Ask the Pet Psychic
Why Should I? “Ask the Pet Psychic” Did you know that your pet has a mind of its own? Yes, it’s true. Sometimes we think of our pet as an extension of ourselves, but pets have personalities that come through loud and clear. Let me share some of my...
Fun with Children: Making Memories on a Budget
What childhood memories do you hold dear? For me, it was all the times "life happened". The little things like playing outside, riding my bike with the wind in my hair, playing at the park, swimming in the lakes, giggling with friends. None of...
Is Pet Insurance Right for You?
What is Pet Insurance?
Pet insurance is a health plan for your pet to insure against large and small unexpected veterinary bills over the life of your pet.
Potential treatments for your pet now rival human treatments both in sophistication...
Moving Your Pet
Getting through the emotional stress of moving is difficult enough for adults and children. But what about pets, a species with whom we can't even level? Pet owners are often baffled by their pets' behavior during and after a move. Sometimes it's a...
Your Cat The Hunter...
Many cat owners believe that their good little kitty would not even dream of going hunting. After all, their cat is loved and well fed. Why should their pet bother hunting down birds, mice and other wildlife? If a domestic cat has any access at...
"Don't dig your own pit"
If you want to enjoy your life out of spending,enjoy if you have you have your own resources and money.
But don't enjoy your life by becoming a debtor to somebody.
Ofcourse in the modern world,there are many ways and means, which force you to become a debtor.
Attractive advertisements in the satellite TV force you to become a debtor.It tempt you to buy the modern amenities at any
Even though if you don't have any money or resources it show you many resources for obtaining credit to buy that
product.But you must think thousand times before becoming a debtor.
In today's world credit is the easily available commodity.Numerous companies waiting to pull you in their trap.They are
competing severely to pull you in their trap.
But you must be careful to entangle in that trap.
In spite of this caution if you are prepared to enjoy,then you won't get any pleasure,but you will lose your peace of mind.
Let us discuss about the common desire of everybody.It is natural that every body wants to have their own house.It is a
reasonable desire.
But the desire can be attained if you have enough money on your own to buy the house.
If you are an executive working in a company what will you think.
You will ready to apply for some loan and buy that house.Alright you have decided and applied for a loan also and the
loan has also been sanctioned.
You will ask the engineer to construct the house with in the sanction of loan.
The Engineer on seeing the plan will say "Sir,you are constructing house once in your life time,why such a low budget house,we can increase slightly your plan sir,it won't cost much only a 10% increase in your
normal budget"he will tempt you.
By that time you will also have some Himalayan courage,and think why we can't adjust that 10% increase,ok we can
adjust that 10% increase by obtaining loan from our relatives,and you give consent to the engineer's suggestion.
The Engineer begin to build your house.The house is also going to be completed soon and only some finishing work is
You ask your engineer 'when can I take possession of the house', sir?
The engineer will politely tell you,Sir,there is a small problem,the problem is there is a sudden increase in the cost of materials,so I fear whether it is possible to complete the building what we have already
But you are in the dream that the house should be constructed at any cost.So you don't bother about the resource to
complete the house and prepared to arrange for the money required for completing the house.
What you will do.The next thing before you will be some bank balances available out of your savings and the jewels of
your wife or your children.
So your savings,jewels will all go from you and fill the cashbox of another businessmen.
Your house become ready atlast.On seeing the house raised beautifully you forgot all the sources where the money
came from to complete the house.
You will forget about the loan you obtained from your company.
You will forget about the loan you obtained from your relatives.
You will forget about the erosion of your savings and
All these will come to your remembrance only when the company commences their recovery for the loan you obtained.
All these will come to your remembrance only when your relatives need the money they paid.
All these will come to your remembrance when you don't have enough money in your savings account for your urgent
Then your mind will think about the the resource to fill up the deficit in the family budget,the loan to repay to your relatives
and for your urgent requirement.
You will get easy resource to fill up this deficity,because you are working in a company,getting regular salary,higher salary.Companies are ready to give credit.
You are also ready to get credit from another company to fill up the deficit.
So you are ready to close the small debt pit,and begin to dig another debt pit,which is little more in size than the first pit.
The same deficit pressure mounts after some time.Again you are prepared to obtain loan from another company.
Now you dig another debt pit, which is more than the size of first and second debt pit.
Like this you will go on digging pit after closing the earlier pit to overcome your deficit.
Finally at one stage when you see the remaining pit,it will look like a deep pit, which you cannot fill it up from any source.
So the ultimate choice before you will be to dispose off the house and fill up the huge pit finally stands before you.
You have also made arrangements to dispose off the house.
One person came forward to buy the house.Even though the rate offered by him is not as expected by you,you have no
other option except to get the money and fill it up the debt pit.
The house was finally sold off and you got the money.But while working out the amount you have to settle to your
debtors,you need some more money.
However with the proceeds realized out of selling the house,you have settled most of the debt and still keep some portion
of the debt.
So what happened to your dream of having house.You have lost all your savings,jewels,and other resources and still you
have to settle more debts?
Where all of your money has gone?
It is no secret,most part of your debt were for the interest.
The interest made you to close one pit and dig another pit and finally you was let with a big pit with most part of the pit
were for interest.
This is a common plight of most of the families especially in the middle class peoples.
The reason is due to their mental capability to enjoy all modern amenities without knowing their economic capability.
Enjoying the life is absolutely necessary but it should be from our own resources.We can enjoy the life but not on
obtaining debt.
We have to increase our resources to enjoy the life.We should find out the opportunities to increase our resources and
then think about enjoying the amenities.
krishnan.c author
About the Author
Author's bio: Krishnan.c,is writting articles mostly on motivational topics blended with his professional and personal experiences.
Recently he has released his ebook "You can succeed".
Author's website: http://www.tncity.biz
PetSmart - Pet supplies and pet products for healthier, happier pets |
Offering food, treats, collars, leashes, health products, shampoos, medication, toys, carriers, housing and other supplies for all pets. |
www.petsmart.com |
Pets 4 You.com - Dogs | Cats |
A large resource for animal enthusiasts with a directory of breeders and links to sources offering pet supplies and products, and to rescues and shelters. |
www.pets4you.com |
Yahoo! Pets |
Learn how to care for a new pet. Find information about breeds or adopt a dog. ... What questions on pets or pet nutrition do you have today? ... |
pets.yahoo.com |
Welcome to Healthypet.com! |
Pet care resources by the American Animal Hospital Association to find a veterinarian, veterinary clinic or animal hospital for pets and provide pet care ... |
www.healthypet.com |
Dogs & Puppies - Next Day Pets |
Directory of breeders and shelters with dogs and puppies for sale and pets for adoption. Search dogs and puppies by breed with information on 150+ dog ... |
www.nextdaypets.com |
Petfinder.com: Adopt a pet and help an animal shelter rescue a ... |
Adopt a pet dog or cat from animal welfare organizations across the country. |
www.petfinder.com |
Welcome to Neopets! |
A virtual pet website where visitors may adopt and care for pets, as well as play games and participate in contests, communities, and combat simulations. |
www.neopets.com |
Chicago Tribune | Pets |
Click one of the buttons to show pets within that category. Click here to show all pets for sale. Search Tips. (e.g., Beagle, Persian) ... |
www.legacy.com |
Pet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
A pet is an animal kept for companionship and enjoyment, as opposed to ... Some horse-like animals are suitable for human companionship as pets or as work ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Pets - Pet Breeders Pet Information Pet Classifieds |
Pets - Pet, Hobby and Show Animals Pets Online Has Puppies For Sale, Pet Products, Pet Shops. |
www.mypets.net.au |
Defra, UK - Animal health and welfare - Bringing pets to Britain |
Travel guide and information on qualifications, requirements, and fees for bringing a pet into the UK. |
www.defra.gov.uk |
Defra, UK - Animal health and welfare - Pet Travel Scheme |
The Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) is the system that allows pet dogs, ... For travel to France, the passport also replaces the PETS 5 certificate. ... |
www.defra.gov.uk |
Indiatimes - Pets |
/photo.cms?msid=968871. You can post him queries and problems about your pets. ... Other beautiful animals: pets, wild cats & butterflies. PET ZODIACS ... |
pets.indiatimes.com |
AVMA Care for Pets Home Page |
Articles that tell how to select a pet, how to care for various types of pets, and how to cope with the death of a pet. Includes a section just for kids. |
www.avma.org |
Dog and Pet T-Shirts and Gifts at CafePress.com : Shop Over 35 ... |
Pet Gifts. Pet Gifts. Pet owners unite with fun t-shirts, hats and more. See all results... Categories within Pet Gifts ... |
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Pet Lover Gifts : Find & Buy Gifts at CafePress.com |
Shop millions of unique and custom pet designs - such as dog, cat, bunny, horse and other animals - available on t-shirts, mugs, mousepads, posters, ... |
www.cafepress.com |
PETS 911 pet adoptions thru local animal shelters |
Offers hotline for lost and found pets, adoption, veterinarians, and animal shelters. |
www.pets911.com |
Pets |
Most of us think of adopting pets for all the wrong reasons.. as a ... Pets has a way of listening without judging and loving its owner unconditionally. ... |
www.webindia123.com |
Mara Pets Games - Play Free Flash Games, Dress Up Games and ... |
Mara Pets Games is a free virtual pet site with fun flash games and character dress up games. Three new games weekly! |
www.marapets.com |
Canada's pet information center for dogs cats and humans |
Canadian pet information centre, featuring articles, bulletin board, dog breed profiles, cat breeds, and ask the vet sections. |
www.pets.ca |