"Bridging the Gap": Don't Forget Your Core Customers!
The big news in the business sector last month was the resignation of Millard Drexler as CEO of The Gap. The once highflying retail chain has hit hard times, losing money in the last four quarters and slipping disastrously close to bankruptcy. ...
Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a New Business
Owning a home used to be the “American Dream.” However, this long-standing goal that so many aspired to, and ultimately reached, has been replaced with a new goal -- becoming a business owner. At first glance it sounds perfect: Leave the...
Managing the Human Resource Project
We obtain strategic results by aligning HR mission, vision and values. The following overview highlights a macro approach to project management. Seeking a stretch assignment, such as ownership of a major corporate HR initiative, we lead our...
The Fabric of Economic Trust
Economy is called the dismal science because it pretends to be one, disguising its uncertainties and shifting fashions with mathematical formulae. Economy describes the aggregate behaviour of humans and, in this restricted sense, it is a...
Think Outside the Box: Home Business Idea's
Imagine never having to leave your home to work. Not having to deal with traffic, office politics, annoying co-workers, or pretentious bosses make excellent arguments to working out of the comfort of your own home. Additionally, you can create...
How To Get That Promotion
If you’re looking for that promotion or pay rise then you’ll need to be noticed by your employer, so here’s a few tips to help you stand out from the crowd:
Have a Friendly & Positive attitude towards Everyone you come into contact
Provide Service and treat Everyone as your customer
Be Professional at all times
Always look for extra work, especially when others are ducking for cover to avoid it
Watch what your colleagues are doing, copy from the ones who are receiving praise for their efforts but learn to do it better than them, while avoiding doing what your “lazier or negative” colleagues are doing
Be a Thinker and offer suggestion on how to do things better and more efficiently
Plan and follow your plan
Don’t Procrastinate, do what needs to be done NOW!!
Think ahead, when ask to do A & B, do C as well.
Anticipate the next question and provide the answer before you’re asked
Dress and Act as if you were already in the position you want to reach
Go to lunch with successful people and learn from them
be afraid to ask questions and ask for help
Avoid Office Politics
Be an Individual while being a team player.
Learn everything about your company and products
Follow these tips and you won’t need to ask for a promotion or extra money, it will happen automatically!
For more articles and ideas visit the Minds Alike Blog Site at www.mindsalike.blogspot.com and Receive the Free EBook "As A Man Thinketh - By James Allen"
About the Author: Garry Munro is a successful consultant, speaker & coach in the area of self-development.
Based in Sydney Australia he runs his own business "Minds Alike" and works with small business owners and individuals assisting them to set & achieve their goals.
Visit his blog site at www.mindsalike.blogspot.com for more articles on success, business and self motivation.
Source: www.isnare.com