1 - 2 - 3 SORT Your Way to Clarity
1 - 2 - 3-SORT Your Way to Clarity
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If You Want A Date, Promote Yourself!
How to find a date? Promote yourself! That’s one of the key you should consider. It sounds too planned, too contrived, right? You probably wonder whereas the romance; where are all the rainbows, fireworks and stars?
Probably that is what you have in mind when advised to put on a personal ad in different kind of publications. Well, that’s one way to meet people. In order to meet the man or woman of your dreams, you’re going to have to have a lot of people to choose from. If you want to win the lottery, you don’t just buy one ticket.
True…Dating can be great fun. But can also be a really stressful experience if you are unprepared.
Tips to Promote
1.Now, start by checking the publications in your area that run personal ads.
2.Find out the geographic range of this publication. Do you want to travel that far to meet the people who respond to your ad? If so, run the ad. If not, look for another publication with a smaller geographic range. Then, if the publication is daily or weekly, run the ad three times in a row, if your finances will allow. If the publication is monthly, run the ad once. If your finances won’t let you run the ad three times, run it once or twice.
3.You can adapt this headline to suit your own interests. The headline can read Nurses Really Turn Me On, Tennis Players Really Turn Me On, and Italians Really Turn Me On. This list can go on forever. You get the point. Just
insert what you love into this headline.
4.After the headline is written, move on to the rest of the ad. Write the qualifiers. Do you want a smoker or a non-smoker? Does religion matter? What age interests you? How about height and weight?
5.One of the major mistakes people make when they write ads is that they try to please everyone. Don’t do it. Sure, you’ll get lots of responses. I guess you could call that going with the numbers. But, you’ll be inundated with people who just won’t be of interest to you.
All you have to do now is waiting for the replies. When they come, separate them into two piles - the calls and the no-calls. Don’t throw out the no-calls! These are people you don’t feel you want to call. You’ll be surprised at how often you change your mind. If you throw out the no-calls, you’ll probably be sorry later.
About the Author: Andy Michael, a columnist of dating Website. He likes to share his real-world, concrete secrets to finding the man or woman of your dreams. He revealed his techniques that have worked for thousands of happy, formerly single people! Visit his dating secrets Website at http://www.datingwithoutstress.com
Source: www.isnare.com
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