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Organizing Challenges and Hurdles
Organizing Challenges and Hurdles By: Janet L. Hall
By choice or happenstance you have become disorganized. Life seems to be spinning out of control, and until you make the choice to take some action things will only remain the same and probably get worse.
Do organizing challenges and hurdles stand between you and the life, office, or home you would like to have?
With every drawer, cabinet, closet, desk, office, and room you attempt to organize you might be faced with hurdles:
>>What to keep >>What to toss >>Where to store items >>What to let go of >>How to let go of your stuff >>Where or who might need or benefit from stuff that's STILL USABLE.
However, each HURDLE you overcome and each area you clear will make you stronger AND get you closer to having a less chaotic life.
Maybe you've tried on your own to declutter but couldn't get over the feelings of discomfort, or pain you might have had to face. Maybe your obstacles are deeper inside you; emotional baggage one of my clients calls it.
While dealing with all your stuff your feelings or thoughts might be upsetting to you as you sort, toss, and organize. You might feel anxious or stressed out, or unable to make decisions. You might not LIKE to face all your clutter.
Sir George Bernard Shaw said, "Never mind likes and dislikes; they are of no consequences. Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness."
What feelings or thoughts start bubbling to the surface when you attempt to organize? Write them down, or email me.
Would you agree that choosing to be and being organized would bring a POSITIVE change in your life?
Why not make a choice today towards positive change, and start taking control of your life? Positive change can be difficult; sticking to a schedule or routine can be demanding, and you might find you'll have to "give up something" to obtain your organizing goals.
Go ahead, challenge yourself and make a new choice today, I dare you. You must apply and make a special effort to your challenges.
Can you make a special effort to give up for an hour or a day of watching television, reading, or surfing the Internet to work on getting control of your life?
What can you give up? Write it down and ask someone to hold you accountable.
What can you give up for a week or a weekend? Write it down and ask someone to hold you accountable.
What are YOU willing to do to make a positive change in your life and your future?
Oh, I can hear you now! I see you’re getting ready to zip me off an email with all your reasons and excuses. Please don’t, I’ve heard them all. BUT what I want you to do is
write out the excuses you are telling YOURSELF for your disorganization and then read the following:
In the January, 2001 issue of Oprah, Dr. Phil McGraw answered a person's question about losing weight in which I would like to quote here for you to think about. When Dr. Phil is speaking of weight or food you should substitute clutter or stuff you continue to bring into your life (or any other challenge you might be having):
"You aren't helpless, you aren't lost, and you don't have the right to give up on yourself.
Your first and greatest challenge is not the struggle to lose 175 pounds, it's to overcome the self-defeating internal dialogue that has paralyzed you. You're telling yourself that you are incompetent, that you are unable to create change. You're stalled because you are responding to this kind of self-inflicted criticism, not to the actual challenge of losing weight. Having convinced yourself of your ineptitude, you might even be consoling yourself with food, the very substance that has contributed to your problem."
Are you consoling yourself with buying more stuff or bringing more stuff into your life that you don't really need nor have room for?
So what are you going to do about your challenges and hurdles?
You can study, learn, and gather as much information as you want, but it won't make a tiny difference in your life unless you put it to work. I've discovered a little book that helped me to make quantum leaps in implementing good ideas. My friend Rick Butts has just published The Big Butts of Life - Get Off Your Excuses and Do Big Things!
Rick has excerpted some powerful ideas from this fun and easy read, and is offering them to you FREE as subscribers to OverHall IT!. Just send an email to mailto:kicking@rickbutts.com?subject=janethall for Rick's excellent three day mini-course, and start kicking those Big Butts (excuses,) out of the door and start doing the things you really want!
Good Luck and let me know how you are doing.
Smiles, not Piles,
Copyright (c) 2002 by OverHall Consulting P.O. Box 263, Port Republic, MD 20676 All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute this article so long as article is kept intact, this copyright notice, and full information about the author is attached.
About the Author
The Organizing Wizard, Janet L. Hall, is a Professional Organizer, Speaker, and Author of 'Secrets of a Professional Organizer and How-To Become One.' She is the owner of OverHall Consulting and Organizing By Phone. Subscribe to her FREE organizing newsletter at http://www.overhall.com/newsletter.htm or visit her web site at http://www.overhall.com
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Defra, UK - Animal health and welfare - Pet Travel Scheme |
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