Déjà Vu, All Over Again (And Again…)
During every correction, I encourage investors to avoid the destructive inertia that results from trying to determine: "How low can we go?" and/or "How long will this last?" Investors who add to their portfolios during downturns invariably...
Hey! That was my idea!... Corporate Games for a Rainy Day
People occasionally come to me and ask about situations with their jobs or within their companies. The primary question I hear is "What do I do if...?" Usually, they got caught up in a turf war or game and have no idea what to do next. Most of my...
Qualities of a winner
Out of millions, comes one big winner and out of billios, comes
a winner who overtakes everyother winner in the world. Look at
the history of the world, and you will always find few
individuals during a certain period who were winners of...
Reloading The Matrix with Jada - Mrs. Smith that is!
It has been nearly two years since the fabulous Mrs. Smith has graced audiences with her presence on Hollywood’s silver screen. This month, Jada shows audiences that the wait is over, starring in the highly anticipated film The Matrix: Reloaded. ...
Top Ten Brainstorming Techniques for Business Success
We experience creativity every time a fresh idea pops into our minds. We recognize creative imagination in everything from a pastel painting to a business plan. By trying these ten tips, you will discover some amazing creative abilities that may...
Good First Impressions Count when You Mean Business
First impressions can mean the difference between closing the
deal of a lifetime or getting shot down in flames. When meeting
with a client or a customer for the first time, or interviewing
with your prospective employer, you have just a few minutes to
make a first impression that determines the success or failure
of your mission.
Be on Time
"My number one pet peeve is when people show up late," says Jay.
Most businesspeople agree. No one likes to be kept waiting. "If
you want to make a good impression with me, show me that you
value my time. Be punctual." If you absolutely cannot arrive on
time, call ahead and ask to reschedule the meeting, if
Dress for the Occasion
Choose appropriate clothing. You generally can't go wrong in a
conservative, tailored suit that fits properly, unless your
meeting is scheduled for the golf course. Or, as one job
applicant discovered, "conservative and tailored" isn't part of
the job or the company's style.
"I showed up at the door, resume in hand, wearing a very nice
business suit," says Jane. "The hiring manager and I looked at
each other and burst out laughing." The company was a young,
up-and-coming Internet Service Provider, and everyone from the
founder to the customer service representatives dressed in black
jeans and t-shirts. "It was a large, open office; the atmosphere
was friendly and informal. But the furniture and equipment -
everything from the desks to the rack-mounted servers in the
back - was black. I felt so overdressed." Better overdressed
than underdressed, as a rule; however, it was clear to Jane and
the hiring manager that this might not be a good fit. The black
jeans and t-shirts probably wouldn't have played well at a large
corporate office, either.
Certain colors get mixed reviews. "Men shouldn't wear pink,"
says Jack. But Tom disagrees. "I see a guy wearing a pink shirt,
and that tells me he's self-confident. If it looks good, wear
it." Black is seen as somber and severe, while red is often
perceived as aggressive. Blue and brown are more neutral
choices, but the language of color may vary by culture, as well.
Clothing should fit well: not too tight, not too baggy. And
women, in particular, should be careful to choose styles that
are not too revealing. Plunging necklines and mini-skirts are
too distracting, and have no place in business. "Most women just
don't look as good in them as they think they do," says one man.
"I know of one woman who thought I was staring at her legs, when
really, I was just wondering, 'What were you thinking when you
got dressed this morning?'"
Choose colors and styles that make you - not the outfit - look
Shake Hands, Make Eye Contact, Watch Body Language
Practice a firm, comfortable, sincere handshake. You needn't
prove, with a handshake, that you could beat your opponent at
arm-wrestling; the
goal is to establish a trustworthy
connection, not to break bone. But a limp, lifeless handshake
conveys distaste or lack of commitment. Dry your hand first,
discreetly, if it is damp or sweaty. Beg off with a smile and an
apology if your hands are covered in mud, slime, or BBQ sauce -
but try to avoid meeting people for the first time when you are
up to your elbows in muck.
Make eye contact and smile. If you want to make a good first
impression, make the other person feel that they are the sole
focus of your thoughts for the moment. Give them your full
attention and put them at ease with a smile. If you are offered
a business card, take it - and be sure to look at it for a few
seconds before tucking it neatly into your organizer. If you are
handing out your own business card, it is considered tacky to
hand out more than one per person unless asked to do so.
Breathe deeply and be still. Fidgeting, repeatedly crossing and
uncrossing your legs, playing with a pen or pencil, or touching
your watch all send the message that you are either nervous or
impatient to be done with the meeting. Lean forward slightly
when listening, to show that you are interested in what the
speaker has to say.
Speak Clearly
Speak clearly and directly, using conventional speech. Slang,
colorful colloquialisms, and even mild profanity can kill
a first impression.
Don't babble. "When I'm nervous," says Gail, "I tend to blather.
I just can't shut up." Don't rush to speak. Think for a few
seconds before opening your mouth.
Be Silent on Religion and Politics
"Don't discuss religion and politics. It's not appropriate in
business, even if your views coincide with mine," says Jay. Keep
the focus on the business at hand.
Leave Annoying Habits and Eccentricities at the Door
Don't bring your own food or drinks to a meeting, and that
includes coffee. Toss the chew toys in the trash; no one looks
or sounds their best while chomping a wad of gum or chewing
Cover tattoos and body piercings. A pair of earrings is
acceptable; more than that, and you risk offending someone.
"Remove the ankle bracelets, too," advises Jay. As a general
rule, jewelry and other accessories should not draw attention to
Understand Local Customs
People from other parts of the world interpret gestures and
physical cues differently, sometimes. For example, in some parts
of Asia, it is considered rude to point your feet at someone.
Direct eye contact, especially between a woman and a man, may be
seen as too forward or aggressive in some cultures. It pays to
become familiar with local customs before doing business with
people from countries and cultures that are unfamiliar to you.
About the author:
Jay Bell writes business-related articles in affiliation with