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What Are You Planning to Achieve by The End of The Year?
Fast forward yourself to the end of December and as the year closes, how are you feeling about your achievements during this past year? Really get in touch with your feelings, live them, breathe them and don't let them pass by. Are you feeling any disappointment, regret or frustration for the things you haven't done or achieved? Do you find yourself thinking, "This past year has flown by and what have I done", "There is so much more that I wanted to do" or "Why haven't I done the things that I'd said I'd do".
Now bring yourself back to today. You still have time before the end of the year to get on a track to achieving what you want. Imagine starting the New Year knowing that you've been consistently moving in the right direction and will continue to take the necessary actions.
Lack of planning is one of the reasons why many people get to the end of the year and feel they haven't achieved what they want. Planning often isn't seen as a priority or much fun. Hold on! If it's not fun, that's the way you've chosen it to be. Instead you can choose to have fun with your planning and perhaps even make it into a game. If planning isn't a priority for you, then have you considered the messages that you're giving to yourself. Messages such as, "I'm not that important in my life", "I don't deserve these things" or "I'm not likely to do what I say I will".
However, the people who do have plans often make them too rigid. Their plan is stuck to word for word, without any room for flexibility. A plan that you set today needs to be open to regular reviewing and changing. A clue that your plan needs changing is when you find it difficult to follow through with the actions and don't feel inspired.
You've now got an opportunity to end this year with a feeling of achievement. Seize the opportunity and make the most of it.
Start by defining for yourself your vision, dreams and desires. Make this specific and exciting so that you feel
inspired to follow through with action. You may need to break this down into smaller pieces. For instance, if you want to grow your business, there may be a number of different opportunities that you choose to explore. Now define the strategies that you'll use, how you're going to do it. In the example of growing your business, your strategies may include research, sales and marketing, increasing employee numbers or finance. Now go through each strategy and brainstorm possible action steps. Go for as many as you can, being open to different and creative action steps, rather than sticking with what you would normally do. Sometimes the most outrageous actions steps turn out to be the best and most productive.
Then at least once a day visualize your dream; the achievement that you want to make and see what you feel is the next thing to do. Visualizing keeps your plan alive and you inspired, and allows you to see the right actions to take. Taking committed action every day moves you towards your desires. At the same time give yourself the opportunity to step back and review what you want and what it will take to get it. Time spent regularly stepping back and re-evaluating your plans can save you a lot of time as you see what no longer needs doing, doesn't serve you or needs to be done differently.
What I want for you is to be achieving and on the right track to your dreams by the end of the year.
Wendy Hearn
Personal and Professional Coach
She works with business owners, professionals and executives to discover and unlock their own inspiration, to effortlessly take the actions required to have the success they desire. To receive Wendy's free newsletter, send an email to: newsletter@wendyhearn.par32.com http://www.Business-Personal-Coaching.com
Copyright 2002, Wendy Hearn. All rights reserved.
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