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Finding the Purpose in Online Networking Groups
Have you ever wondered what the purpose of networking groups
online are? We all know they are for getting to know others with
the hopes of someday obtaining a client or referral. But don't
they have more of a purpose? Aren't they for finding other
people to build relationships with to benefit your business,
your clients' businesses, and their businesses? I think
underlying to networking groups is also finding lasting
relationships and friendships. Working virtually we spend most
of the day in our own offices, with no contact to the outside
world. While there are many blessings to this, it can be lonely.
So how can you get the most benefit from a networking group
First, you can remember the etiquette of online communication.
We all know the basics. Don't use all capitals; that is
considered yelling. Use proper punctuation and capital letters,
otherwise your lack of grammar will take away from your message.
What I am talking about is the etiquette of respect. I see
"arguments" break out in groups because of miscommunication or
someone overstepping the boundaries and trying to force their
opinion on someone else. What happens to the parties involved?
Most of the time, they lose the respect of the other group
members. How sad is that when they spent all this time building
their reputation, and in one moment, they blow it!
So, how can you avoid this happening to you? Stay out of
arguments. Don't get involved in the "office" politics online! I
know that sometimes this is difficult when you see someone being
unfairly torn down. Know that if you do try to step in, you are
opening yourself up to being drug down. Unfortunately, there are
unprofessional people on the online networking groups. You have
to rise above those. Don't let them draw you in. By
showing that
you are the bigger person, you are taking another step in
building your reputation.
Remember there are boundaries to each networking group. Each one
has established the rules they expect everyone on the group to
follow. Be sure to follow what they have set up. Each group has
their own purpose, and you will join each one for the purpose it
serves. I know that on a lot of my virtual assistance groups,
there isn't a lot of room for debate on topics. They are
established to help assist each other and ask questions about
running a virtual assistance business. Because of this, someone
else established a group that was for debating topics and issues
that come up in the virtual assistance industry. Look at each
group and see what purpose it would fulfill, and then be sure to
follow their boundaries.
Networking online has a great purpose and can really help you to
be successful in your business. By maintaining your integrity,
following the boundaries of the group, and supporting others,
you can get amazing satisfaction from a group and create some
lasting friendships!
© 2005 JERPAT
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About the author:
Patty Benton is the owner of JERPAT Virtual Assistants and
JERPAT Web Design, www.moretime4u.org, which provides affordable
administrative and web design support to coaches, small
businesses, religious organizations, and realtors.
Additionally, Patty is a coach for new entrepreneurs interested
in venturing into the virtual assistance industry. She has
developed a program that is affordable for all. Visit her
coaching site at www.virtualvacoach