and be able to share what motivates you.
What do you see as the value in what you are doing? Is it to earn some additional income? Is it to support your family? Is it to spend more time at home with your family? Do you believe what you’re doing is valuable?
How do you communicate the value you feel to your customers and clients? How do communicate this value to your partner and family? Do they understand why this is important to you? Sometimes their lack of understanding is because you haven’t shared this information with them. Don’t blame or be upset with your family if you haven’t communicated your true feelings. Share your excitement and passion with them.
As you examine the reactions of the people in your life, are they merely reflecting your unconscious thoughts? Or is there a deeper reason which may need to be addressed and is just showing up as a lack of enthusiasm for your business. You may be attracting the reactions you are getting or are the reactions you perceive coming from others simply a projection of your own thoughts and feelings?
Ask yourself if you are treating your business as a business or a hobby? Do you have a dedicated work area? Do you have business hours scheduled daily you follow? If you feel you are not as business oriented as you would like, what are some strategies you might implement?
In order to demonstrate your seriousness about your business, it is important to establish clear boundaries for yourself. When you’re working on your business, do you allow people to interrupt you and take you off track? For example, can your partner ask you to stop and do something else and you have a hard time saying no? You rationalize since you are working at home and it is not like a real business anyway, what difference does it make?
If this is an issue for you, this can be a clue as to what you are thinking and you may want to reevaluate your why. Is this the same rationalization you use to allow yourself to become distracted? Is procrastination an issue for you? Do you start work at the time you have stated you will or do you finish up just one more thing first?
Secret number two in creating excitement and passion in your partner is to be very clear about your expectations of the people in your life. It is important first, for you to understand what your expectations are and how your want to be supported by your partner. Are your expectations being met? If not, have you communicated them clearly or even at all? Are you completely clear on what you want?
When you share your expectations, do so in the form of a request, not a demand and be prepared to compromise. Your partner also has expectations and you want to value and respect those expectations as well. Are both parties being considerate and treating each other with the same mutual respect you would treat someone outside of your family?
To encourage support, make a point of noticing and acknowledging when your expectations are being met and especially when they’re exceeded. We teach people how to treat us. Model the support for your partner as you would like to be supported. In other words, express gratitude and appreciation
regularly, rather than focusing on where your needs aren’t being met. Also, ask yourself whether each of your expectations is realistic.
Once you become clear what your expectations are and have determined they are realistic, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your partner or family. This gives you the opportunity to examine whether you are a person who is comfortable asking for help. Or, like many of us, do you expect your partner to “just know” what you need? In other words, should they be reading our minds?
If you are not comfortable asking for help, do you still find yourself angry, frustrated and disappointed when you don’t receive the help you need? Do we not ask for help because we believe no one can do the task as well or as quickly or as efficiently as we can? This may be a belief we want to reexamine. Do we express gratitude for the help we’ve received and make the person feel important, or can they sense it is not exactly how we would have performed the task?
Money and how it is handled is the third secret we are going to be discussing. Money is one of the issues we have raised to believe, is not appropriate for discussion. The key to addressing any issue dealing with money is honest, open communication.
When you began your home based business, did you discuss your financial goals with your partner? Are you clear today, exactly what your financial goals are and where you are relative to them? Are the goals you have congruent with the amount of time you want and have to invest in your business?
The initial financial goal you set monetarily might require 30 hours of dedicated time per week. The reality is you have three toddlers you want to parent and only have 10 hours per week to allocate to the business. Recognizing and acknowledging the time you want to invest and the financial return you expect need to be in integrity with your own expectations and is a powerful first step in avoiding problems.
When you made the decision to start a home based business did you discuss the financial implications with your partner? Is there enough money to quit an outside job, would it be more financially advisable to do both for a period of time? Is there a reserve of money to draw on or a way to finance the business initially? Discussing these issues in advance eliminates anger or misunderstanding later.
Did you understand and discuss the upfront costs, including purchasing product for your inventory and advertising and marketing expenses. Did you make financial preparations in advance for all contingencies involved in starting a business?
Something which seems like an unlikely problem and yet comes up frequently with the people we coach is resentment from your partner when your income exceeds theirs. Was this possibility even something you or your partner discussed or believed possible? Do you have a shared vision of what the big picture is? Do you have an agreement about how this money will be spent, saved, invested etc.? Do you share a dream for the future you and your partner are excited about?
Oftentimes, when we go into direct sales or a home based business, we are not really aware of the possible financial rewards open to us. Identifying up front your intention for the business can be a key factor. One of my clients is a pampered chef consultant and is very clear the money from this is for her children’s extra curricular activities and outings. Another client is a Juice Plus distributor and this provides the income for her household.
A common scenario is at some point when the financial opportunity presents itself; the plan may be for your partner to join you in your home based business, transition from their career to something new, go back to school or retire. Knowing and discussing thoroughly all options in advance can create clarity and an understanding by both parties.
Key points in each of these three secrets are clarity, honesty and open communication. The three secrets we have discussed here include:
1. Viewing your Direct Sales or Home Based business as a profession.
2. Understanding how important it is for you to be clear about what your expectations are.
3. Communication is a must when it comes to money issues.
Both having been self employed for over 20 years, we recognize how difficult the challenges of home based and direct sales businesses can be. We also know there is an opportunity for tremendous financial, personal and professional rewards beyond your wildest dreams. We hope by sharing our three secrets with you, you are able to prosper and move forward in your business.
Judi Finneran and Joanie Winberg
About the author:
Judi Finneran and Joanie Winberg, Certified Advanced Business Building Strategists, founded Seven Strategies for Success to assist entrepreneurs in creating massive success in their business. Information on SSS programs and products can be found at www.sevenstrategiesforsuccess.comor email info@sevenstrategiesforsuccess.com
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