Top 10 Ways to Handle Problem Co-Workers
Gossiping, backstabbing, power plays - everyone has had to deal with difficult co-workers. They can sap your energy and stand in the way of your enjoyment of your job.
1. Review your company policy, if any exists, to see the guidelines on ethics-related matters.
2. Observe. Before launching yourself into office politics, observe. See how the people relate and see what unofficial roles the various people in your workplace have taken on for themselves. If you notice one person who consistently makes trouble, take the necessary actions to have as little interaction with that person as possible.
3. Be busy. Gossipmongers want attention. If you're delving into your work, you can't be available to appreciate their latest tales.
4. Don't participate. If there is gossip at your place of work, let it stop with you. If someone passes a "juicy story" on to you, don't pass it any further. Take personal responsibility to act with integrity.
5. Turn it around by saying something positive. It isn't nearly as much fun to spread negative news if it's spoiled by a complimentary phrase about the person being attacked.
6. Keep your private life private. Don't trust personal information with coworkers. Remember, if they are gossiping about others, they will gossip about you too. Don't give them ammunition.
7. Choose your friends
wisely at work. You spend a good deal of time at work so it's natural for friendships to develop. Share information sparingly until you are sure that you have built up a level of trust.
8. Behave appropriately at work. Remember that work is not an appropriate place to share all types of information.
9. Be direct. You know you are morally correct by not gossiping. So does the one spreading the gossip. If you confront that person and confidently tell him or her that such behavior is making it uncomfortable for you and other coworkers, it's likely to stop.
10. Don't be afraid to go to a superior. Gossiping wastes a lot of company time and hurts morale. A company interested in a healthy work environment will value the opportunity to correct this type of situation.
Want more help and support in dealing with problem co-workers? Contact the Dream Job Coach and find out how he can help you to develop fulfilling relationships with your co-workers.
About the Author
Copyright 2003, Joel Garfinkle, All Rights Reserved
Joel Garfinkle provides a step-by-step Dream Job process that has guided thousands of clients to find the perfect job and reach career fulfillment. For Career Coaching Services: