Bring Balance to Life...
When you think of living a balanced life, think about Robin
Hood. Hood lived a spirited life, while endeavouring to
harmonise the imbalance of wealth - pinching from the rich and
shelling it out the poor - he communed with nature and...
Planning Ahead
What do you think of that title? Just another article about the impossible task of trying to predict the future. Not this time. This is an article that may give you some ideas on, not how to predict the future, but to be ready when it gets here. ...
Myth no 1: Millionaires work 10 times as hard as the ordinary man in the street.
Number 2: Millionaires are more intelligent and better educated than you and I.
Number 3: Honest people don't get rich.
Number 4: You need money to make money....
The Simple $10 Debt Elimination Solution
Ask a friend what resolutions they made for 2004 and your bound to hear them reply “Pay off my credit cards.” Ask them how they planned on reaching that goal and many of them will not have a clear cut answer.
The obvious first step to...
Why Have A Budget Analysis
Let's start by defining a "Budget Analysis". This is simply a breakdown of your budget (income, bills & expenses) showing how much money you have coming in and how much you have going out. It will show how your budget category percentages compare...
Cat Insurance
Cat insurance can help you afford expensive medications for your cat.
There are a lot of things that can happen to your cat as it gets older - from injuries to illnesses. For that reason, many cat owners have found it worthwhile to pay for cat insurance. Cat insurance is basically health insurance for your pet, and it is actually fairly affordable. This insurance payment has a low monthly fee, which varies depending on the type of pet you have.
For instance, cats generally have a lower insurance fee than dogs do. This fee is also lower if you enroll your cat while it is still relatively young, and will remain low if the cat does not get seriously ill. However, if the cat does become ill, this insurance will help you to pay for the vet bills that you might not ordinarily be able to afford.
Cat insurance is an especially good deal when your cat continues to grow older. After all, not only will the insurance pay for any veterinary procedures that must be done, or for routine check ups, but it will also pay for prescription drugs. Anybody who has ever had an aging pet will agree that the prescription drugs are where most vet bills start to get really expensive. Prescription drugs for arthritis could range anywhere up to $100
per month for just one cat! If you have cat insurance, however, you will not have to pay for the medication. Instead, after going to the vet, you just fill out an insurance claim and the prescription will be paid for.
Cat insurance is also a good deal if you have a pure-bred cat. Most pure-bred cats and dogs will end up having some sort of trouble later in life. Cat insurance will mean that you don't have to worry about those health problems nearly as much - since the veterinary bills will not be a problem.
Don't wait until after your cat is already sick to get ready to treat it. By paying for cat insurance now, you can prevent a lot of hard decisions in the future - now there will be no decisions made about your pet's health based on whether or not you can afford to pay the vet bills. Even though it might seem like a lot of money is being spent on cat insurance each month, you'll definitely get your money's worth out of your cat insurance as your cat gets older.
About The Author
Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.cashbazar.com. Visit his website for the latest on personal finance, debt elimination, budgeting, credit cards and real estate.
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