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Creating A Baby Belly Mold Part 2 of 2
Welcome Back to Creating a Baby Belly Mold
Step Four:
Now comes the fun part. You want to have a couple of bowls of water handy. Change the water if it starts to get "creamy".
Instructions for the plaster depends on the kind you buy but they are all are pretty close.
Fill the bowls up with water, tempeture should be around 22-25 degres celcis. Take the bandges and immerse them into the water for 3-5 seconds. When you take the bandgage out hold the 2 ends up in the air close to each other and let the extra water drip off.
Now start applying the banges from top down or the bottome up (it doesnt matter).
When appling the bandages apply them in a angle. Dont apply then straight across the belly. If you apply them straight across it will not be as stong as if you did it on an angle.
Keep doing this all the way up or down.
When we finished we went back over the entire mold again , just to give it a little extra strenght. Try to do the second before the first hardens.
Step Five:
Now you have to wait until the mold dries. As the mold dries it will give off heat, this is normal.
How long it takes to drie depends on how many coats your put on , how wet the cast was and
what temp the water was. It took about 15 minutes before we could take our mold off.
The easiest way to tell is reach down the side of the mold and try to pull it off a bit, if it is really flemzy then leave it until it is somewhat firm.
While you are waiting the person helping can start to clean up the mess you made. The plaster will come off with soap and water, its easier to get off when its still soft.
When you think its time to remove the mold , pull up on the seran wrap , not the mold . The seran wrap will come off very easily.
Put the cast at room temp somewere out of the way and let dry until its harded.
Step Six:
Now its time to finish your mold.
You don't have to sand it but if you want it smooth then take 80 grit sand paper to the mold. Sand it until its smooth.
Now you can paint your mold, let your imagination go wild here. Remember little babies love bright colors.
The only thing i can suggest is use a water base paint, some paints will eat the plaster .
That's it your done.
I hope this will preserve your beautiful belly for a life time to come..
About the Author
Author is the writer for many sites including Las Vegas Help. and Baby Shower Help
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