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Cat sense organs and Cat Breeds
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Surprising New Info on Children, Allergies and Pets
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Intelligence of cats part-1
Cats are more intellgent as compared to dogs.The anatomy of brain of cat is very similar to the human brain, whereas the anatomy of brain of a dog is not very similar to human brain.According to website http://www.petplace.com, the anatomy of brain of cat is about ninety nine percent similar to human brain. Both cats and human beings have same regions for emotion in their brain. The intelligence of animals depends upon brain weight to body weight ratio and anatomy of their brain. The brain of an adult cat weighs about one percent of its body weight while the brain of an adult human being weighs about two percent of its body weight. The brain weight to body weight ratio in cats is greater in cats as compared to Dogs. The cat has an ample and very advanced cerebral hemisphere, typical of intelligent creatures. Cerebellum is well developed in brain of a cat. Cats are used in scientific research. The biochemistry of behaviour, memory and the emotions can be explored by stimulating or destroying certain areas in cat brains. Cats can distinguish complex shapes. Cats can distinguish complex geometrical shapes such as triangle, circle and square. Cats can distinguish between shapes of letters of alphabets of language. Cats can also distinguish between colours. Cats are used in scientific studies related to vision because cats have more nerve cells in their brain for vision as compared to human beings and all other mammals. Cats have also been used in sleep studies. There are same types of sleep stages in cats and human beings having similar wave patterns. Cats dream in deep sleep stage like human beings. Kittens begin dreaming at just two weeks age. Cats have light sleep and dark sleep stages like human beings. Cat behaves like children of human beings. Many books on cat behaviour are available at http://www.amazon.com/. Many books Cat Behaviour, Manual of feline behaviour, The domestic cat the biology of its behaviour, The behaviour of the domestic cat, Collins cat and kitten behaviour are available at http://www.amazon.com/. For more information about cats visit the website http://www.petplace.com/. The cats have emotions and feelings like human beings. Cats think and take decisions like human beings. Some pet cats are jealous of other pet animals kept in the same house. Every cat has its different personality like human beings. There are some cats whose psyches are characterized as timid, impudent, obedient, stubborn, tranquil, spiteful, courageous and vile. Cats do very well in psychomatric tests. Cats have excellent observation power. Cats exhibit considerable aptitude for learning by observation and experience. Observation power of cats is greater than any other domestic animal. Memory of cats is sharper than any other animal. Like human beings cats have both long term and short term memory. Cats have excellent memories. The knowledge attained by cat by means of observation, trial and error is retained for whole life. According to the research work done at University of Michigan and the Department of Animal Behaviour at the American Museum of Natural History in USA , memory of cats is about two hundred times more than that of dogs. Memory of cats is found to be more than Monkeys and Chimpanzees. For more information about intelligence of cats visit the website http://www.catsinternational.org/ and the animal planet channel website at http://animal.discovery.com/guides/cats/behaviour/intelligenceintro.html. According to the website of animal planet channel at http://animal.discovery.com/guides/cats/behaviour/forgets.html, a cat never forget in its life. Cats retain information obtained by means of observation throughout their life. Cats can easily adapt to a change in circumstances because they remember what they learn and then adapt their experiences to various new situations as they present themselves. Cats learn by observation, imitation, trial and error just like human beings do. Cats have emotions and feelings like human beings. Cats think and take decisions like human beings. Cats try to keep themselves clean. Cat's are nature's cleanest animals. Cats spend about thirty percent of its life in grooming themselves. Cats groom themselves by their saliva. Cats clean their boby about twenty times in a day. Cats are most skillful hunters out of all animals. Cats are excellent swimmers. Cats are social animals like human beings. Like human beings, different cats have different personalities. Cats are most independent out of all domestic animals. A pet cat will respond and answer to speech and seems to enjoy human companionship. Cats communicate by means of their body language, facial expressions, table gestures, head, eyes, ears, tails, scent glands, trample by paws, salivation and different vocal sounds. The body language of cats is expressed with more than sixty gestures. The Language of cats is universal. For example, dilated pupils of eyes of a cat means fear while partially closed eyes means relaxation. An angry cat will have narrow pupils. Trampling by paws means affection and love. Erect ears of a cat pointing forwards means relaxation while ears folded backwards means warning. Cats knead their paws when they are happy. A cat never meow at another cat because cats use this sound for human beings. Slow calm flaps of tail of a cat means satisfaction while quick swings of tail means warning. Tail of a cat held vertical with its tip stiffly held upright means a very happy cat in greeting mood and a cat exposing its stomach means trust and vunerability. A cat arch its back when it is threatened by another animal.
Although the cat is a relatively small animal, it can frighten enemies by arching its back, bristling, and hissing. Cat rubbing up against the legs of its owner for obtaining food or caresses. For body language of cats visit the animal planet channel website at http://animal.discovery.com/guides/cats/behaviour/bodylanguageintro.html. Cats use about hundred different types of sounds for communication while dogs use only about ten different types of sounds for communication. Researchers have noted some sixteen vocal patterns in cats. The basic cat sounds are purring, meows and hisses. Cats can readily vary these sounds, thus seeming to talk. Most peoples are able to communicate with their pet cats. A cat meeting with another cat can emit more than fifty different sounds for communication which vary in tone from harsh to acute. The cat forms words that assume a precise meaning for other cats. The cat possesses a sweet sound, the Purr, which it uses to express joy, momentary well being and affection for its owner. It is a musical sound repeated at length when the cat is happy. Purring also occurs in cats that are injured and in pain. The books How to talk to your cat, communicating with your cat, Psycho kitty and What is my cat thinking The essential guide to understanding Pet behaviour are now available at http://www.amazon.com/. Cats can distinguish between shapes of letters of alphabet of language like human beings. Cats can distinguish between complex shapes such as circles, squares, triangles etc. Cats can also distinguish colours. Out of all animals, only cats have the skill of jumping from great heights by rolling their body in air, so that they tend to land on all four feet on the ground, without injuring themselves. Cats survive fall from great heights. A cat survived fall from 20th floor of a New York apartment building. Another cat named Andy survived fall from 16th floor of a Miami apartment building. Cats have been the subjects in a number of studies involving weightlessness. The studies have shown that under conditions of weightlessness, a cat is unable to right itself, but will float about in any position. Cats seem to defy gravity. A cat can survive fall from height of hundreds of feet. After a fall, a cat always land on its feet on ground. A frightened domestic cat can run at speeds of upto thirty miles per hour. A cat can jump upto seven times its height. Cats are excellent climbers. Cats are excellent hunters. Mother cats teach their kittens to hunt. A cat always hunt alone whereas dogs always hunt in groups because stalking, hiding and pouncing cannot be successful in a group. A kitten at six weeks of age can hunt alone. Cat's vision and hearing power is more than dogs and human beings. Cat's vision and hearing power is one of the highest in animal kingdom. Cats have well developed sense of smell. Cats have additional cigar shaped smelling organ known as Jacobson's Organ besides having nose. Cats have fourteen times more smelling power than human beings. Cats mark their territory with the help of scent glands by means of rubbing and scratching. All cats defend their territory and cats does not tolerate competition within its own territory. The territories of cats can be as large as hundred acres or more for rural cats and as small as a few feet for city cats. The territory of cats are the safe places for sleeping, eating, hunting, defecating and playing. Like human beings, cats are territorial by nature. Scent glands are located on various parts of cat's body including their faces, feet and base of their tail. Scent glands contain molecules called Pheromones. By means of rubbing their faces on various objects, cats are releasing Pheromones. Pheromones affect number of behaviours like reproduction and establishing territory. All cats scratch for whole life because scratching removes dead nail material from their claws and establishes their territory by marking with the scent glands at the bottom of their feet. Scratching also provides a cat with a form of physical therapy for the muscles and tendons of his paw. When a cat is scratching, the claws are practicing extending and retracting. Scratching posts and scratching pads preferably covered with a rough material such as sisal rope should be selected in order to avoid scratching by cats. Treading is common in cats. Treading in cats is believed to be a sign of contentment, pleasure and relaxation. Pet cats rub against their owners for marking their territory with the help of scent glands. Cats groom themselves by their saliva. Traning a cat is very easy because cats are very intelligent animals. Cats can learn many activities by observation like human beings. The observation power of cats is greater than all domestic animals. Cats can be easiest to train out of all domestic animals. Many books related to training of cats, behaviour of cats and intelligence of cats are now available at http://www.amazon.com/. Books like 50 Ways To Train Your Cat, How To Get Your Cat To Do What You Want, Communicating With Your Cat, Cats On The Counter: Therapy And Training For Your Cat, Teaching Your Cat Simple Tricks, 101 Training Tips For Your Cat, Understanding And Training Your Cat Or Kitten, Understanding Your Cat, Test Your Cat's Creative Intelligence: Eighteen Easy-To-Use Test Cards To Verify Your Cat's Artistic Ability and The Cat I.Q. Test are now available at http://www.amazon.com/.
About the Author
I am owner and webmaster of website http://www.catswelfare.org.I am working in SPCA Mumbai,India for the past seven years.I am also a cat dentist.
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